看来流氓只有步齐"当躺"的位置,在大部队的后边溜达了... :cool: :cool:作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-6 22:14
落在最后也好,假如阿呆U-Turn的话,我们就是第一名了。作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-7 19:26
呵呵,阿呆往回跑的时候是倒跑的,没辙了吧 作者: De L'Eglise 时间: 2003-6-9 11:16
Hi, 阿呆: How many followers have you gotten? Can you count me in? I can run after you at 7:00 pm wink wink wink作者: De L'Eglise 时间: 2003-6-11 20:38
Why not answer me?作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-11 21:06
阿呆收到的是flower, 没有follower.作者: AGUA 时间: 2003-6-13 03:27
阿呆, 你是不是喜欢倒着跑? 为什么能在跑步的时候还能抽空看PPMM?作者: 杀伤力 时间: 2003-6-13 03:46
阿呆,好些天没看到你了,都想你了呢!不会是因为做工把你老人家给累趴下了吧!我好同情你哟!想我的话记得上来找我哦,上班时间我随时在线,等你!作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-13 23:57
明天捉鬼鬼跑步去~~作者: jadis 时间: 2003-6-14 15:26
清晨7时许ST-LAURENT河畔DOWNTOWN鬼鬼新倩女幽魂现场公演精彩片段有DOWNTOWN狂追鬼妹时分鼻血大留不止---最后几字系阿呆原创。作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-14 16:01
--XX原创。作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-16 21:53
不过,我想,明天一定继续去河边约会鬼妹,当躺别掺和..鬼鬼,你的那些打架小人儿都作好了么.明天去跑如何? :p作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-16 22:15
阿呆三天打工,两天晒网,这样也能泡到鬼妹??作者: 呵呵 时间: 2003-6-18 06:27
downtown, 泡鬼魅不叫我啊,亏的使兄弟,我給你几张鬼画符,到时候,你用的着 作者: De L'Eglise 时间: 2003-6-18 11:57
阿呆, did you go jogging these mornings? Is the net in your home ok now? Don't get too tired for the work.作者: 杀伤力 时间: 2003-6-19 06:50
阿呆笨笨,你可不能以打工累的名义就不坚持跑步了呀!你要知道你身后有一大堆眼睛在看着你呢!你可不能让我们失望呀! 再说了要泡鬼妹也不是一天两天的事啊,懒鬼,继续啊!!!作者: Magic18 时间: 2003-6-19 12:00
i have to wake up at 7am on weekdays... cant do better wink i'm living too far away from the city...作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-19 20:37
:p作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-19 21:00
哪个是阿瓜? :confused:作者: 鬼鬼 时间: 2003-6-19 21:21
我天天弄到半夜,第二天爬不起来,痛苦ing, 从此起床是件很痛苦的事情,我教不会小人儿打架啊(偶太笨 ),,他们学会走路跑步啦,我叫他们每天跟你后面给你加油加油~~~吼吼~~~外加唱鼓舞斗志的歌,%^%$&*!#+(^$#。。。。。(以下省略)
前几天游泳去了,那个累呀。。。没说的。阿呆,下次一起去游泳吧,游完了一起蒸一下 作者: dongsiyuan 时间: 2003-6-19 22:27
hello, would you tell me where are you running ? is it far from down town ? thanks in here...作者: 杀伤力 时间: 2003-6-19 22:51
dongsiyuan : 告诉你吧!以前的阿呆是围着劳伦斯河跑现在的阿呆改天每天在床上跑或是梦里跑了!不用管他了,你自己跑自己的吧!作者: dongsiyuan 时间: 2003-6-19 23:09
thanks 杀伤力 , i just want to exercise a little bit, and not begin yet... ^^ anyway, thanks...作者: pissed 时间: 2003-6-19 23:21
Just for your guys' information, it is really not good for your health to run in the early morning, of course if taking off a few years of life is not a big concrn of yours, then it is another story. The best time should be after 10am. You can easily find the reason of this, maybe on the internet? Well anyway, something that we've believed for so long doesn't have to be correct and I remember while I was in the uni back in China, we were all forced to get up at 6am to do some stupid running thing, I always locked myself in the dorm, not because I knew it was bad for my health but I fell into sleep during the morning courses. And for that I did get some punishment. Now recall this experience, why the hell did they have the right to tell me when to get up and what to do! OK, back to the point, maybe not running in the moring won't make your life longer, but sure ain't make it shorter either.
And, if you are gonna flirt a little bit with someone while youre running, who knows, maybe the hormone is gonna cancel out all the bad effects. Good luck!作者: De L'Eglise 时间: 2003-6-20 12:42
阿呆, Stick to it, don't give up!作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-20 19:23
谢谢支持,偶一定坚持泡下去,不,是跑下去.至于时间,也只有早晨有时间了,而且清晨的感觉真的不错!!"初升的太阳照在脸上,也照在身边这棵小树.....心里响起一首老歌,谁还记得??作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-20 19:27
哈,鬼鬼MM邀请偶去游泳桑拿,你们没有这个待遇吧,知道为什么吗??就是不告诉你!!作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-20 19:41
蟹力撕,网结石的“校园的早晨”。阿呆,这么发白的歌曲也可以哄鬼妹哦?晕~鬼妹怕光的,还是晚上跑吧。"耍拉拉拉,耍拉拉in the morning; 耍拉拉拉,耍拉拉in the sunshine. 杀拉拉拉,杀拉拉in the evening, 杀拉拉拉just for you~~"作者: 流氓 时间: 2003-6-20 20:06
跟随啊呆去跑步了 作者: downtown 时间: 2003-6-20 20:19
风又吹,鬼会飞,胆小的懒虫慢慢追。作者: 流氓 时间: 2003-6-21 17:52
今天流氓去跑步,没有发现啊呆 :confused: :confused:作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-21 23:46
从下礼拜一恢复早锻炼,欢迎名流加入.鬼鬼的小人儿会跑了吧? :p作者: 呵呵 时间: 2003-6-22 09:54
什么是名流???? :mad: :mad: 我好象不是,郁闷,不过我好象可以在被窝里跑步作者: jadis 时间: 2003-6-24 15:04
阿呆同学,经过慎重考虑,允许你继续叫偶JJ,第二个建议也可以采纳,但只许叫要么前两个字,要么后两个字,小姑或者奶奶任你选。 :rolleyes:作者: 三叶草 时间: 2003-6-24 22:35
恩... wink
天天锻炼身体好 wink :p作者: 呵呵 时间: 2003-6-24 22:58
谢谢,幸好呵呵这个流氓没有名气,所以,可以继续在被窝中做千秋大梦 :rolleyes: :rolleyes:作者: De L'Eglise 时间: 2003-6-25 07:44
阿呆的晨跑还在继续吗?现在早上醒来得越来越早,没准儿俺也要出跑了,家里太热啦。 作者: 阿呆 时间: 2003-6-25 19:06