I am wondering if any of you would like to play at nights, say around 6 or 7pm? Anyday of the week will be fine. I always feel that I am not too bad at tennis though my girlfriend says any guys she ever played with are much better than me. Guess my feelings come from the fact that I never had the chances to play with some guy who really plays, or the fact that I had only a cheap racket and think only those showing-off girls have cool rackets. I bet I am wrong.
I am really tired of always after the running-on-the-ground balls, and I am waiting for you to play with you.
wanna play at night? drop a line or email to
有时间和大家打啊 :p作者: antoine 时间: 2002-8-11 20:34
我说你小子中间跑哪里去了,我还以为你找到漂亮女鬼了呢。 作者: knight 时间: 2002-8-12 09:58
花蝴蝶,seanruan 一定是被你个打残了,嘿嘿。。。作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-12 11:13
seanrun is a good player and runs away very fast...Maybe he need to arrange something for his new home...
I wish to met you and X next time...It is better on Sunday... :p :p作者: Seanruan 时间: 2002-8-15 20:04
KNIGHT你也来呀,见识一下我AGASSI的正手……作者: astalavista 时间: 2002-8-15 21:26
Hello guys,
I am planning go play this saterday night at Monk or Jolicor around 6:30pm. I am wondering if anyone of you would like to join me, actually I don't have a partner yet.
I think I am a not-so-bad type, I mean just good enough to have some defence if you are not too good. So in case you just got kicked by Hua Hu Die or someone at his level, maybe you need someone to ditch off.
Please email me before Friday night to
or leave a message here so that I know there will be definitely someone to come.
I really want to join you guys but I can go only at night, so please...I am waiting!!!作者: Seanruan 时间: 2002-8-16 10:37
huahudie, 周六几点啊?作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-16 11:17
I will go on Satuarday and Sunday at 9:00AM.
I wish to meet you all...作者: Seanruan 时间: 2002-8-16 11:24
另外,是去MONK吗?可能有些朋友不知道怎么走哦,你是不是要贴个说明如何到达球场呢?作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-16 11:27
I searched in Yahoo Map yesterday,But I have not find good one...
I will try to give you a feedback tonight...作者: ciqi 时间: 2002-8-16 14:17
just go along Allard street to the North from Monk Metro station, after few blocks, you may find a church at your left side, the tennis courts are just behind the church(west side).
good luck guys!作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-16 20:27
出了地铁站,站在十字路口,可以看见一个尖顶的教堂,有3,4个BLOCK...后边就是... :p :p :p
见地图作者: Seanruan 时间: 2002-8-16 20:35
那就9:00见了!大家都来啊,早上凉快……作者: Seanruan 时间: 2002-8-17 21:26
星期天大家还去吗?跟贴啊……作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-17 21:56
tmxk 兄,
晕死过去 ~~~~
我今天根本没去~~~是谁冒充我 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:作者: shjtu 时间: 2002-8-23 07:38
Hello,Every Fans:
How about this saturday? at 7:30am near Monk metro station?作者: snowcat 时间: 2002-8-23 13:21
I am a crazy fans but not a good player. Can I join you? Please post the time and location!作者: chunpingguest 时间: 2002-8-23 15:50
7:30 am 太早点儿了。 周六早上9:00 am如何?花蝴蝶,你给定个点儿,然后在这儿通知一下,免得大家错过。多谢了。作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-23 16:06
I can bet that place can hold tennis match~~It so nice
Last week,I got there at 8:00 in the morning.Only the seats left for us
So, get up early to enjoy your amazing
Everybody is welcome~~~I wish you join us...
Maybe I can not go this time...I am sorry about it...I say maybe,But I will try my best to go
Good luck~~~作者: snowcat 时间: 2002-8-23 22:04
8 or 8:30am is it OK? I am lazy. How can I find you people?作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-23 22:12
Have you been there before???作者: snowcat 时间: 2002-8-24 09:08
Sorry, I am a lazy cat. I didn't wake up although my alerm ringing for times.
frown作者: 花蝴蝶 时间: 2002-8-24 11:20
你这只猫也太LAZY了~~ 作者: snowcat 时间: 2002-8-24 15:21
Butterfly, when is next time? Will I have equal opportunity? It's a tennis match,right? In other words, I don't stand a chance to play if I can't win a competitor? Do you have any motivation for players with poor performance? :confused:作者: shjtu 时间: 2002-8-24 15:46