
标题: 加拿大大选尽量去投票 [打印本页]

作者: Di Di    时间: 2004-6-20 12:18
标题: 加拿大大选尽量去投票


我自己还没太想好.反正我不会投魁人党的票.我忘不了因为我不会讲法语,警察给我的刁难.好在加拿大制度完善,我会讲法语的当地的同事帮我找会了公道. 如果没有她的帮助,不会法语的我是办不到的.他们的政府部门不提供英语服务,让我很不舒服.网上公布的两位因为拿啤酒瓶子找厕所受罚的朋友的经历我也和同事讲了.问他们这种情况如何警察如何处理合适?老外同事说有些警察太过分了.给他们一个警告或很小额的罚单就行了.我很为这两个中国新移民高兴和自豪.可以想象整个过程他们承受了多大的精神压力.这也促使我决不投魁人党的票.还有那个法语宪章,规定我们的孩子不能上英语私立学校.这在一个现代民主国家也太过分了. 欢迎大家各抒己见.:cool:
作者: DonCherry    时间: 2004-6-20 12:36
作者: Di Di    时间: 2004-6-20 15:21
I want to leave for many years, but unfortunatly both my husband and I found a job here. My immigrant agent did not tell me Montreal is a French city and you even did not get a chance to think about your future life in detail before you have to struggle for your new life. Once I get it, I do not want to give up, so I can not leave here right now. I will fight for my rights as a human by my way. I will vote for a federal party.
我不反对法语的社会文化.加拿大宪法规定的是英法双语为官方语言.我不喜欢的是有些人因为我不会法语而给我hard time. 地铁里宣布紧急通知从来都是法语的.我唯一的一次享受英语服务是通勤火车涨价通知为双语.以前取消班次紧急通知都只有法语.很多细节慢慢才有体会.
作者: Wonder    时间: 2004-6-20 18:55
你说得不错。但还是学会融入吧! 别的省的法语服务不会比这里的英语服务多  这里是法语区,很正常。

Post by Di Di
I want to leave for many years, but unfortunatly both my husband and I found a job here. My immigrant agent did not tell me Montreal is a French city and you even did not get a chance to think about your future life in detail before you have to struggle for your new life. Once I get it, I do not want to give up, so I can not leave here right now. I will fight for my rights as a human by my way. I will vote for a federal party.
我不反对法语的社会文化.加拿大宪法规定的是英法双语为官方语言.我不喜欢的是有些人因为我不会法语而给我hard time. 地铁里宣布紧急通知从来都是法语的.我唯一的一次享受英语服务是通勤火车涨价通知为双语.以前取消班次紧急通知都只有法语.很多细节慢慢才有体会.

作者: xianren    时间: 2004-6-20 19:35


上次中国专业人士协会,何人先生组织的与Bloc Quebecois党魁见面就是一个很好的开端。那次活动举办地在唐人街某个堂口的会馆,会议室在楼道的尽头,去会议室要经过四五个房门大开的房间,几乎每一个房间里都是咱满地可唐人街的阿公和阿婆们在那里大声讲着粤语和着麻将。楼道尽头的会议室里,一群操着普通话的大陆新(老)移民正在严肃认真地与Bloc Quebecois党魁谈融合谈人生谈发展。那天,那层楼的场面非常生动地表现了两代华人的追求和风貌。

我只要有机会就会跟洋人们,尤其是那些政客们展示 www.sinoquebec.com 首页或者印在《蒙城华人报》第三页上的来自华人对各政党的支持率投票结果。这个结果可能与主流社会有差距,但是,它表明了华人对大选的关注。

作者: easycome    时间: 2004-6-21 17:39
作者: kelvin121    时间: 2004-6-21 21:47
标题: 不要投保守党!!!
作者: jbyyz    时间: 2004-6-21 22:58
标题: 投保守党!!!
作者: montpetit    时间: 2004-6-21 23:10
作者: montpetit    时间: 2004-6-21 23:13
作者: jbyyz    时间: 2004-6-21 23:16
作者: jbyyz    时间: 2004-6-21 23:18
作者: montpetit    时间: 2004-6-21 23:19
作者: jbyyz    时间: 2004-6-21 23:23
作者: jbyyz    时间: 2004-6-22 00:41
标题: 大家都不要投自由党的票!
作者: Jcell    时间: 2004-6-22 10:03
标题: NPD is our best choice
NPD's leader is very good.  They have campaign AD in Mandarin and Catonese.
作者: DonCherry    时间: 2004-6-22 12:12
Post by Jcell
NPD's leader is very good.  They have campaign AD in Mandarin and Catonese.
NDP almost equals to UNION. Look how they messed the BC's prospective
  economy and they were doing so through those big, fat unions, which is obviously the
  hurdle of Canadian economy.
  An good example is how Air Canada has been trying to survive under the
  negotiation with Unions. Back down in Quebec, we already saw how those
  lazy butt unions were try to block the legislation on sub-contracting government
  projects(saving tax-payer's money), and how they striked when they want
  more money.
  Be aware, judging a party's overall policy is more important  than it's certain
作者: DonCherry    时间: 2004-6-22 12:27
Post by kelvin121
作者: helloman    时间: 2004-6-22 13:04
In general, Conservative party's policy is pro-business:
. lowering taxes;
. promoting privatization of government services;
. against abortion;
. against bilingualism;
. reduction of public health/social services;
. more restriction on immigration;
. more accepting of large scale sales of natural resources
to foreign countries,
ex. fresh water, wood, natural gas, oil, electricity, etc.
. Less concern with the protection of the environment,
ex. pollution in air, soil, water.
. ... ete.

Whether you like the policies or not
depends on your individual status.
If you are young, healthy, earning high income
then it might be good for you
as you get to keep most of your income
If you are older and need medical or other social services more often,
then it might not be so good for you.

My feeling about the current Liberal government is that
it has been in absolute power for too long
(because of having large majority of the seats in the house)
so it has become complacent, arrogant and then corrupt.
It is about time for it to be humbled in the coming election.

As what they say
absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Conservative government under Brian Mulroney
also produces a lot of corruption,
probably far worse than the current Liberal government.

Having said that, I still like Liberal's socialist policy better
than Conservative's capitalist policy.

I'll hope for minority Liberal government in the next election
so that it can be monitored more closely by the strong opposition parties.
作者: QC    时间: 2004-6-22 13:55
Post by easycome
作者: programmer    时间: 2004-6-22 13:57
标题: Hi
I agree with you "minority Liberal government in the next election"

Paul Martin is good leader than others.   

Conservative party's policy like George W. Bush policy in US.
example: cut tax, but increase military spending.

NDP: Too simple and too young. they like to strike (罢工) that what I hate it. Just big worker unoin has that kind of right.
作者: programmer    时间: 2004-6-22 14:01
标题: Hi
Up Up

Go to vote,

Go to vote

Go to vote
作者: trueprice    时间: 2004-6-22 14:23
Every Chinese who has voting right should go to vote in election day (June 28)
作者: programmer    时间: 2004-6-22 16:10
标题: Chinese and South Asian communities are expected to greatly influence the resu
VANCOUVER, (AFP) - [size=-1]Chinese and South Asian communities are expected to greatly influence the results of the June 28 federal election, for the first time changing dramatically the face of the nation's politicians and politics.

AFP/File Photo

Their numbers have increased steadily in the past three decades to nearly one million each, representing half of Canada's four million visible minorities, and they are asserting their collective political clout like never before. A record 28 Canadians of South Asian descent and nearly a dozen Chinese-Canadian candidates of various political stripes vying for parliamentary seats.

"Their mere presence in Parliament will have a profound change in how we see ourselves," said University of British Columbia political scientist Richard Johnston.

"We're getting used to seeing Asian faces in prominent places, as leaders of the community."

While some of this is the result of efforts from within these communities to make their voices heard, some is also the product of aggressive recruiting tactics by the major political parties who saw ethnic groups tend to cluster geographically and hold the balance of power in many districts.

"We're hearing more about issues (relevant to ethnic minorities) in this election because political parties want to solicit their votes," said incumbent Libby Davies, campaigning with a Cantonese-speaking politician to help her appeal to the 30 per cent of Chinese-Canadians in her Vancouver district. She is up against a high-profile Chinese candidate.

It has led to the first political advertisements in Mandarin and Cantonese on national television, a major English-language daily newspaper running special sections on the election in English, Chinese and Punjabi to reach a broader audience, and the selection of the first Cantonese-speaking candidate, Jack Layton, as leader of a major federal party, the New Democratic Party.

"Jack is known as Mr. Chow in the local Chinese community," joked his wife, Olivia Chow, who tought her language to her husband. Olivia Chow, who came from Hong Kong when she was 13, is also a candidate in this election.

Pundits predict the number elected to office June 28 will double to more than 10. While still only a fraction of the 308 seats in Parliament, their input will likely affect negatively Canada's relationship with the United States and sway domestic policies on issues such as same-sex marriage, immigration, and the recognition of foreign professional credentials to make it easier for immigrants to find work here.

"New Canadians generally agree with (former Prime Minister) Jean Chretien's decision not to join the war in Iraq (news - web sites). On the domestic side, they tend to be more family-oriented, more traditional on issues like the definition of marriage or the role of women," Johnston said.

But getting involved in politics has created some discord between the candidates and their communities. Muslim candidate Itrath Syed was criticized by local religious leaders for defending her party's position on same sex-marriage, for example.

"Muslims in Canada must be clear that we cannot demand our own equality in Canada, our own rights to be who we are while also calling for the rights of others to be restricted. If the principle of equality under Canadian law is compromised, it will be compromised for all minority communities," she countered in an email to supporters.

Eventually, these moral questions will probably lead to a fragmentation of the communities and cause them to stop voting in blocks, Johnston predicts. And, so this election may be their first and last big chance to make their votes count.

作者: 我爱喝豆浆    时间: 2004-6-22 16:21
标题: 提倡参政,尽量去投票
其实哪有那么多大帽子? 做为一个公民, 这一票投到对自己有利益的一边无论如何都不为过.

不管楼主投哪个党的票, 但这种想法是赞同的.
作者: easycome    时间: 2004-6-23 15:32

作者: lulin    时间: 2004-6-23 21:58
标题: Comparing George Bush to Steven Harper - are they one and the same?
I copy this letter from: http://canadianweigh.com/harper.htm

Dear Fellow Canadian:
I felt that I had to write to you after seeing those large “Conservative” signs around town.  While it is completely your choice to vote whichever way you want, I just felt I had to tell you something.  I have posted this page in the hopes that I can make a difference.  I lived in the US for 15 years before moving back to Canada.  I left shortly after George Bush took office.    George Bush truly damaged America.  He damaged the economy, the environment, world opinion and he even damaged Americans ‘inalienable rights’.   I am trying to save Canada from a similar demise.

After Steven Harper launched his Campaign platform, I became truly distraught.  He is saying very similar words to that of George Bush during his 2000 campaign.  Bush promised tax cuts, promised not to alter abortion laws, pledged to make government “smaller” and pledged to increase the military.  When criticized for having a budget that was too high, Bush said he was spending projected budget surpluses.     Harper is using the same campaign strategy.   Both Bush & Harper call themselves ‘Compassionate Conservatives’ in an attempt to lessen the fears of free thinking voters.  Both promised the same things – even longer prison sentences.   It is clear that if elected, Harper will make Canada more like the USA in most ways.

Voting for Steven Harper is like voting for George Bush.  The two are just too similar in their campaigns and in their beliefs (remember Mulroney & Reagan dancing together on the stage?).    Why does Canada need a bigger military? The only reason would be so that it could participate with the US in world policing.   Steven Harper was in favor of Canada going into Iraq and if elected he will send our troops into the next US-based conflict.    It is not mere coincidence that both Bush & Harper come from Oil-related regions and interests (and of course they are both against the Kyoto accord).   Harper & Bush are very tricky about their campaigns,  rather then openly admitting they don't care about the environment and want us to consume more oil,  they spin the circumstances and make claims that the Kyoto accord isn't fair,  or that there is no proof it will work,  and of course they say "we need tough environmental laws to lower smog",  but Kyoto already addresses all of this.  The bottom line is that the large corporations that back Harper & Bush want us all to keep consuming more oil.

Beyond the fundamental issues, Harper will hurt the Canadian economy and the Canadian dollar by overspending.  Although he promises tax relief, Bush promised the same thing.  The only people that actually saw real tax relief were – and will be – large corporations that back Harper & Bush.   Note that the Canadian dollar is currently the strongest it has been in 20 years!  A strong fiscal policy has caused international investors to value the Canadian dollar high.   The US Dollar is at a 20 year low.  Bush's overspending and conservative policies caused the international community to 'take flight' from the US dollar.

I am asking you to carefully consider your vote, and to hopefully not vote Conservative. All you have to do is look to the south and you will see the Canada that could be.  The Bush & Harper campaigns are too similar for it to be mere coincidence. I have lived in America before – I don’t want to live in any place like that again.   Please don’t take away what makes Canada truly special.


Jayson Kaplan

If you would like to contact me to discuss,  please email [email="jayson@canadianweigh.com"]jayson@canadianweigh.com[/email]
作者: Tomcat    时间: 2004-6-28 15:41
标题: 我不准备投paul Martin(马田)的自由党, 因为他是第一个接见达赖喇嘛的加拿大政府首
我不准备投paul Martin(马田)的自由党, 因为他是第一个接见达赖喇嘛的加拿大政府首脑 !
作者: DonCherry    时间: 2004-6-28 17:17
Me too. Not because of Dalai, because of its corruption and arrogence.
No tax cut in its 10 years tenue, and GST is still there, which was
promised to be  removed 10 years ago.

I will not vote for NDP either.  because of its strong ties with those Unions.
作者: Burgundy    时间: 2004-6-29 10:20
昨天我在一个投票站作义工12个小时, 只见到一个会讲汉语的香港孩子. 而从选民名单上看, 使用中国姓氏的有几十个.
作者: helloman    时间: 2004-7-1 18:27
昨天我在一个投票站作义工12个小时, 只见到一个会讲汉语的香港孩子. 而从选民名单上看, 使用中国姓氏的有几十个.
It is unfortunate that a large number of Chinese Canadians
do not appreciate the importance of their right to vote
and choose not to exercise the right.

Some even take pride in never having gone to vote !
What a misguided pride !

Chinese Canadians only got the right to vote
federally and in various provinces after the second world war,
during which Chinese Canadians volunteered to fight for Canada.

It is the right and duty of every Canadian to vote.
My mother understands it.
So do her elderly friends.

They always exercise their right to vote
in every city, provincial and federal elections.
作者: Di Di    时间: 2004-7-1 20:26
标题: 真泄气

To Wonder:

Quote :
你说得不错。但还是学会融入吧! 别的省的法语服务不会比这里的英语服务多 这里是法语区,很正常。

Originally Posted by Di Di
I want to leave for many years, but unfortunatly both my husband and I found a job here. My immigrant agent did not tell me Montreal is a French city and you even did not get a chance to think about your future life in detail before you have to struggle for your new life. Once I get it, I do not want to give up, so I can not leave here right now. I will fight for my rights as a human by my way. I will vote for a federal party.
我不反对法语的社会文化.加拿大宪法规定的是英法双语为官方语言.我不喜欢的是有些人因为我不会法语而给我hard time. 地铁里宣布紧急通知从来都是法语的.我唯一的一次享受英语服务是通勤火车涨价通知为双语.以前取消班次紧急通知都只有法语.很多细节慢慢才有体会.

作者: 鬼鬼见愁愁    时间: 2005-2-27 23:37

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