
标题: 聊 聊 书,请 进 [打印本页]

作者: 晚安    时间: 2004-5-20 09:30
标题: 聊 聊 书,请 进
作者: weiwei6658    时间: 2004-5-20 11:39
标题: 请求您的帮助
Email:1143@21cn.com   QQ:303785169
作者: compaqevo    时间: 2004-5-23 19:15
作者: Iknow    时间: 2004-5-23 20:59
标题: 不知道阁下喜欢什么样的书。
作者: xhu    时间: 2004-5-23 22:07
三国我也喜欢.另外,很多英文小说非常好.介绍"刺鸟","Thorn Birds".
作者: compaqevo    时间: 2004-5-23 22:53
作者: 晚安    时间: 2004-5-23 23:54
Post by xhu
三国我也喜欢.另外,很多英文小说非常好.介绍"刺鸟","Thorn Birds".





作者: 晚安    时间: 2004-5-24 00:02
Post by Iknow

作者: 晚安    时间: 2004-5-24 00:06
Post by compaqevo

作者: make$machine    时间: 2004-5-24 00:35
Reading a good book is a very good way to enjoy loneliness.
Two English books recommended:
1) Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
2) Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions

The two books are excellent written, easy to read and excellent for knowledge and entertainment. Both of them are New York Time best sellers. They are worth to read if you have time to kill. The former was recommended to some Concordia business students. The latter is talking about several MIT students using simple counting and team play skill to milk blackjack tables in Casinos under the supposing about 1% positive mathematical expectation (usually, you have about 0.7% to 40% negative mathematical expectation when you enter a casino).

By the way, is there any one here who has the book " 往事并不如烟 "?

作者: Iknow    时间: 2004-5-24 21:52

作者: hipi    时间: 2004-5-26 14:22
我喜欢看传记,有谁能推荐一二本. 毛泽东在马背上都能读书,我们怎么就没时间了,向毛主席学习
作者: venona    时间: 2004-5-26 15:10
"Father's Affair", it's a good book, by a Holland author, forget the name. It's about a father and his son, his two wives. nice story. I love the father and son playing together part. I used to read espionage books; but this one is really worthy of reading.
作者: duoduoben    时间: 2004-6-14 14:12

你可以去公立图书馆借中文书. Cote de Neidges 和 Mil-end 图书馆有. 我也喜欢看闲书.
作者: xhu    时间: 2004-6-14 18:01
晚安, 你好,

I do not agree with your opnion on Thorn Birds. I think the Father is also innocent. As a Father in ochurch in early 20th century, his love affair definately can not make him the top of the Cathlic church power center. He loves Maggie and Maggie's family. Maggie became the only one left in the family after the second world war, that has to do with Maggie's aunt, the witch, she loves the Father too, and she could not get Father's love and she noticed the love between Maggie and the Father, then she set curse in the story. Everyone in the novel is innocent except the old witch, Maggie's aunt. Every reader has the compassion on Maggie's life, so I think on Father's life too. They had one night affair, it is strickly forbidden in Catholic church. But the Father still accomplished his dream to approach the center of the church power. Agree with you, the novel is a tragedy. That is what I really think. Let me know what you think.

作者: xhu    时间: 2004-6-14 18:14
Introduce "1984", the novel by George Orwell, an English Novelist. The story is about a man living in the world of regulated communist economy between Oceania, Europe and Americania. He has to be check by the "Big Brother", the communist as he works for them. The TV was invented so he has to watch TV and check by TV. He does not have freedom, all he does is work and being checked. In the novel, he met a woman in that period time, and it developed to become part of the novel. Even during such a strigent living environment, he still loves. The novel was written during the second world war, and as we know, it is a war between free economy and communist and sociallist such as Hitler, Lenon, Stalon and free economy in Britain. It reflects and tells us the future of modern economy. Are we going to free trade or regulated trades between communists? The novel also shows the strength of men's life, the rigidity of the governing party and the regidity of people's life style did make people scared, but men did not fall.

作者: QiuFeng2000    时间: 2004-6-15 00:25

Post by Iknow

作者: Reverie    时间: 2004-6-19 14:52
大家都是读书人(自诩),读书、爱书(最好不是孔乙己),用感情去体验书中的故事,用理智去分析书中的道理,我的最大愿望是:一杯茶、一卷书,茶香、书香,乐哉!My E-mail: WayneWangxinyu@hotmail.com   笔谈不过瘾,太慢。大家有时间聚一聚,聊一聊。
最后一个问题:书中是否真有‘千钟粟、严如玉、黄金屋'??(笑谈) I am looking forward to your reply. Good dream and good luck!
作者: xhu    时间: 2004-6-19 15:58
agree with Wayne, gather together would be an interesting affair.
作者: xhu    时间: 2004-6-26 10:31
Introduce "Animal Farm" by George Orwell

Animal Farm is written by George Orwell in early 1940s. It is a book about people and the rulers. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones, farmer couple, are under attack of their own animals lead by Napolean's, refering to French rule under Napolean's. Napolean is a pig, he leads lots of pigs, rabbits, ducks and chicken and other animals revolutionized Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones farm, and they then started to farm themself. Humans say, "let them do it then," these humans are Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones neightbors. Animals started their own farm and they sell their farming products on the market to the liberation animals from other farms and human in their neightborhood. They are just doing fine but they do have problems with their productivity. They tried to increase that and also try to manage farm in a better way. Then they start to develop new things, like manufacturing, in the book, they started to build wind mills. Now people have problem with them now, they try to destroy the wind mill they try to build, and the wind mill is destroyed. At the end, Napolean is still the friend of human, and they still trade. And people say, something like, "if your life and your property is not under attact, it will be never severe."

The book reflects the battle between Communism/Socilalism ruled French after French revolution (the Napolean's or the new Napolean's today) and the capitalists (the human farmers, Mr. Jones family is one of them) lead by English. It is a great book.

作者: venona    时间: 2004-6-27 16:51
标题: To duoduoben
作者: ganni    时间: 2004-6-27 20:28
     阅微草堂笔记    和    兔子快跑  怎样 ?

     还有年代久一点的  马力克-狼     

     8过,最爱还是 四大名扑斗将军

     尤其四大凶徒里的 燕赵 和 唐仇
     一个是真汉子  一个是正女子
作者: PourLaVie    时间: 2005-11-7 03:10
标题: 楼主在家吗?
A: 这楼好象很老啦!
B: 没有, 它是去年05-20-2004 10:30 AM盖的.
A: 去年的? 还不老啊!?
B: 是啊, 现在是网络时代啦. 你看有的人家昨天盖的楼, 马上就算老啦.
A: 是啊, 哎...
B: 你叹什么气呢?
A: 没什么. 我是百年来此一游, 偶尔看到这个楼, 只是可惜了这个楼的招牌了....
B: 那我们叫楼主开开门, 进去聊聊? 楼主, 楼主, 开门哪...
A: 别嚷嚷啊, 你看那写着: 晚安.  人家睡觉了吧?
B: 不会吧...那时楼主的名片, 而且这儿也是公告场合呀, 大家都可以来的....
A: 那好吧, 我们再叫: 楼主, 晚安...
B: 确实没人呀, 而且奇怪啊? 这二怎么这么安静? 难道这种楼没有人喜欢了?
A: 楼主大概出远门了吧? 我们再等等吧, 看看是否还有其他人来.....
作者: daughtersea    时间: 2005-11-7 09:45
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

The Alchemist.
作者: fgaoxh    时间: 2005-11-7 15:13
标题: 我的推荐


作者: 青鬼    时间: 2005-11-7 22:06
英文小说我都是看bestselling top 10里边的。呵呵~~~


如今常常看原创,有些真是精彩 -- 那些作者通常网上被推崇后便出了纸书。

最近听朋友介绍看了都梁的两本 -- 亮剑跟血色浪漫改编的那两本,觉得相当不错。
作者: Suzanna    时间: 2005-11-7 23:05
作者: 豆浆油条    时间: 2005-11-8 13:18

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