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Post by 260939791;3142168
Montreal SHOULD become an English again like it was before the PQ racists drove the English people and businesses away in the 70'.
Montreal would prosper again instead of stagnating.
That's one thing that piss me off, people seem to forget how English Montreal was not so long ago. It's a crime what the PQ and language laws have done to this province.
Post by lovelytito;3142283
我虽然不支持PQ, 但你直接就说人家是犯罪就有点过了吧。 PQ代表的是本地出生的希望在政治文化上独立的魁贝壳的观念和利益,他们有他们自己的想法,别人有别人的想法, 法英裔的博弈这么久以来又不是建立在谁是不是犯罪的立场上。我不赞同PQ和魁独的理念, 但我尊重他们的想法和利益出发点。 你不赞同他们的观念就不选他们,你一后来者又凭什么要求把魁省变成English的世界呢,暂且不说你的想法幼稚不可能实现,你这么pissed off, 干嘛还呆在魁省, 去其他省好了。 说PQ做的是crime, 你也耸人听闻了。
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