标题: 寻乒乓球友 [打印本页] 作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-5-20 23:08 标题: 寻乒乓球友 本人爱好乒乓球,但苦于没有对手,无法进行练习,特此征询球友,别无其他含义。球友无性别年龄要求,但求有一定球艺。望有同好者留下联系方式。谢谢!作者: wangminjiang 时间: 2003-5-21 12:30
Why are there so many pple posting about table tennis? yet i never got any positive response as where i can play this with you guys.
i have extra pads and balls....... and my skill is not very bad....
so if u do have a place to play, give me a call at 9980238.作者: eddie9798 时间: 2003-5-23 19:35
我水平中等偏下,但有球和拍子!作者: Buhuitou 时间: 2003-5-23 19:49
I am a good player if you did not have a professional training. You are welcomed to contact me if you really like it. I have my own pad.作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-5-23 21:58
有了地方才能练。 谁知道哪能打球呢?
forest416@bigfoot.com作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-5-23 23:26
业余高手. 有地方打球请通知一下.stevenlcan@yahoo.com. 谢谢.作者: chenl 时间: 2003-5-24 09:00
hi, guy, come here to play ping pang?
i like ping pang as well. And i have a ping pang table at my basement. what do you think about this:
1. we can play at every saturday 4pm~6pm;
2. this is not a course, so your skill must beyond beginner level;
3. if you just arrived in canada within last two weeks from toronto, hongkong, or china, please don't come, i have to consider the SRAS risk for all comers;
4. please call before you come, if too many people, be ready some of us will play valley ball in opposite sport field on the compus of st-laurent college.
we can start from this saturday --- may 24.
reply, or call (514) 748-6979作者: Tiramisu 时间: 2003-5-24 12:03
10 yrs professional training, and almost 10 yrs never played since then ...
I will go to see the show of "cirque du soleil" this saturday, so hope to see u guys later ...
seadreamriver@hotmail.com作者: iebuz 时间: 2003-5-24 19:00
If you guys have a place to play table tennis, please let me know. Thanks.作者: biyao329 时间: 2003-5-24 19:04
i like to play pingpang a lot so if you have some activity please let me knowcontact me at 9792768 thanks作者: flyordie 时间: 2003-5-26 23:25
你们有活动联系我,我可真是喜欢打乒乓球。flyordie_ca@hotmail.com作者: somerled 时间: 2003-5-29 18:15
在那里有场地打 球? 有活动联系我,我可真是喜欢打乒乓球。suxiaohouse@hotmail.com 或电话 369 4995作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-5-31 00:18
我想组织一个乒乓球俱乐部,只是场地有困难。如果是免费的场地,可能条件差一点。如果是收费的,大概要每人5加币一次。请大家帮着出出主意。谢谢!作者: 北溟 时间: 2003-5-31 09:32
条件差的场地什么样子的阿? 能够活动开马?作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-5-31 22:04
所谓差的场地就是在个人家里的地下室,只是地方小了一点,打近台的人没问题,打中远台则不行。作者: 北溟 时间: 2003-6-2 11:21
要不先去那里试试? 我的电话570 3618, email:
jasonsu@wowmail.com. 我只有一个拍子,我姓苏
bangmeng 你的联系方式可否告知?作者: chenl 时间: 2003-6-2 11:33
hi, nobody called and came to play last saturday afternoon. this weekend hope you can come. the site is small in the basement but enough for exercise. i have 4 pads, so you don't have to bring yours.作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-2 23:55
周六聚一下? 楼下两位都有台子,去谁家好呢?作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-6-3 22:47
To seasonsea: we have decided going to mrchen's home to play pingpong. If you like too, please leave your email or phone number.作者: maturebull 时间: 2003-6-4 07:17
Please call me at 731-9341 or email me at lucienmike@yahoo.com. Thanks.作者: cy 时间: 2003-6-4 13:02
Hi, please count me in. I'm a middle level player and I have my own pad. Email cy316757@yahoo.ca
or call (514)340-6183作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-4 22:40
hi,bangmeng. thanks for inviting me. my email:stevenlcan@yahoo.com. my phone number: 735 7848. reach me at 9:30 to 14:30 if you have any plan to play.thanks a lot.作者: Anchorman 时间: 2003-6-7 19:35
bangmeng 你好。
I'm Michael Liu. 很久没打乒乓球了,很希望有机会大家能一起玩,有空叫上我,谢谢。
Please inform me by email, my email address is cqcmichael@hotmail.com作者: 北溟 时间: 2003-6-7 21:40
今天怎么没有叫我啊? 我还等你电话那,后来你们去了吗?作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-7 22:30
感谢mr.chen 提供场地和饮用水, 感谢bangmeng发起此贴。作者: Contact 时间: 2003-6-8 07:42
我也想打,有空叫我,谢谢, 765-9443作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-6-8 20:04
谢谢大家星期六来参加活动,下个星期六继续进行,还在MR. CHEN家里。另外,参加人数多,场地不够大,我们还在找新的场地,最好有几个台子,可以同时开打。如果需要交一定的会员费,不知大家是否有兴趣参加。请大家发表意见。作者: SummerMontreal 时间: 2003-6-8 21:37
没问题作者: poweryin 时间: 2003-6-9 13:21
本人有一定水平,希望能和各位球友多多交流.作者: brucezhang 时间: 2003-6-9 13:45
i like table tennis too. please email me the address of mr. chen. thx.
Metro Cremazie, orange line, right? I live near that station.作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-6-12 20:38
大家好,这个星期六还在MR.CHEN家里活动,下午四点开始。地址是:644 STE-CROIX。乘地铁橙线,DU COLLEGE站下,向东走五分钟。作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-12 23:02
to iebuz:是橙线,我搞错了。有空可以去看一看,我本来和那里的教练约好周五晚6-8点去那里试球,因有课不能去。你可以去看一看了解一下情况,向弟兄们通告一下。作者: guojing 时间: 2003-6-13 18:25
好急了,我直接去可以吗?我的电话362-0171作者: 北溟 时间: 2003-6-13 22:24
好,我一定去作者: BadGuy 时间: 2003-6-13 23:07
我可不可以去看看?作者: deying 时间: 2003-6-14 19:50
I like to play also, email to me.作者: kasseler 时间: 2003-6-18 10:48
有空一起玩阿作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-20 22:45
上周有事没去。这个周末有没有活动啊?作者: zqy 时间: 2003-6-21 16:28
到底怎么参加活动?作者: sherly 时间: 2003-6-21 19:06
我特爱乒乓,从小就打,没想到可以在蒙城过把瘾了, 有什么活动别忘了叫我一声 ( sherlysun@hotmail.com), COOL作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-6-21 19:16
Today only seasonsea and me play. No other people. Mr. Chen was still busy. I wish next Saturday I can meet more people at Mr. Chen's home.作者: bray_wang 时间: 2003-6-21 22:27
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-27 22:12
647, 明天去吗?
bangmeng ,什么时候有空啊?和你较量一场?作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-6-27 22:16
647, 你要的是什么电话?作者: millie 时间: 2003-7-1 20:11
下次活动烦请联系我:933 6035。谢谢!作者: Anchorman 时间: 2003-7-3 16:57
345-0386作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-7-3 19:55
seasonsea: 我要的是拨号上网ISP(Internet Service Provider)的电话。作者: iebuz 时间: 2003-7-4 19:18
Are you guys playing table tennis recently? Where? I am interested in.
seasonsea, sorry, I have not had a chance to go to the subway station "Cremazie" to see the playground. Most likely, it would be closed for summer like most of the gyms.作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-7-4 20:55
各位朋友,明天(星期六)仍在MR. CHEN家里打球,地址是:644 STE-CROIX,ST-LAURENT。下午四点开始,请各位自行前往。谢谢。作者: iebuz 时间: 2003-7-4 21:58
Is the newcomer welcome?作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-7-4 22:15
爱国不分先后,打球无论新旧.welcome to north america.作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-7-4 22:19
to 647:你要的电话:514 849 5231. good luck.作者: 雪千寻 时间: 2003-7-6 12:07
jackyxu920@hotmail.com作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-7-7 16:23
to seasonsea: Thanks a lot.作者: lapage 时间: 2003-7-10 11:03
I like this topic.作者: jz_sui 时间: 2003-7-10 18:03
A member of a Ping Pong Club located in West Island. Want to play or arrange matches with the members, please leave your phone or email me. Thanks.作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-7-11 16:33
please give us the detailed information about "how to be a member" or "how to take part in the match".my email: stevenl8@msn.com .thanks.作者: Anchorman 时间: 2003-7-11 16:57
明天还打球吗?作者: millie 时间: 2003-7-12 20:03
另外,谢谢通知我去打球的李先生,我因为等同伴而和您错过了,希望下次有机会。作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-7-17 22:30
这个星期哪位朋友想打球,请跟帖。谢谢。作者: woodstock 时间: 2003-7-18 00:07
345-0386作者: Lorry 时间: 2003-7-18 00:16
lorrylii@hotmail.com作者: janus 时间: 2003-7-18 07:09
我想打球 514 725 5602 or janus03_ca@hotmail.com 请与我联系告知地址. 多谢了作者: 懒人用长线 时间: 2003-7-18 12:42
have you found new place to play table tenis, or will go Mr.Chen's house?作者: 当当 时间: 2003-7-18 13:25
来mr.chen这吧,虽然场地是小了一点,但是对乒乓球爱好者来说,在这里还是能让你过足球瘾的.作者: Anchorman 时间: 2003-7-18 16:53
明天几点?作者: bangmeng 时间: 2003-7-18 19:42
找到了正式的场地,但是要交钱,每人每次5元,并且只能在周一到周五,周末不开。明天还是去MR.CHEN家里,下午四点开始,地址是:644 STE-CROIX,VILLE ST-LAURENT。乘地铁橙线到DU COLLEGE站下,想东走五分钟就到了STE-CROIX街。请各位自行前往。作者: scottie 时间: 2003-7-22 09:25
不知道这个星期还能打乒乓球吗?我是业余的,大约2年半没有打了,不知道还可不可以?想在这里锻炼一下!谢谢各位球友。作者: scottie 时间: 2003-7-24 08:08
为什么没有人去呢?大家最近都很忙吗?作者: janus 时间: 2003-7-24 13:29
scottie, 看来你很想打球. 水平怎么样啊? 我们来比试一下.作者: scottie 时间: 2003-7-24 20:54
我水平很一般,会打一点,janus,我们有时间练一练吧!好长时间没有打了,还不知道会不会打!作者: niuyuming 时间: 2003-7-24 21:02
I am interested too(I rate myself 70%), and I would like to join you guys. I am ready to pay for it. Or, I can bring some food if we play at somebody's home. My tel: 514-9897773. Please do contact me, thank you! :rolleyes:作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-7-25 22:42
647,最近忙什么呢?给个信箱我,打球的时候总是找不到你。楼下有我的信箱。作者: niuyuming 时间: 2003-7-26 00:12
很久没打了,手痒的厉害,希望能和你们过把瘾。我今天上午会和陈先生联系。作者: scottie 时间: 2003-7-26 17:24
有时间可以打球的话请通知我,我的电话是8271166,任何时间。谢谢允许我入会。@_@ mail: scott_juntong@hotmail.com作者: llgg1 时间: 2003-7-27 07:08
我带来的乒乓球拍还未有机会用.有活动请通知,电话:769-8980. Thanks!作者: max_nwpu 时间: 2003-7-27 07:54
业余高手,max_wangwei@hotmail.com,有活动通知一下。作者: wqb 时间: 2003-7-27 09:54
有活动请通知,电话:762-3786. Thanks!作者: niuyuming 时间: 2003-7-28 22:39
多谢陈先生提供的场地。这回玩得挺过瘾!作者: scottie 时间: 2003-7-29 16:30
to yuming: 可不可以下次打球的时候,给我打个电话?我真的很想很想打,我水平适中(自我以为),谢谢!作者: sunrain 时间: 2003-7-31 14:25
that is great! please count me, 935-3398 Joy. Thx.作者: lapage 时间: 2003-7-31 16:17
I am female and I think I play ping-pong well.
Please count me. ndgloyola@hotmail.com
Thanks作者: tititutu 时间: 2003-7-31 17:36
好想打呦 —— 作者: seasonsea 时间: 2003-8-1 10:19
转贴:几天前偶尔发现了一个打乒乓球的好地方,在BOUL。LASALLE,号码应在9000号以上(具体以后我会跟贴),近河边,旁边一个露天舞场。是社区的,室内,全FREE,地方大,台子一般,周六1点到10点,平时10点到5点。我是用朋友的名上的贴,请不要发E-mail,谢谢!作者: sunrain 时间: 2003-8-1 17:00
Hey, will anybody go there to play?作者: scottie 时间: 2003-8-1 20:43
of course, i will, go first, but the address is not clear,so ,we should check.Do you know where is the place ?作者: paspire 时间: 2003-8-3 16:07
Hi, Seasonsea,
请再努力确定号码,也可以与我联系咱们共同搞定。我的EAMIL:XIDONG_Z@NETZERO.COM作者: iebuz 时间: 2003-8-3 18:47
But we need to know the exact address before we can go there to have a try. If anyone knows the exact address, please post it here. Thanks a lot.