
标题: 会嫁人不如会赚钱 [打印本页]

作者: 中国大男人    时间: 2004-5-31 11:47
标题: 会嫁人不如会赚钱
<TT> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p></TT>

<TT>我被一个朋友拉RUBY HOTEL听课,才真正目睹了有个会做中国菜的洋丈夫--(邹庆X)女士 </TT>
<TT> “芳容”, </TT>
<TT>http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=72480</TT><TT> </TT>
<TT>--邹女士正在讲快速传销致富课。 </TT>
<TT>她讲得眉飞色舞,第一代多少,第二代多少我都记不得了,最后只记得她说 </TT>
<TT>“一个极好的机会,几千圆自已买下也值得。” 把我的朋友搞得神情颠倒.我没想到她不但会挑丈夫而且也很懂得用传销敛财的道理.中国男人啊你们情商没有,财商也没有,你还能怪人家? </TT>
作者: VVMM    时间: 2004-5-31 13:03
哎, 做传销嫁劳工都是她个人的business, 也别那么绝对得说人家嘛. 不过从你的描述看她应该是比较有感染力的那一类人吧(说的好听一点的话, hehe), 也难怪她的老外劳工那么好了, :wink:
Post by 中国大男人
<TT> fficeffice" /><O:p></O:p></TT>

<TT>我被一个朋友拉RUBY HOTEL听课,才真正目睹了有个会做中国菜的洋丈夫--(邹庆X)女士 </TT>
<TT>“芳容”, </TT>
<TT>--邹女士正在讲快速传销致富课。 </TT>
<TT>她讲得眉飞色舞,第一代多少,第二代多少我都记不得了,最后只记得她说 </TT>
<TT>“一个极好的机会,几千圆自已买下也值得。” 把我的朋友搞得神情颠倒.我没想到她不但会挑丈夫而且也很懂得用传销敛财的道理.中国男人啊你们情商没有,财商也没有,你还能怪人家? </TT>

作者: 中国大男人    时间: 2004-6-3 11:03
中国男人的失败在于清高, 来到加拿大除了读书还是读书. 末了,就在这儿空谈浪漫情怀. 在我听到情,情,情的时候, 我领会到的是钱,钱,钱. 哪怕去偷,去骗,腰包鼓起来了再谈浪漫吧.有哪位中国女性嫁给一个老读书读完不知道干甚么,住在300元单身房还嫌贵的多情老外呢,好让我开眼界.
作者: L'illusion    时间: 2004-6-3 12:57
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作者: an12345    时间: 2004-6-4 10:27
标题: Pyramid Scheme is illegal in Canada
if you invovled any business like that , you can have crimial record. because this kind of business is illegal in Canada, I knew it from CFCF news.and I asked some native people, got same answer. so remind our Chinese people , do not easy to believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. cannot write in chinese in this computer. sorry about that!
作者: an12345    时间: 2004-6-4 10:42
标题: by the way I am a Chinese woman
by the way I am a Chinese woman,my husband is a Chinese too, we have a very happy marriage. although sometimes we had arguement, quarrel........, although we are poor(both of us are students),but still good!

I read your article, It is not respectful, really! I do not agree that Chinese man is not better than western man.but if you like white guy, it is fine. but at least you still have a good Chinese father , right?!pls ,give them som respect ,they do have pride like you.

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