很多人都从没摸过画笔,画的也很好。艺术中心甚至还有专门为老人开的初学课。画画是一个认识自己的过程。西人教画不死板,我挺喜欢的。作者: nino 时间: 2011-4-25 20:07
I take Tuesday night one.作者: 旭夏xuxia 时间: 2011-4-26 21:37
25块一小时,太贵了吧?一对一?没必要啊。作者: nino 时间: 2011-4-29 16:57
200 + tax for 8 weeks, each week one class 3 hours. There are around 10 students. Tuition is ok, teacher is very nice, atmosphere is good.
Material is very expensive, water color paper, brush, paint, pallet... > 200$
But if you like it, it does not matter, think about camera...作者: henri 时间: 2011-5-2 21:17
I was thinking of take the Tue. figure and portrait. But it was full.