标题: 来自广东的朋友请进来! [打印本页] 作者: 芝麻开门 时间: 2003-5-27 20:08 标题: 来自广东的朋友请进来! 有珠海,佛山,中山,顺德的朋友吗? 作者: baobao 时间: 2003-5-29 11:50
how about hong kong?作者: 佛山黃飛紅 时间: 2003-5-29 11:58
我也是香港耒的!作者: jatin gaur 时间: 2003-5-29 12:30
"Why some chinese treat us so cruelly and unhumanely?"
Because you cantonese deserve it badly by spreading SAR to the whole world. It causes billions of dollars loses in China.
Pig is always pig. Like your ancestors more than a hunhred years and all the illegal immigrants who were shipped to Canada, you cantoneses are not human being at all, but pigs.作者: baobao 时间: 2003-5-29 13:06
to 佛山黃飛紅 : Are u interested in it?
Quoted from Demorcay:
How about kick boxing, thai boxing, all style free fight and japanese kendo? i am always looking for partners to have friendly pratice.........""no challenge"" please!
No matter what language u speak; different level; all gender, age and size are WELLCOME!!!
Well equipped is preferred.作者: walker_xu 时间: 2003-5-29 13:11
jatin gaur, to me, you are a pig too. Your ancestors may not be pigs. But you are a dirty pig to me.作者: 阿木 时间: 2003-5-29 14:02
jatin gaur: SHAME ON U!!
i was shocked to see such a message u wrote! how could u do that as a "Chinese"?
SARS has been in Guangdong for almost 6 months, there are total 1511 people infected.
From 31sth of March to 28th of May there’re only 358 people infected in Guangdong.
U know what, in these 2 months, there’re about 3759 in the other parts of China infected, but only 358 in Guangdong.
Even though Guangdong starts the SARS, u see the rate the people get infected and cured??????? Who is the pig?? Why in 6 months, Guangdong has 1511 people infected, in 2 months 358 people infected, BUT, in other parts of China-3759 are infected in only 2 months??? It is because people in Guangdong care about sanitation…
Now, who is the pig? Here, I really don’t wanna say sth bad about our compatriots who r from China too. I was just so disappointed and angry to see some one left such a shameful message here—IN ENGLISH—IN A WEB SITE OUT OF CHINA. Why do u think the foreigners feel when they see such a post? SHAME ON U! jatin gaur! 作者: 阿木 时间: 2003-5-29 14:04
jatin gaur: U R SUCH A SHAME!!!!!
i was shocked to see such a message u wrote! how could u do that as a "Chinese"?
SARS has been in Guangdong for almost 6 months, there are total 1511 people infected.
From 31sth of March to 28th of May there’re only 358 people infected in Guangdong.
U know what, in these 2 months, there’re about 3759 in the other parts of China infected, but only 358 in Guangdong.
Even though Guangdong starts the SARS, u see the rate the people get infected and cured??????? Who is the pig?? Why in 6 months, Guangdong has 1511 people infected, in 2 months 358 people infected, BUT, in other parts of China-3759 are infected in only 2 months??? It is because people in Guangdong care about sanitation…
Now, who is the pig? Here, I really don’t wanna say sth bad about our compatriots who r from China too. I was just so disappointed and angry to see some one left such a shameful message here—IN ENGLISH—IN A WEB SITE OUT OF CHINA. Why do u think the foreigners feel when they see such a post? SHAME ON U! jatin gaur!作者: 阿木 时间: 2003-5-29 14:11
By the way, what's the relation between being a pig with shipping to Canada a hundred years ago???
why did u say that? because u r so jealous!! jealous of their money, their positions in Canada~ if u were they,i bet u would ship to Canada a hundred years ago, wouldn't u? u just got no chance! that's it! u jealous pig!!! :mad:作者: 阿木 时间: 2003-5-29 14:19
u know what, Guangdong, especially Shenzhen city is a immigrant city. people there come from every part of China! every part! every province!! maybe your friends or relatives too. we all know that shenzhen is a very high developing city, it's rich, clean, high-tech....in a word, Wonderful city. it's not only because of we Cantonese people, and also the people from all parts of China. i'm from shenzhen, all my friends, their families r from every province in China. whenever i feel proud of shenzhen, i feel proud of China. because it is built by all of us--Chinese! not only cantonese. :rolleyes:作者: HeavyRain 时间: 2003-5-29 15:18
Gaur is an Indian name. are you someone from India?作者: baobao 时间: 2003-5-29 15:36
What a shame! sign~~~~~~~~~~
where is your brain,jatin gaur and songhua ye!!??
Have your parent ever taught you guys what is respect? how to being polite?
What a shame posting such message against human kind.........
have u ever got educated?作者: jatin gaur 时间: 2003-5-30 08:22
In Chinese history, Canton province was not a good place to live in China. Because there were lots of weird deceases and tons of people died for unknown reasons. People lived with wild animals so close that they slept with them and had them as food because they had to. Otherwise they would die soon. From last century, you Cantonese got the chance to get more developed than other inner part of China. Nothing wrong with that, God give everyone a chance. But in your Cantonese’s language, you never think other part of China IS the major source of your dirty business money, which you Cantonese like to mention, not me. I am angry to you Cantonese because as said in the message I pointed out, you want to distinguish yourself from Chinese. You Cantonese want to separate from other part of China.
Not only for that, you Cantonese never appreciate the source of your claimed prosperity, you Cantonese spread SAR to other part of China. That is your gratitude toward other part of China. There is PROOF that the SAR virus is from wild animals in Canton province. And researchers in China find evidences. You Cantonese are too shameful to mention you are the source of SAR. You Cantonese are cowards; no enough courage to admit that you Cantonese cause billions of dollars loses in China and worldwide.
However you Cantonese have too much pride and courage to boast you dirty habit of eating wild animals, not only dead animals, but also LIVE animals.
How dirty, how cruel, how inhuman ARE you Cantonese!
While in a world of protecting wild animals, you Cantonese are doing just the opposite by eating wild animals LIVE.
May God bless China and Chinese, but not Cantonese, who enjoy living and eating wild animals!作者: 阿木 时间: 2003-5-30 15:39 各位同胞,唉~
I don't know there is Cantoness in nuns island, I also live there, hope to know you.作者: 芝麻开门 时间: 2003-6-12 18:06
哎呀,各位朋友,几天没看自己贴的帖子,再一看怎么成了艺苑杂谈了 wink 恩,有哪位朋友会自己做肠粉的吗?呵呵,很想吃吃哦~~ 作者: Cuty 时间: 2003-6-13 18:23
I can not agree with "Zhimakaimen" any more.作者: 芝麻开门 时间: 2003-6-14 15:31
好说好说 只是看到帖子里先萨斯,后租房,觉得好象严肃了点。