be 21 years old by August 1, December 1 or April 1 for entry in September, January or May respectively;
not meet the normal academic requirements for admission and satisfy the University that you have the potential to undertake undergraduate courses;
have not been engaged in full-time study for at least 24 months since the age of 18. Applicants who have been out of school for 12 months may be admitted provided the academic record for the previous 24 months is favourable.
be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident。
第三条红色部分,又很奇怪了。似乎又不Match了。作者: meshell 时间: 2010-10-4 15:16
我刚刚在网上申请了康大,我是已经离开学校超过2年了,所以选择了mature status,打算读info system 本科。我觉得选这个保险,最少以pr身份申请,学费不会出现什么问题。作者: montreal ! 时间: 2010-10-4 19:22
Student educated outside of Canada or the United States
Your academic credentials are out of Canada and the United States.
我选的是这个,到了下一步填表格,显示international student,然后在citizenship那栏选permanent resident of canada,submit后,application type显示Domestic Student With International Credentials,呵,看来问题不大,就算错了,拿着CSQ过去,还怕不降学费,也就麻烦点,