謝謝啦作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-5-12 08:13
I don't know price for 燒烤用碳, but:
~2.5 lbs of 燒烤用碳 FOR $0.99 starting coming Friday at Canadian Tire. 1 week sales.
Saw small bags of 燒烤用碳 at Dollar store, but could be expensive compare to big bag at RENO, etc.作者: lilisa 时间: 2010-5-13 10:11 标题: thanks a lot thanks a lot !;)作者: linda_2008 时间: 2010-5-13 12:51
Post by lilisa;2565988
請問 了解行情的 美食家 在哪裏可以選擇到 物美價廉的 燒烤 用碳。