******心声******作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 12:34
thanks a lot. I will send you a email for any new information.
Count me in please. I would like to be one who will work on arranging the activity things. Send me an email in case of there is any meeting, discussing required. Do it with honor.作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 12:37
To Travelsky ,
******心声******作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 13:32
To tin_tong,
來叭﹗加入我們叭﹗春節是我們自己的節日叭。我們不會引入任何的政治勢力。我們堅持自發﹗作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-20 13:34
Car parade is pretty annoy to the street traffic and commercial vendors.
Why not organising a "Lion Dancing" instead?
Don't look down Chinatown, which for generations is the supporter of our montherland. It collected money for overthowing Qin Empire, it sent money and sons to fight those evil Japanese, it habours lot of new comers like you to start the life. I don't think they gave bad image of Chinese people, they are live the same style as the people in China.
If you notice the mainstream reaction, you could find that they do not care much of last two car parades. They are focusing more on mulit-culture and ethnic collaboration.
Fortunately, there are not many people went to the street in last two car parade. Of course, you can go every day.作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 14:18
再次重申我們會堅持自發。作者: nicething 时间: 2003-10-20 15:29
热烈欢迎朋友们提出建议,我觉得距离下次新的活动,我们还有充裕的时间,我们不一定要拘泥于哪一个固定模式,让我们一起来倾听彼此的心声,把"我们自己的事做好"。作者: DonCherry 时间: 2003-10-20 15:38
I agree, I think we can find a good approach to celeberate the new year.作者: uwdanny 时间: 2003-10-20 15:43
Strongly agree on DonCherry's last two posts. It seems to me that car parade during rush hour will seriously affect ppl's regular off-work time, especially in the business area.作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 15:59
thanks for your suggestions.
Seems people are getting tired of car parade.
Any other suggestions. We are open to any suggestions.作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 16:12
Yes please! It's my pleasure to work with you. Best regards, good luck for our future activities!作者: nicething 时间: 2003-10-20 16:58
其实汽车也好,游行也好,都只是活动的不同形式,不是一定要搞哪一种的,我们想OPEN一个舞台,让大家各抒已见,这正是我们重申自发的宗旨。作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-20 19:26
thanks pinner.
Please help us to get more suggestions. We are open to any suggestions now.作者: XiaoYuEr 时间: 2003-10-20 22:05
大家还有什么吗?作者: blueman 时间: 2003-10-21 19:47
I want to join in.
My Email: jianzhaofeng@hotmail.com作者: Folks 时间: 2003-10-21 19:54
I will join you guys if it is well planned!作者: XiaoYuEr 时间: 2003-10-21 21:18
我个人非常同意Wells_Xu的第二点,Montreal,市中心地下商业城里最大的优势就是人流大,暖和,适合人们欣赏和参与进来,还有位置在市中心,这条地下走廊在国际旅游业上可都是很有名的。如果在春节期间能将这一条长长的地下“走廊”布置成“中国走廊”,举办一个中国春节周,相信当地媒体会注意到的,当然我们主动发信通知当地主流媒体更好。 但同对方谈之前最好准备些我们的构思,或着说是设计方案大框架,比如说,色彩(红:红灯笼,红对联,红气球,红色的剪纸图案,红色的...),突出双赢的目的:对方免费提供场地,我们通过我们的展览和小活动为其吸引来更多的顾客, 而且还没准儿他们会主动来做一下宣传呢。
Cheers!作者: Wells . 大西瓜 时间: 2003-10-21 21:26
还有一种简单一点的形式可以做成象国内的春节/元宵集会那样子。在一个空地上,摆有各种各样的摊位,有猜灯谜,有有奖活动(如抛圈套物),有卖年货的,有卖小吃的。。。。 这样的活动,其实不仅仅老外会新奇,也是这里的中国人久违的活动。 如果因为天气太冷,可以租用一个大帐篷,有一个柴油鼓风机往里面吹加热过的空气。MCGILL每年冬天的迎接新学期活动“OPEN AIR PUB"就是用这种非常大的帐篷。我在里面当过义工,帐篷里空气很暖和,只比普通的室内温度低一点。 另一个办法是用辐射式的heat,用多个辐射式的heat在露天(每帐篷)的场所里cover全部的场地。虽然效果会差些,但也比没暖气的强。要是气温到了-20度以下,加上风速,人在室外是不可能坚持很久的。所以冬天的场所选择很重要,可以说场所限定了活动的形式。定了场所,才好定活动的形式。 作者: sino123 时间: 2003-10-22 14:03
I would like to attending this if it is interesting! 作者: happyChinese 时间: 2003-10-22 17:08