
标题: 网球迷party正式通告!!! [打印本页]

作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-12 19:05
标题: 网球迷party正式通告!!!
tennis 球迷 party 安排基本如下:
一, 下周六(六月19日)12点至3点之间,请所有感兴趣的球友来monk球场聚会一下。
        我草拟的办法如下,如果大家有什么不同意见,欢迎提出来。发贴,email, 或者当天直接说
        1。 本定级“赛“是本着为初学者定级的目的,以相互提高为宗旨,采用回合制和胜负制结合
        2。 1级:打小场(发球区)对打5回合以下者。
        3。  本定级“赛“制定到5级,5级以上者请相互独自约时间,另行较量。如需进一步订级,将
二, 6月26日上午继续或者正式定级,下午烧烤


(monk 球场于monk地铁站出口,沿Rue Allard向西行两三个路口,左手边一个大教堂的背后。)
June 12, 2004
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-12 19:16
标题: 通告补充

特别希望knight, 老赵,Jimmy, 外界, Antonie, Richard, Clark及其他高手莅临指导!

作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-13 18:20
标题: up
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-14 20:10
标题: 希望大家开心!open to players at every level
还有免费的coaching, 就像Richard说的。至少Richard 和我可以给初学者一些指点。
Richard很耐心的人, 我可能差点儿。但会尽力!
如果你是高级水平,可以找jimmy 和 knight (希望大家都开心)
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-15 02:07
oops, happy to see so many girl players (sorry, I don't like the word female.) give us positive response. Tennis is a kind of sport of elegance. Let's learn to play it elegant, even when we are grey hair many years later.

Last weekend, I saw one of my buddies taught his 5 years old daughter to play tennis. It was really nice. Wish it would be sooner that I could do the same for my daughter.

作者: jammy    时间: 2004-6-15 08:02
not bad. congratulations.
作者: Tomcat    时间: 2004-6-15 13:21
标题: 我不会打,可以参加你们的活动学习吗?
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-17 00:22
We welcome anyone with passion on this sport. This time, level is out of question.
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-18 00:32
To all tennis fans, one last gathering announcement.

If you do enjoy tennis and the nice summer time, pls come to join the party on the coming Saturday, say June 19th. Around 11:15am at Monk. The ealier, the higher possibility to take a free court there.

We may make friends and match partners then.

Have a great fun during the short summer of Montreal.

(In case of possible rain, it would be poseponded until the weather allows on the same day. Pls check forcast or call Eddy to confirm.)
作者: 肥肠粉丝    时间: 2004-6-18 12:01
作者: Daniel_LI    时间: 2004-6-18 14:14
I will be there
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-19 16:21
标题: 感谢大家!
因为本人缺乏组织经验,可能有些朋友没有玩儿的尽兴, 敬请原谅。
下周六BBQ请有时间的朋友尽量来,时间定在早上10点, MONK球场集合。
请有条件携带用具的朋友,提前通知我们。 如果届时使用租赁用具,我们将分摊费用。

另:RICHARD, LILY, CLARK, CHOU YU. 下周四我会联系你们,商量准备供给的问题。
作者: NanaWu2    时间: 2004-6-19 18:20
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-19 18:39
作者: BWLHBL    时间: 2004-6-19 22:15

除了花时间筹备这次有意义的活动,你还特周到地给大家准备了冰水,冰饮料. 应该是我们谢谢你才对.;)
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-19 23:26
Thank you, BWLHBL, for your encouragement.
Also thank Richard and Clark especially for their help to organize this activity.
I have sent the mailing list to you guys' email box. please check it at your convevience.
However, accidently, the mail was not successfully delivered to 刘勇和颜韬. Please contact me by mailing to edywise@hotmail.com, if you want to get a copy of the list.
Hope to see you next week.
Have a good week.
作者: icoffee    时间: 2004-6-20 09:21
10:00AM next Saturday. I like to attend. I donote know what level I will be. Like to get together to enjoy tennis.:cool:
作者: 糖蛋儿0    时间: 2004-6-20 15:31
标题: pls加上我
昨天(19号)临时有事, 没去成。下周26号要去旅行,网球的BBQ又去不成了,sigh。我和已在通讯录上的朋友交流了一下,我应该是3级。请edy把我加在通讯录上吧   lvqing@hotmail.com
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-21 01:12
Saturday BBQ menu:

Chicken mid-wing; beef cube; pork cube; pork chop; sweet potato; garlic bread; Italian sausage; (all will be cut and seasoned in advance.)

Coke; beer; (kept in cooler boxes.)

Entertainment afterwards:

tennis or playing-card (pls prepare by yourself.)

We may divide into two or three groups and each group may have a champion to organize. The details will be discussed within the group and all opinions will be finalized before the mid-night of Thursday. Pls contact Eddie to confirm your reservation. We will prepare only for the persons which enroll before the dealine.

Thanks for your participation.
作者: Daniel_LI    时间: 2004-6-22 12:14
Edy,本次BBQ是周六在MONK球场集合,然后大家坐车出发吗? 我和我的朋友没有车,搭别人的车的话够不够位置呀?
作者: june_oo    时间: 2004-6-22 19:32
标题: 希望加入!
刚刚看到这个组织, 很快感受到里面温馨的气氛 希望能够加入,不过很遗憾本周六有事不能去了.下次还有活动嘛?
我只是个初级菜鸟,根据分级的标准,我铁定是在一级了, 希望将来跟各位多多学习,分享这个美丽的夏季:rolleyes: ps:在这里买了个网球拍,从来没有打过,以前学的那一小点估计早就还给老师了
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-23 01:42


每次经过球场,总能看到很多东方面孔。然而个人希望看到的是,每个东方人都有让人侧目的球技。 要让本地人感觉到,这些新移民能带来更大的社会进步,而不是和他们争场地,抢饭碗。
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-23 01:56
标题: 让人生气





作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-23 02:27
标题: Bbq 活动通知!


然而你的水平的提高和对这项运动的痴迷程度是与一个重要因素分不开的--- 一个好的球友,一个 matched partner


如果大家认为这是一个可行的计划,欢迎讨论,跟帖或发email to:edywise@hotmail.com

3。争取现场观看"大师杯“ ,“AT&T, Rogers" 加拿大现场比赛;



June 23, 2004
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-23 07:09
标题: Jie Zheng rallying against the defending champion Serena Williams on Centre Co
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-23 08:20
added Sports package to satellite and turned on TSN channel. ooops, it is the replay of Jie Zhen vesus Williams. Poor performance of Zhan.

poor weather from Thursday throught out Sunday as well. So, if you like to spoil yourself of one time more tennis time, pls go to Monk this afternoon. I will go there for sure.

Maybe it is the last chance to play tennis this week.
作者: bingobingo    时间: 2004-6-23 16:46



我真的好高兴呢!!!;) :p
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-24 22:35



see you all punctually !!!
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-25 20:55
The food preparation is almost done. Please bring your happiness to tomorrow party.
作者: zeng11    时间: 2004-6-27 18:25

Please add me in the list to play with level 4. (louiszeng2002@yahoo.com)

By the way how/where/when we can play tennis regularly?
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-27 23:15
标题: Survey for establishing a tenis club.
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for coming to this great event.
Thank you and thank you very much.
I hope everyone has got something he/she had been looking for inside and outside of tennis and be benefitial from this activity.
Furthurmore, I would like to inform everyone here that I would deliver one survey letter to your email boxes individually to see if you guys are seriously interested in a further stage of our organization --- tennis club.
I would appreciate all your efforts and time to reply to this survey letter. Hope to establish our new organization soon.
Thank you again and have a good day.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-28 11:37
标题: negative response
Hi, tennis buddies.

it's pleasure to meet you guys on tennis court last weekend.
I really believe the players I saw play pretty good tennis, but forgive me to cut all my good words on your good part,

especailly on some very good players, here I want to point out some mistakes I saw, and I think they are common for beginner

to intermediate players.

1.  the racket grip(handle) size, it's too small (too thin) in some players, probably because they already played badminton

before they started to play tennis. it's completely different in badminton and tennis, badminton need use wrist a lot, but

tennis need use as less wrist as possible, if the grip is not big enough, then it's extremely hard to avoid using wrist when

you hit tennis ball, or it's very hard to make the wrist firm when you hit the tennis shot since the racket head feel very

heavy.  so if you want to feel the racket head is not that heavy and feel it's easier to keep the wrist firm, you can make

the grip bigger by using over grip, but don't use more than two grips for making the handle bigger, instead, choose bigger

handle racket.
2.  even with correct size of racket handle, you still need pay attention to keep the wrist firm, especially when you learn

how to make the shot, otherwise you can not control the ball, forget the power.
3.  don't choose light racket, espacially the ladies and the players with weak arms, instead, you should choose medium or

medium plus weight racket, the more racket weight force you swing racket earlier, not swing the racket fast, so it help you

get the correct shot making technique: swing erlier, smooth, and follow through longer, and more important, the more racket

weight gives you more control, more power, and less impact on your arm, give you more feeling of the racket, I think the most

misunderstanging about the tennis is on the racket weight. believe or not, the light racket is never for serious players,

it's just for misleading market.
when my daughter started to learn tennis with light junior racket at 7 years old, she hit the ball here and there or everywhere without control at all, one day her racket string was broken, so she had to use my spare racket, but almost immediately, she controlled the ball much better, from that day, she switched to regular racket and bye bye to the light junior racket for good.

I will give you more feedback,  hope it can make some difference to your tennis. but sorry most of my feedback will be negative, but don't call me negative man, for sure I will try to stay positive.

by the way, Zhen Jie played pretty good tennis, she had 10 break points! if she could convert 3 of them, then it will be a completely different picture, the pressure on William will be extremely high, actually William only broke her service game once in the first set. it's not easy when you play against a player with much higher ranking than you, it's hard to kepp your confidence high, keep calm and keep making correct shots.  

enjoy the wimbledon.
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-28 13:13
标题: Thank you, michael
It is really helpful of your comment and instruction. I appreciate what you contributed to this fresh community on behalf of all players who may beneficial from your instruction.

From my experience, I used lots wrist to try to accelerate the speed of the racket before its head hits the ball. However, I think because I can't forsee every accuate point the ball is bouncing to, I hurted my wrist frequently. So what you said may be my weak point right now.  I will try to correct my hitting habits. Thank you.

I would also respectfully like to solicit  more comments and critique from you for players who are eager to improve and enjoy this sports.

Thank you.
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-29 01:00
标题: That is very true.
"it's hard to keep your confidence high, keep calm and keep making correct shots."

Though I am not yet an advanced player, I am serious in tennis. Thank you, Mr. Positive My Man. I will learn more beyond tennis from you.

Zhen jie, as most of Chinese, lacks of confidence to face challenge and presure. Wish Chinese could do better in those slams.
作者: NanaWu2    时间: 2004-6-29 05:36


作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-29 07:42
标题: the service
this is my price for stringing racket:

$8 for restring labor(use you own string), most stores: $11 + tax;
I have several strings for you choose, the price (include everything: string and labor) is:

kevlar string by Ashway, best control and bite, also very durable: $25/each (most stores: $40 + tax);
Polyester by Gosen, the strongest string(last longest) in the market, $20;
several synthetic gut string: $20/each;

my phone number:
514-286-9504 ext 232 (8am - 3 pm)
450-465-8345 home
email: ytz4you@yahoo.com

you can send your racket to my home (south shore) or to my working place (down town, the cross of shabrooke and st_laurent). most of the time, you can get your racket back the second DAY, in weekend, you can get it back at the same day or the same time if you can wait.

I have strung racket for more than 5 years, so I am quite qualified stringer now, probably much more professional than any store sale persons. by the way , if you want to get suggestion from the store sale persons when you choose your racket or string, make sure you have a small talk with him/her, ask them how long they've played tennis and how often they play, if you can feel they don't play much, then totally ignore what they say, they are just sale persons, not tennis professional, they are not very clear about what they are talking about although they can keep talking much to you sounding like they are pro. I got two big lessons already, once they told me one string is excellent in feeling or playability, so I bought one reel(200 meters), it turned out to be terrible, once I asked for the strongest string(some customer needs), they recommend one string, I bought two reels, but it's not durable at all!!!

forgive me for the advertisement here, but I am sure you will get benefit: save money and time while get better service, you will see.

good luck.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-29 07:46
标题: sorry
sorry, in my last messge, there is a mistake, it should be: "you get your racket the second day".
作者: wqyq    时间: 2004-6-29 10:04
:rolleyes: It is great to have a tennis club here! When will be the next gathering? I'd love to join, however, I am a real beginner.
:rolleyes: best wishes to everyone!
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-6-29 23:11
Thank you, Wqyq.
do you want to complete the survey question above?

Hi Michael,
You might leave a wrong email address, caz the email I sent to you was bounced back. Please verify it and make sure we can contact you correctly.
作者: color188    时间: 2004-6-30 01:16
Perosnally, I think Ashway is very good if you intend to improve your feel on the stroke. Lots of control and bite though it might be with higher price.

I tried 17' Ashway on my racket today. Amazing.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-30 08:22
标题: verify
Hi Edy, can you try again with:  ytz4you@yahoo.com ?  first three letters are : y t z,
I just tested sending an email to that address, it seems working, please don't attach virus.
I am looking forward to your email.
good luck.

color188, you tried Ashway kevlar string or synthetic gut string?  sure 17' feel better than 16' (always, because it's thinner), but it lasts shorter, so cost more money, so get the money ready.

from my 18 years play and around 8 years coaching and 6 years stringing tennis racket experience(thanks all the customers to give me their valueable feedback or their experience of testing my string and my service), I found and once had a lot of misconcept or misunderstanding of tennis racket, string, and tennis shot techniques, and made a lot of errors or took long way when I try to master or coach some skills,  I will try to write them down, and share them with you tennis buddies, hope it will help you not make the same mistake as I made, or at least make less error than I did, and go more directly to your target.

be patient, I will be back soon.

作者: zeng11    时间: 2004-6-30 09:49
Is there any tennis activity in this weekend?
作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-30 10:27
标题: topic 1
topic 1.  racket
1. the first important factor is the racket weight, if the weight is correct, not too light, not too heavy(actually must be

heavy enough), then it's pretty good racket for beginner to intermediate player. Sampras said that the first tip he will give his son for playing tennis is find a wood racket for his son(it's heavy and stiff), basically all the current rackets in store with the same weight as wood racket are far better than wood racket.
believe or not, if the racket is not heavy enough, it's hard to have correct swing and feeling for making shot, the lighter the racket is, the more chance you look like moving a badminton racket(or you don't look like playing tennis).  the secret

of making tennis shot is:  the racket hit the ball at the right time no matter how slow you swing the racket(the slower motion means you swing the racket earlier).  so get a heavy racket, swing slowly and smoothly to hit the ball, if it's too late to hit the ball, then try swing and hit earlier not faster, for sure heavy racket will help you NOT swing faster. if you can hit the ball with slow motion, then it will not be a problem at all for you to hit the ball with faster motion or normal motion(that's the goal of advanced level).  tennis, badminton, pingpong, WUShu etc. players(professional) all have a lot of practice of slow motion on and off court, with and without ball.
If you start with a light racket, it will be much more difficult for you to get correct tennis shot swing.
The common mistake for beginner is:  rush for the ball(because they swing the racket too late), then their shot motion is not slow and not smooth enough, no matter they are good or not, they just don't look like playing tennis, like playing playing badminton, so the tennis racket just look like a thicker badminton racket, they have to use the wrist, or the wrist can not be firm because the racket rush for the ball,  and even so, they still think their motion is not fast enough because they miss the ball, so they blame the racket is too heavy and believe it limits their racket speed, so they approach to the lighter racket for fast swing, that's really the wrong direction, instead, they should follow Sampras tip: switch to the heavier racket: wood racket, it will force them slow down the swing, but swing earlier and then they can follow through longer for the power.  
believe or not, most players find the good and easy way to increase power is add more weight to the racket.

2. the weight ballance, the head is heavy or head is light, try head heavy first, if the racket is head light, then put some

lead tape on the racket to make the head heavier.

3. the frame is stiff or flexible, try stiff racket first, wood racket probably is the most stiff racket, it's really hard to generate power, but it give you a lot control, almost all the famous players(Michael Chang, Sampras, Courier etc.) started with stiff racket(more control, less power).
作者: my man    时间: 2004-6-30 10:43
标题: topic 1

so you can follow them, start with stiff racket even wood racket(means you virturally take Sampras' tip ), the older model, the cheaper one is better, because probably it's exactly what they started with,  people always want to take shortcut, they like the racket the famous player use now, but why not use the racket they started with? because you are the same level as they started,  now you and they are completely different worlds,  the racket is good for top level players is hard to be good too for you,  read some comments from the racket users if you have time, a lot of users believe the racket Rodick and Federer use now are hard to handle, so the racket won't make the magic, only the hand which monipulate the racket will.

good luck to find a correct racket.
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-1 00:05
Hi Michael,

I'vesent an survey email both to your yahoo and hotmail box. please check it.
hope to hear you soon.


I am afraid there is no big event this weekend. I hope we will resolve the issue of building up tennis club by next week. By then, we are going to have a more clear plan for the future.
作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-1 01:01
[QUOTE=my man]
people always want to take shortcut, they like the racket the famous player use now, but why not use the racket they started with? because you are the same level as they started, now you and they are completely different worlds, the racket is good for top level players is hard to be good too for you, read some comments from the racket users if you have time, a lot of users believe the racket Rodick and Federer use now are hard to handle, so the racket won't make the magic, only the hand which monipulate the racket will.

That is very true.

I have tried the Wilson Tour 90 (used by Federer) of Knight. It requirs more preparation and exact hitting zone. Only the advanced player like Knight can use it as a weapon instead of a burden. it is very heavy also (340g).

Later, I continued to test Tour 95 and Dunlop 300G. 300G with larger 98 sq head size and lighter weight (286g) suits me better. Due to limit budget, as Michael said that I have to prepare more money for the 17' string :wink: , I chose the HEAD Ti. ProTour (306g) at last, a discontinued model which was on sale (89.99 bucks).

But happily, I won the game against one local girl who coaches a tennis class at Monk with this brand new racquet.

Wish I could get some advice from Michael and improve faster.
作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-1 02:03
Good preparation of Pros. :p

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作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-1 07:29
<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>

Friday 2nd July

</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>ESPN2
NBC </TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>3.00am - 3.30am
3.30am - 5.00am
7.00am - 8.00am
8.00am - 12.00pm
12.00pm - 5.00pm
8.00pm - 8.30pm
8.30pm - 10.00pm
11.35pm - 11.50pm </TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>The Complete Wimbledon (re-air)
Highlights Day 9 (re-air)
Wake up to Wimbledon
Day 11 - Live Coverage
Day 11 - Live Coverage
The Complete Wimbledon
Highlights Day 11
Highlights</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>Saturday 3rd July
</TD><TD vAlign=top>ESPN2
ESPN </TD><TD vAlign=top>3.00am - 3.30am
3.30am - 6.00am
9.00am - 2.00pm
2.00pm - 3.00pm</TD><TD vAlign=top>The Complete Wimbledon (re-air)
Highlights Day 11 (re-air)
Day 12 - Live Coverage
SportsCenter at Wimbledon</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>Sunday 4th July
</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>NBC
ESPN </TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>9.00am - 2.00pm
3.00pm - 4.00pm</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>Day 13 - Live Coverage
SportsCenter at Wimbledon</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Thinking to have a tennis party indoor somewhere this weekend. The semi-final and final of Wimbledon!!! Any single guy or gal, anyone can provide some room and has Cable/dish and is willing to accomodate us, pls give a shout. We may treat you nice beer and happy hour in return.

Can't wait to see Federer vs. Andy. :cool:
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 08:49
标题: single backhand
I agree, single backhand is not easy, but nothing is easy if you don't get the tricky point(the key or fundamental point), and nothing is impossible if you try enough with correct approach.
A tennis guy watched my daughter playing tennis last wee, he took a lot of photos and sent to me, I found some photos are good in displaying the key points in single backhand, so I poste them here, hope it help a little bit.

1. prepare early: bend knees, turn body enough, so all the power should come from the legs and body rotation. for flat or slice shot, start with racket high:

for top spin shot, start with racket low:
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 08:55
标题: single backhand
the photos, from 1 - 5:

1.  start with racket high, for flat shot and slice(even higher);
2.  start with racket low, for top spin shot.

backhand_start_high.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 280)


backhand_start_low.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 312)


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backhand_hit_out.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 311)


finishhigh.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 290)


作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 09:01
标题: single backhand
3.  hit the ball with arm staight, wrist firm(keep the same angle position between the racket and arm ), racket parallele going forward;
4.  keep the same as in 3, follow through;
5.  finish the hit with racket high in front.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 09:03
标题: single backhand
finally, the coach and player of single backhand : Michael and Merry.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 09:04
标题: single backhand

coach_player.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 313)


作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 09:48
标题: tennis club
Hi Edy, as long as you still have the passion and energy for the tennis club, it's always a positive thing to have and keep a club for all the tennis fans. it's not just specifically for tennis, it's also a social activity which will give everybody chance to have fun, life enjoy here etc., one more chance to find a friend here.  since there is no need to make it that routine style, something like the party meeting in China, so I think it should have no pressure on anybody.  I refused to apply for becoming a member of the party was mainly because there are too much routine meeting, it's waste of too much time which I have to use for playing tennis( I am serious), otherwise my tennis can not reach currect level although it's not very high.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 11:40
标题: negative again
sorry, I have to be negative again, in slow motion from video tape and the third picture above, it shows that Merry's hitting power from the legs and body rotation have a "leakage" when it is transfered to racket head, which means the power is not completely transfered through the shoulder, arm, wrist to the head of the racket.  thery is no problem in legs(they do bend), shoulder(rotation is there) and arm(it does keep straight), the problem happens at the wrist(the weakest link in the power transfer), the picture shows that the racket doesn't parallele go forward(in order to keep body, arm and racket as a unit which is one of the fundamental points), the racket head go ahead or in front of the racket handle which means the wrist get released, it doesn't keep firm enough to make the whole racket parallele go ahead with the arm and should as a unit, the result is less power and less control, this is
the major common problem in almost all level players.

good luck for your single backhand.
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 12:23
标题: single backhand
by the way, a lot of players use their arm to generate power when hit ground stroke(forehand or backhand), in this case, the body trunk , the legs(the much bigger and stronger, more poweful muscle) just get removed from hitting ball, it turn out the shot much less power and much less control.
After Agassi lost the US Open match last year, he said : "I just couldn't use my legs enough for my shots today", right, he could not move his legs well enough that day, which mean he IS OLD, he can not quickly recover from previous tough match any more. if the shot master Agassi can not get great shot because of less using legs, you will lose good shot too if you don't use your legs. pay attention to the great tennis players who have great power shot, almost none of them have big or strong arms, but none of them have weak or small legs and trunk!
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-1 12:32
标题: singel backhand
so no need try to get "tennis arm" and tennis elbow, just try to get tennis legs and tennis trunk, good luck for getting them!
作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-2 00:42
标题: Last minute calls.
Thinking to have a tennis party indoor somewhere this weekend. The semi-final and final of Wimbledon!!!

Any guy or gal can provide some room and has Cable/dish TV and is willing to accomodate us, pls give a shout. We may treat you nice beer and happy hour in return.

Can't wait to see Federer vs. Andy. :cool:

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>

Friday 2nd July

</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>ESPN2

</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>3.00am - 3.30am

3.30am - 5.00am
7.00am - 8.00am
8.00am - 12.00pm
12.00pm - 5.00pm
8.00pm - 8.30pm
8.30pm - 10.00pm
11.35pm - 11.50pm
</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>The Complete Wimbledon (re-air)

Highlights Day 9 (re-air)
Wake up to Wimbledon
Day 11 - Live Coverage
Day 11 - Live Coverage
The Complete Wimbledon
Highlights Day 11
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>Saturday 3rd July

</TD><TD vAlign=top>ESPN2

</TD><TD vAlign=top>3.00am - 3.30am

3.30am - 6.00am
9.00am - 2.00pm
2.00pm - 3.00pm
</TD><TD vAlign=top>The Complete Wimbledon (re-air)

Highlights Day 11 (re-air)
Day 12 - Live Coverage
SportsCenter at Wimbledon
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>Sunday 4th July

</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>NBC

</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>9.00am - 2.00pm

3.00pm - 4.00pm
</TD><TD background=/images/about/lightgreen.gif>Day 13 - Live Coverage

SportsCenter at Wimbledon

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作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-2 00:50
I am going too.
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-6 01:19
标题: Tennis Tournament
Hi 大家好,

经过一段时间的认真考虑和市场调查, 现决心组织一次网球赛,然后视赛事结果和选手参赛效果进一步考虑是否正事成立网球俱乐部。
              每组单打三四名与另外一组三四名交叉淘汰, 以此类推。直至排出所有名次。
4。费用:每人报名费20元 (用于购买球,饮料,奖品及其他必要的花费),报名截止本月24日
              请通过email报名,tennismontreal@hotmail.com 并于本月底之前将报名费交至

July 5, 2004
作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-6 08:59
作者: my man    时间: 2004-7-6 15:00
标题: tenis party
Tennis Party -- no food, no drink unless you bring it with you for your own purpose, just pure tennis action for pure tennis buddies

For anyone who wants to find and know how to fix the problems in your basic tennis shots to playing tennis competition game.
Michael and Merry would like to help you for fun.
depending on how many players come(only 2 - 3 courts), it could be: just swing your arms, or swing racket on court, or rally, or do some drills, or play several games etc., or even just Michael and Merry enjoy rallying on the court if nobody else come.

please contact me if you want to come in order for me to decide and tell you exactly what you will do on the court in advance, so you can have chance to make the final and, more important, wise desition to come or not come, or for me to tell you the concellation due to the weather or court exception etc..
  450-465-8345 (before 10pm, leave your message to my wife)
1.  Time: from 5 – 7 PM, July 9, 2004.
Place: parc preville(on simard street), St_Lambert(a city in south shore), take bus 13(around 15 minutes) from Longueuil Metro/Bus terminal.

parc preville map:


2.  Time: from 5 – 7 PM, July 10, 2004.
Place: parc victorin(on provencher street), Brossard(a city in south shore), take bus 13(around 18 minutes) from Longueuil metro/bus terminal.

parc victorin map:


3.  Time: from 5 – 7 PM, July 11, 2004.
Place: parc rene-veillet(on Park Lane street), Greenfield Park(a city in south shore), take ? bus.

parc rene-veillet map:

作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-6 22:42
Thank you, my man.

would you like to participate this event?


作者: Edy    时间: 2004-7-8 16:57
作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-8 18:30
my daughter born on July 3rd, the day Sharapova got her first grand slam title. Bravo Sharapova!!!

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作者: color188    时间: 2004-7-12 16:42
It gets more and more hot whereas less and less tennis fans appear on the court. Sight!

An example of good preparation and swing.


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