You need check if brake has problem. Check if the surface of disk is smooth
enough or pads is thick enough (at least 3mm left). Just go to garage is you
cannot do it yourself.
Yes, they should rotate easily. if not the brake is sticky; you need ask them
to check if caliper or brake cable has problem.作者: nlc2003 时间: 2004-7-7 16:01
Civic,自己动手换刹车可能吗?作者: DonCherry 时间: 2004-7-7 19:36
If you are sure that the brake has problem and you have
a little bit of mechanic background, you can do by yourself.
Just pick up a haynes book at canadiantire and make sure
the car is properly jacked and roll up you sleeve and DIY.
It is not difficult if you have book in hand.作者: nlc2003 时间: 2004-7-8 15:06
:confused: 另外,如果换两前轮的刹车片,在车行大约的花费是多少呢?作者: DonCherry 时间: 2004-7-8 15:58
Usually garage asks for one and half hour labor, some garages
may ask less than that. With labor costs about $40~80, you can
count it.