Post by 231516;2862835 : U7 a; t# a) T$ X3 v) A6 W8 G 为什么7400 building的中国人全都在往外搬?
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Most people living in 7400 are studying in Concordia Unviersity. After they graduate, they either find a job in Montreal and buy their own house or appartment or move to other provinces to look for a new opportunity. Nothing is uncommon for people leaving 7400. I have lived there for 5 yrs. If you enjoy to have a lot of Chines neighbours, you may choose 7400.:wink::wink::wink:作者: JXJX 时间: 2011-5-14 13:21 标题: 英语这么烂还在这里晒 英语这么烂还在这里晒作者: 死在外面 时间: 2011-5-14 16:45 标题: 我看英文写得不错。 其实很多鬼子的因为写作也不行 另外, 对自己的同胞多点鼓励, 少点嫉妒贬低。作者: onenight 时间: 2011-5-19 16:08
Post by JXJX;2867056 5 }- D( Y6 t- M2 r9 A. V 英语这么烂还在这里晒
应该对自己的同胞多些赞许和鼓励!你会去笑话老外说别扭的中文吗?!写不好英文,你多多指教就是啦!用得着在这bull shit吗?!一个字,汉奸。。作者: cjacme 时间: 2011-5-24 21:03
看看你们回帖子的内容,再看看楼主发的内容 就可以知道 这就是为什么别的国家都说中国人就都是一盘散沙,是直接被欺负的对象。:mad:作者: jammy 时间: 2011-5-25 08:44
写的很好,一下扫过去,立刻明白。作者: F1 时间: 2011-5-25 10:43
Language is a tool for communication. If the person can communicate clearly about what he/she wants to say, there is no need to address small things. We make mistakse when we speak and write Chinese, yet we understand each other well, right?