
标题: Costca酿酒的wine kit在打折,-14$ [打印本页]

作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-4 08:44
标题: Costca酿酒的wine kit在打折,-14$
各位酒友,昨日在Costco看到酿酒用的wine kit在打折,71.49$-14$=57.49$,划算。我买了一盒。

作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-4 10:47
1.  相信魁省有GST,安省[color="Red"]没有税。好像是: ($71.49-$ 14.00)+($71.49*0.085)=$63.57/一盒
2.  每盒有两个 wine kits,因此可酿~2x30=60瓶酒。 (根据添加的水量,平均每批 可酿~28.5-31瓶酒)
3.  瓶塞,瓶盖和标签 包括在盒内,平均每瓶酒(750毫升)~$1.06。
4.  喜欢白葡萄酒的,只有 Chardonnay 一个选择。喜欢红葡萄酒的,7公升浓缩的有:
  .  .  a.  喜欢柔和的,选 Merlot;
  .  .  b.  喜欢果味的,选 Cabernet Sauvignon;
  .  .  c.  喜欢味重的,选 Shiraz; 此外还有更厚的 Amarone (更多浓缩果汁,23公升,比较昂贵)。

这次打折 到4月17日完,详情参见 http://argentiaridge.com/cgi-bin ... =yes&news_id=31
作者: crystal_mtl    时间: 2011-4-4 11:05
我买了,但是不会酿,我想60元卖了,一个红的一个白的。电话514-9273550 谢谢
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-4 11:28
i bought Chardonnay. i didnt see red+white package.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-4 11:32
no red+white package, only 1 varietal(=flavor) in each box, 2 bags identical.  All boxes look similar, u need to check the writings(= "Chardonnay" or "Merlot).  Sort of small patch of green background color for white, all red color for red wine.  If u haven't open your box, return for exchange/refund.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-4 11:36
May be someone can make wine with u, or help u out.  谁有兴趣买或一起酿酒的,请直接与Crystal_mtl 联系。(她没有酿酒设备)
Post by crystal_mtl;2834318
我买了,但是不会酿,我想60元卖了,一个红的一个白的。电话514-###### 谢谢

作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-4 14:35
i made some sauvignon blanc before and it was good. still have a couple of bottles.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-4 14:41
Wine from 7L ->~10L concentrates are only good for 2 years, most start to deteriorate after 20 months.

Sauvignon Blanc is a bit sour, Chardonnay is a bit aromatic.  A friend of mine love the AR Chardonnay, I never like Chardonnay myself.  If u were to make it:
- Commercial Chardonnay, some are Oak, some aren't.  I believe u have two ~1/2 size oak packs* in your box, your choice whether to use it.
-  For Chinese, I suggest adding wine conditioner(special sugar syrup for wine making).

*  default oak quantity for white wine is:-  50% oak quantity of red wine.
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-4 14:52
I'm OK w/ a little bit sour. I'll try w/ and w/o oak for the Chardonnay.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-4 14:55
标题: AR Red vs. White
AR changed boxes last year. Picture below are old boxes, new ones look similar.  Sort of:

1st Red box - that's the Costco 7L Red Wine Kit
2nd White box - I don't know Red
3rd Green box - that's the Costco 7L White Wine Kit
4th White box - I don't know White
5th Dark box - I don't know Fruit wine

The new boxes [color="Red"]may all be red similar to the 1st box, u need to READ THE WORDS right underneath the picture in the middle of the box.  Those words are the Varietal, e.g. Chardonnay.  Around Chardonnay [color="Red"]MAY change into a yellow or green background.

How does your box look like?  
Do u know if u pay $63.57 or ($71.49-$ 14.00)+([color="Red"]$57.49*0.085)? (<- don't run around for this $, only if u have info off hand)

ARwineKits.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 1928)


作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-4 16:06
the box looks like the leftmost one or the 3rd one from the left, but it's dark, and the image is a landscape instead of a portait.

i didnt notice how much i paid.
作者: xuxf    时间: 2011-4-5 21:20
标题: anything else we need?
thank you for the information.

except the wine kit from Costco and bottles, anything else we need to prepare?
thank you
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-7 10:07
u also need some simple equipment - carboy, fermenter, ... u can find details at http://j.y.weng.blog.163.com/blo ... 282010111311127377/ . Though it's for beer, everything is pretty similar. have fun!
作者: xuxf    时间: 2011-4-7 10:11
Post by john000;2836882
u also need some simple equipment - carboy, fermenter, ... u can find details at http://j.y.weng.blog.163.com/blo ... 282010111311127377/ . Though it's for beer, everything is pretty similar. have fun!
thank you. will learn.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-7 10:26
J, do u mind to post the codes (printed) from:
-  Outside the box (funny code or expiry/manufacture date)
-  On bag of concentrate, any one bag will be fine.

No rush.  Thanks in advance!
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-10 21:35
No. The code on the box is

Item# 685169
92486 0266 0423

on the bag, it is
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-10 22:00
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-12 10:13
标题: AR Codes
No reply on my email to AR-CS @ customerservice@argentiaridge.com (1-866-866-0316) yet.  There could be a plain date on the nutrition label, if not  . . . .  :
-  AR is one of the subsidiaries/brands of Vineco, http://www.vineco.on.ca/
-  AR is sold through Costco ONLY, can't be found anywhere else.
-  All Vineco products, e.g. 92486 0266 0423 printed on outside of the box:
--> 92486 is batch number,
--> 0266 is manufacture date (266th day of 2010),and
--> 0423 is sequence number within the batch.
-  Most wine making concentrates are safely within specifications for ~12+ months after manufacture date, DEPENDING ON STORAGE CONDITIONS, ETC.  Putting box under the sun is suicidal :p .

The long code on juice bag is normally for company internal quality control purpose.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-12 10:20
标题: AR WineWatch
From http://argentiaridge.com/cgi-bin ... p?display_login=yes

"WineWatchTM is exclusive to argentiaridge.com and is designed just for you, the wine lover. By joining WineWatchTM you will have an on-line winemaking program designed to help you with all your wine making needs and guide you every step of the way. We'll send you helpful hints, tips and one-on-one guidance during your winemaking process. Register with WineWatchTM today to truly experience the Argentia Ridge difference."

My trial many years ago . . . .  only got simple email on reminding to siphon or something like that.
作者: john000    时间: 2011-4-13 23:12
MP,u can setup a wine-making group on meetup.com. Probably are some groups already there.
作者: montrealpost    时间: 2011-4-14 14:43
There is no wine making group on that web site.  I did write about the Montreal/Quebec wine making group in my wine post, don't have time to find it now.

I don't want the responsibility in running a group.  If u're interested, I'll support u .
作者: john000    时间: 2012-6-19 19:36
标题: discount again
作者: iMP    时间: 2012-6-28 08:55
The current sales is from June 18 to 30th, 2012, 2.5 more days . . . .

作者: laohuw    时间: 2012-9-10 22:40
标题: Costco Argintia Duo Wine Kits On Sale
Costco Duo wine kits 打折($54.99, 原价69.99?) 到 Sept. 16。

Paklab duo kits 打折是 从sept 17 -sept. 30。

我想买two kits of different varieties, 有人愿意一起share吗?
作者: yl2    时间: 2012-9-23 11:37
标题: 我想跟你share. 买酒。
Post by laohuw;3146777
Costco Duo wine kits 打折($54.99, 原价69.99?) 到 Sept. 16。

Paklab duo kits 打折是 从sept 17 -sept. 30。

我想买two kits of different varieties, 有人愿意一起share吗?

我想跟你share. 买酒。cheniona@gmail.com Thanks
作者: laohuw    时间: 2012-9-27 15:21

作者: iMP    时间: 2012-10-8 17:02

刚刚结束的 Costco 促销是一盒两包,每包浓缩葡萄汁 可做一桶 23升的葡萄酒, 2×~28-31= ~55->62瓶 x 750毫升。一盒 AR-CP 是 $69.99-$14.00=$55.99 + GST(9.5%) = $61.31(包括橡木,瓶塞,瓶盖和标签)。 自酿平均 1刀左右一瓶。

Paklab-Vino Europa 刚从 7.1升改为 8.1升,价格不变。以前 PL-VE 的 7.1升 只是其他大酒厂 旧 5.1升的质量,现在新装 8.1升的质量我不知道。约五年前,Paklab 为了控制成本,取消了他们的烤橡木包 (bag of Toasted Oak Chips) 。如果新包装 没有橡木包,同学们记得自己添加 (因为他们的酒偏淡); 不喜欢橡木味道的,可以不加。他家的红葡萄酒 标准使用 30克,白葡萄酒 用 15克; 我喜欢橡木的味道,通常放 1.5 到 2 倍的橡木碎。American/French/Hungarian toasted oak, 随便哪种都可以。www.paklabproducts.com
Argentia Ridge - Chateau Private 7公升酿酒用的浓缩葡萄汁  比其他大酒厂 旧 7升的质量 低了约 5-10%。,但价格低了约 60%至70%。虽然 AR-CP 只是淡了约 5%,味道也配对得没错,但是 。。。。。味道少了~ ” 灵魂” (~=个性) 。做 AR-CP 的酒,不能不放橡木; 不放的话,酒是~没性格+~没味道。整体来说,性价还是比较高的。www.argentiaridge.com
有朋友几个星期前 买了酿酒葡萄,酿酒用品店 代榨汁,现在 在发酵。浓缩 vs. 新鲜 vs. 冰鲜,另外 贵 vs. 便宜,同学们慢慢找适合自己的 (冰鲜酿酒用的葡萄汁 全年有售)。酿酒用品店(wine making supplies stores)同学们自己网上搜索,做法 及/或 其他问题,请直接询问店员/酒厂。这个贴子只留作提示 Costco 促销用。
作者: iMP    时间: 2012-10-20 06:47
标题: Costco Argentia Ridge -$14, 22/10-4/11/2012
奇怪, 上次特价刚刚9月16日结束,现在又特价!还以为要等到明年二月。我自己等到明年二月再决定,有时二月份特价会有多一个新口味。以后的特价,希望有其他酒友发布信息,不要老是只有 J 同学和我两个。有需要找人合买的,请注明选择的红/白葡萄品种(知道的话)。

Save $14.00* on Chateau Private Selection twin packs from October 22nd to November 4th 2012.  

- Classic Merlot (select locations -
- Classic Shiraz (select locations)
- Classic Cabernet Sauvignon (select locations)
- Classic Chardonnay

Quebec Costco:
Anjou, Boisbriand, Brossard, Candiac, Pointe-Claire, Québec City, Sherbrooke, Ste-Foy, St-Hubert, St Jérôme,

作者: iMP    时间: 2013-1-22 10:52
标题: Costco Argentia Ridge -$15, 21/1-3/2/2013

AR n 年前做过几次特别发行 Chianti/Pinot Grigio,然后停了几年。这一次又再次 特别发行 Pinot Noir(红)/Pinot Grigio(粉红)/White Zinfandel Blush(粉红)。两盒 7升浓缩葡萄汁 $99.99 - $15 = $84.99+税,这个有点贵。朋友说可能买 23升 Amorone 和 果酒 。 。 。我 。 。。 我说也是有点贵。Costco 代理的二家酒厂  。 。。 我说只适合买便宜的 wine kit(〜$30)。 多花几块钱就可以买到比较好的(其他酒厂),又不用找人一起买(拆分2盒),如果喜欢味道 又可以随时再买。基本信息和价格(7.5升浓缩)在 www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?919540 ,以前特价时有10-20%的折扣,现在不知道。

更多详细信息,请自己看 http://www.costco.ca/CatalogSear ... word=Argentia+Ridge

Costco 代理二家酒厂,想查另外一家酒厂的特价,请自己看 www.paklabproducts.com = www.mywinemonvin.com
作者: iMP    时间: 2013-6-17 10:13
标题: Costco Argentia Ridge -$15, 17-30/6/2013
Costco Duo wine kits 打折($84.99, 原价99.99?)到 June 30。http://www.costco.ca/CatalogSear ... word=Argentia+Ridge

上次,销售价格已经有所增加。现在看清楚,2盒装价格增加了30元。这个价格和质量,不值。知道南岸Boucherville 酿酒专卖店的同学,还是找朋友一起去买巴!应该还有大约30刀左右的。

作者: iMP    时间: 2013-9-8 10:51
标题: Costco Argentia Ridge -$14, 3-15/9/2013
Couldn't find this posting last few times, some sales info on kit and equipement posted @ http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?476692 posting #52.

All wine kits at Costco: http://www.costco.ca/wine-beer-k ... =http:CatalogSearch

Paklab Vino Europa appears to be still at $69.99/$76.99 for duo kits, currently on specials in WESTERN CANADA (ONLY) for $20 less on selected Duo/bigger wine kits. Yes, it means $69.99-$20=$49.99(duo kits), no tax in Manitoba/Alberta. www.mywinemonvin.com. Paklab used to run Western Canada specials right after Eastern specials, I'm no longer sure if they do promotions in Quebec. Reminder: Vino Europa is 10-20% lighter than Argentia Ridge, only suitable for those who don't mind light wine.

Per previous post, I no longer suggest buying Argentia Ridge, I consider it over priced for its quality. However, TO EACH HIS OWN, make your own choice.

** Season for fresh graps now or soon, see listing of local retailers for wine making graps @ http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?622118

*** 特别通知:下周我们去工厂直销 买8个wine kit ,如果有朋友没车又需要 wine kit 的话,可以先预付$ 然后到地铁提 wine kit。有车的朋友欢迎一起去。PM 联系。
作者: iMP    时间: 2013-9-10 14:40
非常感谢朋友的帮助,看了西岛 Argentia Ridge 的价格,现在是 15$ off, from $69.99 -15 =$54.99 + 9.5% tax

Per AR newsletter, AR should be should in Costco at Point-Claire, Anjour and Brossard (in and near Montreal)  Check their website for other Costco in Quebec.

If anyone is interested in splitting 1 box with me, please PM.  Shiraz only, each about $27.50+9.5%.
作者: jeanpaul2007    时间: 2013-10-12 09:31
Costco 好像现在没有特价。 有特价时请朋友们告知一下
作者: iMP    时间: 2013-10-20 11:14
Thanks for info.  What was the exact price and which 2 varietals (=flavors) did u buy/saw?
Post by jeanpaul2007;3310259
iWent to Costco at marche central and found packlab at 50 $ for 2 kits

作者: iMP    时间: 2013-10-21 08:32
标题: Vino Europa
Besides Chateau Private by AR www.argentiaridge.com, Costco also sells Vino Europa duo kits by Paklab www.mywinemonvin.com.  Both offer discounts every few months, they often promote at SAME time.  ~$50-57+GST/duo after discount.  If interested, subscribe to AR on its web, for VE SMS the word MYWINE to 76000.
Post by jeanpaul2007;3310438
it's 49$ or 49.99(+QST) . . . .  The receipt lost.  
Fall 2014/Winter 2015, I'm interested in sharing Vino Europa(please contact me before buying, few months if possible):
- Syrah/Zinfandel (Red, I only want Syrah),
- Chardonnay/Semillon (White, I only want Semillon)

Formula of Vino Europa changed ~1 year ago, I don't know new taste.  Apparently Oak is removed from box to control cost, buy 30-100 grams of Oak from wine making supplies store yourself and add to must on day 1.  Old package include ~40grams for Red, ~20 grams for White.
作者: iMP    时间: 2013-10-21 13:31
标题: PL -$10, Oct 21 - Nov. 10, 2013
刚刚安省朋友要去 Costco 吃午饭,顺道帮我看看:
*** That Ontario Costco ***
-  Only carries Borolo/Cabernate Sauvignon (Red), Orvieto/Chardonnay (White)
-  8.1L/10Kg each bag, hence x2 for weight
-  Regular price $49.99, -$10 (不需要这么便宜巴!便宜得太吓人了!)

Above price is too good to be true.  Based on basic principal of "u get what u pay for" (very true in Wine Kits world) . . . .  AR is priced ~$50-55, VE now only $39.99 after discount (no tax in Ontario, + 9.5% QST in Quebec) . . . . . Quality of Vino Europa is still a lot worst than Argentia Ridge.


*** No Oak in box, buy 30-40 grams of Oak chip/shaving from wine making supplies store.  Old package contains 40g for red, 20g for white ***
*** Add Oak before or after yeast when u start must, no need to stir.  Stir if u like, not much difference.  ***
作者: iMP    时间: 2013-10-22 10:19
标题: AR -$14, Oct 21 - Nov. 3, 2013
一家打折, 别家舍命双陪.  Wine Kit 重死人,运来运去,苦了店员! I'm guessing Paklab continued the discount to get rid of stock instead of return shipment to factory.  Hence AR "restart" their promotion right away.

In-store sales on Chateau Private 4 wk kits only - Merlot, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon (only in selected stores) and Chardonnay.

Web sales on both CP 4 wks and Coast Reserve 6 wks.  CP regularly web price $99.99 - $15.00 = $84.99 (shipping included) - Pinot Noir (red), Pinot Grigio (white), White Zinfandel Blush (pink)

AR Quebec Costco: - Anjou (Montreal East End), Boisbriand, Brossard (South Shore), Candiac, Pointe-Claire (Montreal West Island), Québec City, Sherbrooke, Ste-Foy, St-Hubert (South Shore).
作者: iMP    时间: 2014-4-6 13:45
标题: Costco AR wine kits store distcount -$14, 31/3 - 13/4/2014
Discount in Costco stores.  Most likely Paklab offers similar discount at different Costco, as in the past.

This time AR offers -$14 on:
- Classic Merlot (select locations)
- Classic Shiraz (select locations)
- Classic Cabernet Sauvignon (select locations)
- Classic Chardonnay (select locations)

Have fun!
作者: iMP    时间: 2014-6-5 12:45
标题: Costco Paklab Rebate Event - 16/6 - 6/7/2014
Not much details in email received, just discount for Vino Europa Duo Wine Kits in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc.

For those of u who are travelling in Summer with your own car, u can always pickup wine kit in other provinces than Quebec.  U will save the 0.95% GST, i.e. no tax in Ontario, New Brunswick, not sure about Nova Scotia.
作者: iMP    时间: 2014-10-25 10:08
Costco AR wine kits store discount -$14, 20/10 - 2/11/2014
Discount in Costco stores.  Most likely Paklab offers similar discount at different Costco, as in the past.

This time AR offers -$14 on:
- Classic Merlot (select locations)
- Classic Shiraz (select locations)
- Classic Cabernet Sauvignon (select locations)
- Classic Chardonnay (select locations)

我想要一个 wine kit,只要红酒,不要 Cabernet Sauvignon。那位同学买了 不介意与我分,请站内短信。
作者: iMP    时间: 2016-12-31 18:00
Anyone interested in splitting a duo Merlot ~Sept/Nov 2017, please send Private Message.

I'm planning to do duo Shiraz ~May.  In case u only want one Cab or one Shiraz, PM me and we'll see what we can do.  

作者: Fangdui    时间: 2017-1-12 05:12
作者: iMP    时间: 2017-2-15 15:50
AR duo Wine kit on sales from ~14/2/17 till 26/2/17.  Friend bought 1 box for me, $76.99 - $16 discount + 9.975%GST = $67.07

FYI: non in Downtown Costco, Merlot in Central Market, Merlot+Shiraz in Brossard.  Cabernet Sauvignon is supposed to be available, may be West Island or east end.
                                                -           -           -            -             -          -

1.  I'll buy my next batch(es) ~Nov, 2017.  If anyone interested in 1 Merlot+1 Cabernet Sauvignon before Nov, please PM.
2.  I have spare corks for sale, $3/30 corks; free plastic caps and labels if intersted.  

I may not have time till mid May to reply to Private Message, if any.

作者: iMP    时间: 2017-3-7 18:52
有朋友想开始在家里酿酒,应该是比较喜欢 CHARDONNAY(白)和 MERLOT(红)。 这家人不喝太多酒,因此可能每年只需要 每种类一个。Costco的一个 AR 盒子做两个大玻璃瓶 (=@¯30 bottles x 750ml)。因此如果有人想分享盒子; 即一起购买一盒,每人付一半$,请站内 PM 联系。


旧 PAKLAB 员工自己开了新店,价格合理。 如果购买X盒,可能免费送货。有兴趣的,欢迎直接联系 Eric。有兴趣团购的,请站内 PM 联系。(每年3月到5月中旬我很忙,可能到5月下旬 然后回复。)

Bonjour cher client.

Objet: PROMO du 1er Novembre au 30 Novembre 2016

L’AUTOMNE arrive tranquillement mais sûrement. Il est maintenant temps de produire votre vin maison.  J’ai de supers spéciaux à vous offrir, voici les détails :

CHAI MAISON (7.5 litres, rendement 23 litres)(escompte 48%)
Incluant : 30 bouchons, 30 scellons, 30 étiquettes plus une cannette de 1.2kg de peaux de raisin pour améliorer la qualité à 39.95$ + taxes (d’une valeur de 76.40$ plus taxes)

Styles disponibles : cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir, vieux château du roi, chardonnay, liebfraumilch, pinot blanc, sauvignon blanc

ALL JUICE (23 litres, rendement 23 litres)(escompte 38%)
Incluant : 30 bouchons, 30 scellons, 30 étiquettes à 89.95$ + taxes (d’une valeur de 143.95$ plus taxes)

Styles disponibles : bourgogne royal rouge, cabernet sauvignon, montepulciano, merlot, pinot noir, zinfandel, cabernet merlot, sangiovese, pinot merlot, sauvignon blanc, trebbiano, chardonnay, gewurztraminer, liebfraumilch, pinot grigio, chardasia, grigionnay

POSSIBILITÉ DE LIVRAISON GRATUITE, RENSEIGNEZ-VOUS.  Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à me contacter

Éric Demers
Club des 3 dauphins
210 rue Ste-Catherine, St-Constant, J5A 2J4
Magasin : 450.635.3356 - Cellulaire : 514.884.6292
email:  clubdes3dauphins@gmail.com

作者: iMP    时间: 2017-5-18 16:52
开始怀念白葡萄酒,家里通常只有红的。Costco 的2批次60瓶太多,去渥太华代酿 太复杂。

给 The Wine Place 打电话 (~Cote Vertu 的酒庄),通常他们可以提供代酿12瓶。发生了什么? 他们说客户需要把酒桶带回家,葡萄酒在30天后 完成后,把酒桶带回店装瓶!开玩笑?!(那我不如自己在家里做?!他们说同样价格 ,真的有病!)

南岸新开了一家代酿酒庄,说从 Longueuil 地铁步行 ~15分钟。只提供一个批量,每桶30瓶。我可能找朋友一起分一桶白的。

Maison Bon Vin
854 rue Crémazie, Longueuil, J4K 1M1
514-892-6896 (Mandarin)
514-575-3688 (English / French / little Cantonese)

Mondays closed, Tue-Thur 10-18:00; Fridays 11-20:00; Sat-Sun 11-17:00

应该是正常程序,第一次去开酒和付钱,30天后回去装瓶。(开酒 = 他们做准备 需要nn分钟,然后你把酵母粉倒入酒桶,几秒钟的事)

作者: iMP    时间: 2017-6-25 12:55

如有同学需要 一起买/分 一盒二包的 Costco 酿酒用的葡萄汁,欢迎PM我。有关于酿酒问题的,请在那边(美食美味) "如何酿制葡萄酒"帖上问。

作者: iMP    时间: 2018-11-14 08:29
那边是 : https://www.sinoquebec.com/forum ... read&tid=477026
作者: iMP    时间: 2020-11-9 09:30
Costco Argentia Ridge -$16, 9-22/11/2020

Online ~$89.99+ tax (shipping included)
In store should be $10 or $20 less / box of 2 kits.
作者: iMP    时间: 2021-4-3 05:58
Costco Argentia Ridge -$16, 29/3 - 11/4/2021

从2021年3月29日至4月11日,在 Costco 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 可节省 $16.00。

网上价格 $104.99-16 = $88.99 + 税(含运费)

店内价格 应便宜约$20。全部是双盒装,即可以酿造 约60瓶葡萄酒。

**  上次促销时间是从2020年11月9日至22日,可能在9月没有促销活动。如果您打算用葡萄酒作为今年的圣诞节礼物 (酿造葡萄酒后,最好 "陈年" 3-6个月),可以现在开始酿。也可以现在促销时购买,然后存储在阴凉的地方 直到七或八月,或等您有空时酿造。

**  建议不要存放太久 - 通常,酿酒葡萄汁 应该可以在阴凉的地方保存1年 。但是 Costco AR 质量不是太好,如果在室温下保存,我自己不会保存超过两个月。

**  https://www.thrillist.com/drink/ ... eap-wine-taste-good

作者: iMP    时间: 2021-10-27 18:38
Costco Argentia Ridge -$16, 24/10 - 7/11/2021

从2021年10月24日至11月7日,在 Costco 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 可节省 $16.00。
作者: iMP    时间: 2021-12-13 16:13
Costco Cellar Master -$20, Dec. 13 to Dec. 19, 2021

仅举几个例子,请在 Costco 网站上查看其他口味 (共8个选择):
Platinum (30 bottles, net $69.99): https://www.costco.ca/cellar-mas ... 466.html?langId=-24
Regular (2x30bottles, net $79.99): https://www.costco.ca/cellar-mas ... duct.100248192.html

以上价格为网上价格,包含 UPS 运费。 店内价格(如果有的话)应该便宜几刀。

注意:这是一个与以前不同的品牌。 通常我们用价格来判断质量,这应该比 Argentia Ridge 味道较轻/淡*。 请阅读 Costco 网站上的评论。

网上有人说运到魁省不征税,我不确定?! 但是有可能,因为它可能直接从安大略的制造商 RJS 发货。

**  如果有人有兴趣拆分一盒/两包 Pinot Grigio (白葡萄酒),请站内私信。

作者: iMP    时间: 2022-3-29 18:20
Costco Argentia Ridge -$16, 28/3 - 10/4/2022

从2022年3月28日至4月10日,在 Costco 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 可节省 $16.00。

网上价格 $109.99-16 = $93.99 + 税(含运费)

店内价格 应便宜约$20左右。全部是双盒装,即可以酿造 约60瓶葡萄酒。

**  如果有人有兴趣拆分一盒/两包 Pinot Grigio (白葡萄酒),请站内私信。

作者: iMP    时间: 2022-10-19 12:49
Costco 网络促销(价格应包括送货上门的运费)$79.99

已于 10 月 14 日开始,不知道结束日期,所有口味同价 $79.97 +0.0975% QST。 大部分红酒已经售罄,只剩下两种口味。 您可以不时在网上查看是否有库存补充。

**  如果有人有兴趣拆分一盒/两包 Pinot Grigio (白葡萄酒) 或 Pinot Noir  (红葡萄酒),请站内私信。

作者: iMP    时间: 2022-10-28 08:02
Costco Argentia Ridge -$17, 24/10 - 6/11/2022

从2022年10月24日至11月6日,在 Costco 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 可节省 $17.00。

网上价格 $114.99 + 税(含运费), 这次折扣似乎不适用于在线销售。

不知道店内价格,可能便宜约$20左右。全部是双盒装,即可以酿造 约60瓶葡萄酒。

**  如果有人有兴趣拆分一盒/两包 Merlot (红葡萄酒),请站内私信。

作者: iMP    时间: 2023-3-23 06:21
iMP 发表于 2022-10-28 09:02
Costco Argentia Ridge -$17, 24/10 - 6/11/2022

从2022年10月24日至11月6日,在 Costco 购买 Argentia Ri ...

Costco Argentia Ridge -$17, 28/3 - 9/4/2023

从2023年3月22日至4月9日,在 Costco 实体店或网上 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 或 Argentia Coast Amarone Wine Kit(单盒装)可节省 $17.00。

网上价格 $109.99-17 = $92.99 + 税(含运费)

实体店内价格,可能便宜约$20左右。双盒装可以酿两桶,约60瓶葡萄酒。单盒装只酿一桶,约30瓶酒(每瓶 750毫升)。

**  如果有人有兴趣拆分一盒/两包 Pinot Grigio (白葡萄酒),请站内私信。

作者: fanyigongsi    时间: 2023-4-1 23:12
montrealpost 发表于 2011-4-4 11:47
1.  相信魁省有GST,安省没有税。好像是: ($71.49-$ 14.00)+($71.49*0.085)=$63.57/一盒
2.  每盒 ...

作者: iMP    时间: 2023-10-6 14:49
上次促销活动为6月20日至25日,每盒节省22刀。 但由于我当时很忙,并没有经常查看电邮,所以我来不及在这里发布信息.

Costco Argentia Ridge -$24, 5/10 - 15/10/2023

庆祝20周年,从 2023年10月5日至10月15日,在 Costco 网上 购买 Argentia Ridge Chateau Private Selection(双盒装) 或 Argentia Coast Amarone Wine Kit(单盒装)可节省 $24.00。不确定折扣是否适用于实体店。

网上价格 含运费。

双盒装可以酿两桶,约60瓶葡萄酒。单盒装只酿一桶,约30瓶酒(每瓶 750毫升)。

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