Located on the north side of Kent Park, this cafeteria serves all kinds. Although the largest single group is made of grizzled white men, there was a black father with two happy young kids, some twenty-something Spanish student-types and well-dressed working people. You pay $1 for a heaping tray of food. The meals are large: a small tomato soup, ravioli in a heavy meat sauce, a small salad, green peas and beans, a piece of bread and a donut. Décor is minimal in this large cafeteria, brightened by cardboard flower arrangements taped to the walls. Bring Tupperware and line up for leftovers after the lunch meal.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:38 标题: Restaurant Chez Mes Amis (ZT, 2001) 这家餐厅已经于2004年关闭。现在他们用一家学校的设施 只经营catering的服务。我ZT文章,让你们感觉一下。
Restaurant Chez Mes Amis - 5942 Sherbrooke W., Metro Vendôme. Mondays to Fridays 10 a.m.-7:15 p.m., Sundays 4:40-7:15 p.m. $2, or 14 meals for $20. Free for kids under eight. $1 for kids eight to 12. 482-2210
This place attempts a restaurant ambience, with optimistic framed phrases on the wall saying things like, "The present is a gift. That is why it is called the present." It's a bit strange, but the food is good. A sample meal consisted of soft roast beef with gravy, beets, pickles, and mashed potatoes. Clientele: mostly white anglos of varying ages. Probably a good place to take kids.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:40 标题: Resto-Plateau (ZT, 2001) Resto-Plateau - 4450 St-Hubert, metro Mount-Royal. Mondays to Fridays, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $3, or 11 meals for $30(Price today). 514-527-5997
Located in the basement of what used to be the monastery Notre-Dame-du-très-Saint-Sacrement, Resto-Plateau might very well be the Plateau's best kept secret. The main courses were: fish and chips, sausages and potatoes, salami sandwiches or liver and mashed potatoes. Included was a salad, soup, steamed veggies and your choice of desserts: pink pudding, s'mores, chocolate cake and coffee, tea or milk. The décor was surprisingly tasteful, almost restaurant-like. There were a few talking-to-themselves, mysterious-bruises types, but they were outnumbered by savvy bargain hunters, lots of middle-aged folks and people on their lunch break from work.
** 2010 - Cost of a solidarity meal/Cout d'un repas solidaire/”团结餐 “价格 - $5 (= for those who has money)作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:49 标题: Comité Social Centre-Sud (ZT, 2001) Comité Social Centre-Sud - 1710 Beaudry, metro Beaudry. Mondays to Fridays, 7:30 a.m. -9 a.m. (breakfast) and 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. (lunch). $2.50. 514-596-7092
Located in a cavernous hall that doubles as a theatre in the middle of the community centre. People line up with trays and are served over huge gleaming silver trays. The menu on that day was cold sliced ham or beef in sauce brune with boiled squash, carrots and potatoes. Salad (iceberg lettuce), dessert (donuts) and coffee included. The tables are long blue rectangles placed end-to-end. The noise from the kitchen of crashing dishes and cutlery reverberate deafeningly off the concrete floor. People mostly kept to themselves, but there were a few couples here and there. The homeless contingent was fairly strong--lots of skinny, angry old guys chewing on their donuts by themselves.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:53 标题: C.A.P. Saint-Barnabe (ZT, 2004) C.A.P. Saint-Barnabe – 1475 av. Bennett. Wednesdays 11:30-13:00; Wednesdays and Thursdays 17-18:30. $1. Opens from September to May only. 514-251-2081
Clientele: People with no money.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:55 标题: Café sur la rue (ZT, 2004) Café sur la rue – 2101 rue Sainte-Catherine Est. Mondays to Fridays 8-11:00, 11-15:00. Saturdays and Sundays 9-17:00. Breakfasts $2, Meals $3. 514-525-5747.
Clientele: Homeless, ex-homeless, people with no money.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 15:57 标题: Centre communautaire la Patience (ZT, 2004) Centre communautaire la Patience – 8961 12th Avenue, St-Michel. Mondays to Thursdays 12-13:00. Kids $1.5, Adults $3. 514-326-4766
Clientele: Low income persons.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:03 标题: Le Chic Resto-Pop Le Chic Resto-Pop – 1500 avenue d’Orleans. Mondays to Fridays, 11:45-13:30, 16:45-18:30. $2.5. 514-521-4089
Clientele: People with low income, singles, elderly, kids who live in the area.
这家肯定已经变成公共饭堂,现在的价格 @$3, 5 meals for $15, 10 meals for $27, 15 meals for $39, 20 meals for $51. http://www.chicrestopop.com/作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:06 标题: Corporation des compagnons de Montreal (ZT, 2004) Corporation des compagnons de Montreal – 2602 Beaubien est. Mondays to Fridays 11-13:00. $3.5. 514-727-4444
Clientele: People with no money.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:12 标题: Old Mission Brewrey (M.O.B.) (ZT, 2004) Old Mission Brewrey (M.O.B.) – 2510 rue Centre. Mondays to Fridays 12-14:00, $1.5. Saturdays, Free. 514-933-9608
Clientele: People with no money.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:15 标题: Le Phare (ZT, 2004) Le Phare – 430A Ste-Catherine Est. Mondays to Fridays 17-18:15. $2.25. 514-845-8278.
Clientele: People with low income, ex-drug, ex-alcoholics.作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:20 标题: 其他社区饭堂 (2007) 未累,可是不找了 !有兴趣的话,你们自己打电话问吧!
1. Chez Emilie
- 2106 rue Fullum ?. 514-526-9652
2. Maison Plein Coeur (for HIV?)
– 1611 rue Dorion ?. 514-597-0554
3. Centre d’amitie autochtone de Montreal (CAAM)
– 2001 St Laurent ?. 514-499-1854作者: montrealpost 时间: 2010-11-28 16:32 标题: 2010 now 不记得什么时候和怎么样 找到下面的网站 :p ,里边有很多市内的地区。希望下面的网址[color="Red"]样本 足以帮助你开始寻找你的地区信息。除了 restaurant populaire 的信息,(貌似 )另外还有每区的:
- Cuisine collective
- Dépannage alimentaire
- Popote roulante
- Sécurité alimentaire