在高速时(>60KM/H)刹车, 明显能感到脚踏板抖动, 方向盘上也有感觉;低速时不很明显, 但也有.
冬天换的四个轮子的刹车, 还不至于磨损得如此快?刹车油不漏,不少, 就是有点脏.
请诸位大侠指点一二. 多谢多谢!作者: XMAJ 时间: 2004-6-3 14:41
In your case, only two discs are needed to replace for sure. It costs around $120.作者: DonCherry 时间: 2004-6-5 11:45
If rotors(disk) surface is still smooth, just buy 2 pair of pads(cheaper pad, China made is about $30). Ask somebody here to install for you. 30 minute job.
If the surface was damaged, and no place to re-surface, buy 1 pair of rotor and
2 pair of pads and ask somebody here or go to the garage to install. The parts
mentioned above cost about $120.