谢谢大家作者: inwinds 时间: 2003-3-25 18:16
是不能让阿拉伯人霸占了康大的研究生学生会,我会去投我们中国人一票的。而且据说现在竞争主席位置的那个阿拉伯人上次做主席时经常带着一帮子人用我们交的钱在餐厅里大吃大喝,所以这次无论如何都不能让他再上了。我虽然没有中国人竞选主席,我会选那个叫Anik的。作者: BlueFlame 时间: 2003-3-25 23:23
We need to vote for your rights, Chinese!作者: xeon 时间: 2003-3-26 14:13
你好,我非常支持你的提议.不过今天我去看了一下投票,为什么投票站的说只是UNDERGRADUATE的没有GRADUATE.另外,急切希望听到这些候选人的声音,这样才能发动大家去投票.中国人需要自己的代表,能有自己的人代表自己的利益去说话.作者: lazyguy 时间: 2003-3-26 17:39
First, you find the voting place for ECSGA, it's just in the lobby of Hall Building, facing the main entrance.
And you should be a graduate student in Engineering school that has the quality to vote.
Because these days undergraduate voting is runing also, i think you talked with a wrong person.作者: jasonone 时间: 2003-3-26 21:04
The polling desk is in front of cinema (H110)
I wish you can find it.作者: peter 时间: 2003-3-29 11:55
any results?作者: strong_sunshine 时间: 2003-3-30 13:49
Chinese or Arabian makes no differnce. Whoever winning the election are always the same: to satisfy their own needs first.
With the growing population of Chinese students in Concordia, it is just a advertisement to claim "For the benefit of Chinese People" so that more people will vote them. I don't see much difference!
But it's always good to have an excuse to get more support. And you will see how the benefit of Chinese students are realised towards the end.作者: winning 时间: 2003-5-18 01:19