难得平生半日闲/fzzmc1, 有位的话能加上我吗?周日出发更合适了. :wink: 作者: betterview 时间: 2004-6-12 10:29 标题: count me in Count me in.
Please contact me at 2748243 or 8259334
Thank you.作者: mannon 时间: 2004-6-12 10:57
just went there last week. Suggestion: bring with you some baby carots(buy in grocery store), animals love them than the dry food provided by the parc.作者: leeleelee 时间: 2004-6-13 12:54
不知道开车去要花多长时间?作者: skyford 时间: 2004-6-14 10:45
想这周日去,请问票价还是9元多么? 令请去过的帮忙详细的介绍一下!谢谢作者: jiakuibin 时间: 2004-6-14 21:36 标题: 怎样去野生动物圆 :confused: 有谁知道怎样去野生动物圆.
电话: 488-9403:cool:作者: ipcc 时间: 2004-6-18 14:35
I am really confused why you are still asking some questions which are already answered in the same topic and some are just one click away from going to the official web site of the zoo ?:confused:作者: gegeguai2004 时间: 2004-6-18 19:33