期待中。。。。 作者: philippe 时间: 2003-1-26 01:59
vieux port Mon - Sun
l'ile de helene / LA FETE DE NEIGE作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-26 10:35
啊?第一个是老港的哪个吗?我看不懂法语呀。sorry i couldn't understand :confused: :confused: :confused:作者: md4 时间: 2003-1-26 10:38
vieux port 老港:滑冰不免费,但收费低,五元以下作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-26 12:14
还想找个老师呢 作者: Good Guy 时间: 2003-1-26 15:15
在橙线BONAVENTON地铁站有一个室内的。作者: viviangle 时间: 2003-1-26 18:35
皇家山上有一个,好象是免费的,那里风景美丽,挺好的,挺多人去的,但是要带上自己的鞋去。作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-26 19:19
Good Guy :谢谢呀。我明天坐地铁去找找看,那个滑冰场叫什么名字,用出地铁吗?you are really good guy
viviangle: 皇家山怎么去呀?能坐地铁吗?是室内的吗?我正打算买冰鞋,上次在canadian tire看到有个白色的挺好看的,但我想先找到一个合适的地方,如果能经常去,还是自己买双方便。谢谢 作者: river2002 时间: 2003-1-26 22:36
There is skating class at McGill Arena (in door). 8 lessons, $36 for student/$56 for outsiders. But the class might start already. There is also an indoor arena at Place Bonaventrue. Thursday evening is $5.
Have fun.作者: Quintinstic 时间: 2003-1-27 12:21
You can get off at either Guy or Peel Metro and talk up to Mount Royal. I think there is #11 bus you can take, but I am not sure where exactly. Check STCUM website for detail info. Yes, it is an outdoor ring. 作者: Qiren 时间: 2003-1-28 02:30
If you practise skating in McGill Winter Arena(indoor standard court, free for McGill students, $2 for guests, Sunday noon), I can teach you when I am free from my work. But I seldom go to other place.作者: 饵块 时间: 2003-1-28 11:33
谁想最近同去,husu2000@sina.com连系作者: 徐 时间: 2003-1-28 13:44
社区冰场到处都是。 有兴趣可以 一起约个时间去作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-28 18:25
我不会滑,但又想常去练练,是不是买双冰鞋理划算?canadian tire的可以吗? 作者: windsorsalt 时间: 2003-1-28 18:33
count me,did they rent skating shoes at mcgill?作者: 神仙姐姐 时间: 2003-1-28 20:13
我也要去,我也要去, 才买了对冰鞋,想学呢!哪儿有免费的或便宜的场地,你们去时别忘记叫我哦!514-739-5693(最好晚上9点前打)
谢啦!作者: Qiren 时间: 2003-1-28 22:32
Ringsky, you got the right place, but the skating entertainment time for McGill Arena is:
Wed. 14:00-15:00 Sun: 11:15-12:45
Occasionally the sunday session is cancelled for some activity.
If no one watch the door(this always happens), you can avoid the admission fee.
Probably I will be there tomorrow afternoon with my friend. If you have time, you can go there to have a look.作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-28 22:41
我只去过old port那个室外的,租鞋$6,含门票,若自带鞋门票$3,季票$15,放鞋的锁$2。
不知大家都什么时候有空?我们得找个合适的时间呀作者: Mcgiller 时间: 2003-1-29 17:59
so..come to Mcgill Winter Arena at 11:10 am on Sunday...Great ice condition,great music,and great people...enjoy the pleasure of skating freely,like a bird flying in the sky..作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-29 18:27
Do I need to bring my own skate or I can rent one there? I am going to buy one. But for sunday, maybe I couldn't come.
Qiren:I didn't read your post yesterday. Sorry
Go skating!!作者: 神仙姐姐 时间: 2003-1-30 10:26
Qiren: 您的意思是MCGILL的冰场一周才开放两次,每次才1小时,对吗?
ringsky:我昨天去了 BONAVENTON那个,场地不大,但感觉挺好(虽然摔了3次,也还没学会),打算以后还去。带上学生证4.5入场费,租鞋4.5。作者: Qiren 时间: 2003-1-31 02:19
Yes, twice per week for McGill recreational skating time. Wed. 1 hour, Sunday 1.5 hour. Other sessions are reserved for hockey etc. No skates for rent. You have to bring your own one.作者: Mcgiller 时间: 2003-1-31 16:20
sorry.no skates for rent...
I just remember,,just go to the Winter Festival of Montreal,,on an island(I don't remember the name of that small island)..I went there last weekend...1.5KM long skating rink!!good ice ground...You can go by metro(very convienient),or by car(parking is 10 dollars)...on saturday it's from (10am-late at night),,sunday (10am-5pm)!!!Great place!作者: ringsky 时间: 2003-1-31 20:13
今天去老港那个,挺不错,就是太累了 作者: Mcgiller 时间: 2003-1-31 23:16
anyway..老港冰场是个让我一生都会记得的地方。。。On Christmas,I met with my Miss Special there