
标题: 太阳卡买药问题 [打印本页]

作者: j558i    时间: 2011-1-10 12:23
标题: 太阳卡买药问题
我拿工作签证有太阳卡,宝宝在这边出生已经拿到自己的太阳卡,我给宝宝买Vitamin d的时候要付钱,说我没有government的insurance,请问这个是drug insurance么?是去办太阳卡的地方申请么?多少钱?

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-10 13:07
Do u have Drug insurance from your employer?  Did u add your baby?

"说我没有government的insurance,请问这个是drug insurance么?"==> 是, see link below.
"是办太阳卡的地方申请么?" ==> No, only a phone call.
"多少钱?" depends on your income.  $0-~$600.

"rescription Drug Insurance" administered by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec @ http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/ci ... caments/index.shtml
作者: zzjj    时间: 2011-1-12 22:39
你提到的政府的drug insurance 是不是我们报税时魁省的表上的那个Schedule K: prescription drug insurance plan, 因为都要交钱, 如果是的话是能不能告诉一下是怎么用的?
作者: jasonimageca    时间: 2011-1-12 23:27
药店经常搞错,你如果没有公司保险,应该是在drug insurance。让他们再查查,或者换家药店问问。
作者: bonjour    时间: 2011-1-13 01:12
作者: lindawang    时间: 2011-1-13 08:42
Post by bonjour;2778426

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 14:49

Furthermore:  there ARE deductables.
Post by lindawang;2778474

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 14:52
Agree, except:
" . . . 在申请太阳卡的地方申请" ==> 不用亲自去,可以只[color="DarkRed"]打电话 . . .1-8??-???-????
Post by jadel;2776442
drug insurance是药品保险的意思。

gouvement 的药品保险是在申请太阳卡的地方申请,前提是你工作的公司没有给你提供药品保险。如果不申请政府的药品保险,买药是自己掏腰包的。

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 15:02
To zzjj;2778313:
"你提到的政府的drug insurance 是不是我们报税时魁省的表上的那个Schedule K:  . . . " ==> 是的
" . . . . 因为都要交钱 .. . "==> yes [color="DarkRed"]+ no, $0 收入, 支付 $0;  高收入 要支付  ~$600/year.

已支付$ [color="DarkRed"]不等于 已登记

- call 1-8??-???-???? and confirm if you are registered, OR
- ask Pharmacist to check their system for u (if you are registered).
Then everything AUTOMATIC ==> everytime when u buy drug(s), pharmacist will ask u for net(净) $ (after: less monthly deductable, less plan pay %)

Each month, there is a deductable.  Different deductable amount for elderly and adult. U pay the first $1? u spend on drugs, then u pay ??%(20-30%) of AUTHORIZED drugs.
(authorized = doctor's prescription + Drug plan allowED drug)

Details of RAMQ drug plan @ http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/ci ... caments/index.shtml

We only use 10 Aspirins/year :p + 1 tube of Floride prescribed by Dentist.  Only ~$12/tube/9 months, hence we never get any $.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 15:07
没有应该,需要 自己电话 drug insurance 1-8??-???-???? :p
Post by jasonimageca;2778359
药店经常搞错,你如果没有公司保险,应该是在drug insurance。让他们再查查,或者换家药店问问。

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 15:41
标题: RAMQ
By telephone
To speak with an agent, you must call during office hours. However, by calling one of the following numbers at any time, you can obtain information through the Health Insurance Infoline, our voice response system.

Québec: 418 646-4636  
Montréal: [color="DarkRed"]514 864-3411
Elsewhere in Québec, toll-free: [color="darkred"]1 800 561-9749  

The numbers below are available to users of a TDD (telecommunication device for the deaf).
Québec: 418 682-3939
Elsewhere in Québec, toll-free: 1 800 361-3939

At our offices
To meet with an agent, come to one of the addresses below.

1125, Grande Allée Ouest, Québec (Québec) G1S 1E7

425, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, 3rd floor, suite 300, Montréal (Québec) H3A 3G5
MTR - Place-des-Arts, exit rue De Bleury Nord
MTR - McGill, exit rue Union

Our office hours are as follows:
Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-13 16:05
标题: 已支付$ 不等于 已登记
已支付$ 不等于 已登记

收钱是自动的 ==> 报税时魁省的表上的那个Schedule K: prescription drug insurance plan
登记不是自动的 ==> 登记和取消, 需要自己 打电话或上网 通知他们.

无论有登记 + 没有登记, 有买药 + 没有买药, 你如果没有公司/私人 药物保险, 全民交钱.  魁省税局的钱 绝对不能欠。

Details of the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan @ http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/ci ... caments/index.shtml

另外 一天也算作一个月 :-
- 你的药物保险 1月31日开始,你不需要支付 Schedule K 一月份的钱。
- 你的工作2月7日结束,公司药物保险 同时结束,你不需要支付 Schedule K 二月份的钱。
作者: zzjj    时间: 2011-1-13 22:51
标题: Thank you
To Montrealpost:
Thanks for your helpful information, I will call them ASAP!
作者: bonjour    时间: 2011-1-14 00:53
作者: Jian2003    时间: 2011-1-14 12:13
标题: 普通药好像不行
Prescription Drug是医生处方药,普通药好像不行。可以和你的保险公司确认一下。
Post by bonjour;2779184

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-19 14:00
标题: Not 全民交钱
全民交钱 - not completely:
0-18 years old - $0
18-25 and full-time student - $0
65+ and getting GIS - $0
People on welfare - $0

read details on Quebec Income Tax, Schedule K or RAMQ website.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-19 14:06
标题: Deductables
Group - Monthly Deductable - Co-Insurance
18-25 Fulltime Student - $0 - 0%
18-64 - $16 - 32%
65+ - $16 - 32%
65+GIS 94-100% - $0 - 0%

a) Adult, 30 years old, get monthly prescription of $20
($20-16)*0.32 = $1.28, hence adult pay $16+$1.28= $17.28

b) The Adult buy $10 on prescription WITHIN SAME MONTH:
$10*0.32=$3.2, hence adult pay $3.2

c) If Adult go to pharmacy the FOLLOWING MONTH to buy the $10,
($10-$16) = -#, adult pay $10.

e) Then Adult buy his monthly prescription of $20
($20-$10)-$16 . . . pay deductable of $6 :p,
total pay $10.48 for this prescription
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-1-19 14:13
标题: Tax Credit
U may get tax credits for Medical Expenses, PENDING ON YOUR INCOME LEVEL, from both Federal and Quebec:

Federal - Schedule 1, line 330/Line331
Quebec - Schedule B, Part C

Medical Expenses definiation:
- prescription drugs, and
- medical insurance/drug plan insurance (both Private or Public Plan)

U choose Start date and Finish Date, as long as ending within the financial year.
作者: 7577    时间: 2011-1-19 22:11

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