有确定的朋友吗?!.知一声.........................作者: amoon 时间: 2004-7-17 13:26
i'm not sure too, just saw this webpage: http://www.******.com/modules/eCal/display.php?day=17&month=07&year=2004
u can have a look, if someone can find the exact time, PLS reply the thread to tell us. Any, don't want to miss the firework from motherland 作者: amoon 时间: 2004-7-17 13:27
******* should be ******作者: flysky2 时间: 2004-7-17 13:44
Should start at 10pm. Do not fool us, guys.:p作者: amoon 时间: 2004-7-17 14:53
hi, i called the apartment, and she said the firework would begin at 10:00. Sorry for the erroro threads, because i just saw it from "Meng Cheng Zai Xian" net.