我有篮球,欢迎MM报名!作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-2 20:46
难道没有? :(作者: babygill 时间: 2003-6-2 21:42
count me in bah.. but i am not a good player oh... email me bah作者: sinonet 时间: 2003-6-5 13:41
HI, Girls, our Association, MMAC(Montreal Mynix Athelic Club) is recruiting a women basketball team, please contact us if you are interested. Please visit our web site : http://www.mmacsport.org
Please call (514)892-2955 Carson or (514)898-1071 Richard to acquire more details.作者: AngelPearl 时间: 2003-6-5 14:32
Will there be training provided for the woman's basketball team? I can't picture too chinese girls in interested in playing basketball. But I am interested...作者: rchin73 时间: 2003-6-5 15:22
Please come join MMAC. even you are not a good baksetball player, the CLUB has coach to train you. EVERY ONE is welcome. Age from 10years old to 99 years old. Please call for detail.作者: 滑板 时间: 2003-6-5 17:12
MM们 ~
算我一个~~~~ 作者: 神仙姐姐. 时间: 2003-6-8 10:28
我也想打蓝球,但不会(只是想活动活动筋骨),如果有傍晚时间在PLOMOND 附近打球的,我想回入。作者: vacation 时间: 2003-6-8 11:25
Please notify me if you have any activities, I like basketball.
E-mail:jygu0307@hotmail.com作者: yanr 时间: 2003-6-9 00:00
嗯,找到组织了,什么时候活动叫我一声儿啊! 酷爱运动!!什么都会点儿,什么都不精。 :p作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-9 00:41
有没有可以来McGill体育馆的MM 或者GG 打篮球,我在那里呀。星期一和三一定在,给我留言或者写信告知!作者: coolfish 时间: 2003-6-9 23:35
各位MM,本人仅代表‘流浪者’球队恭祝你们建队。有个小提议,如有可能,回头搞个篮球联谊?作者: babygill 时间: 2003-6-9 23:56
有没有人想要一起去看nba啊~~~~作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-10 00:15
Do you know how to access the gym on Friday ? Call me to meet you at the Saint-Henri Metro if you needed, cause the Entrance might not so visible for new comers.
You can either call me 892-2955 or Richard 898-1071 to pick up you girls.
Don't forget the time is 18:30
WANT TO SEE YOU ROCK THE GYM !作者: faraway 时间: 2003-6-12 14:36
Is there only one exit in that metro station? Do we need to meet a little earlier than 6:30, let's say 6:20?作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-13 00:10
那我们就决定明天黄昏6:20在Place Saint Henri地铁站的78路车站下面等,应该就在地铁站口外。不见不散,请届时耐心的等待各位JM。
呵呵,你也还没睡啊?大家都是夜猫哦。 :p作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-14 12:25
欢迎男生 吗?哭作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-14 12:31
No free access to McGill GYM :-(
but I have the membership!Ha :-)作者: rchin73 时间: 2003-6-14 15:15
It was my pleasure to meet all of you last night at the gym. You girls are very good B.Ball player, Keep it up !!!
About the gym,We still have B.ball next week. there are two schedule which is either start at 6.30pm or 8.30 pm, I will find out & let you girls soon the time schedule.作者: 滑板 时间: 2003-6-14 18:23
放假了和你们一起玩~~~~作者: deying 时间: 2003-6-14 18:54
Just know you are talking about sport, can I join the team? I like playing, but I don't know much basketball; Is it too late? tel : 450-4732470 yang作者: babygill 时间: 2003-6-14 21:29
希望有更多的女生可以一起来玩啊~~~~ 其实我是很喜欢看篮球飞人啊,很希望自己有一天可以很酷酷地打篮球呢,可惜我知道梦想永远都只会是梦想,至少对我来说是的@____@ 如果有空的话就再叫我吧, 就算不打, 我帮你们打气好了。 kate, 你是哪一个呀?作者: faraway 时间: 2003-6-14 21:45
It's Kate. 因为申请太晚,喜欢的名字都被占用了,只能随便写一个了. By the way, 很佩服你的45度角投篮, 有点流川枫的味道.先预定你下周五晚上6:30--10:30的时间.作者: rchin73 时间: 2003-6-15 11:32
MMAC will have the BBQ gathering next Saturday from 12.00 noon to 3 pm at Angrignon Part.
MMAC member is free of charge, non member $5.each.
berger, hot dog, steak......softball, freezebee and many more. every one is welcome.作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-15 12:14
how about YMCA members??作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-16 15:24
DOWNTOWN YMCA的免费游泳是不是真的呀?知道那个游泳池是什么尺寸的吗?作者: rongrong1041 时间: 2003-6-16 19:17
真的,好象是25*16M作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-16 21:23
恩,我也打电话去问过了,说人很多哦!是吗?作者: rongrong1041 时间: 2003-6-17 07:00
这要看你去的时间,还要看如何比较。人最多是一条泳道4、5个人吧。不过大家就象车在马路上行驶,多一点并不影响前进。作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-17 21:30
Gillian:给我写一下你的EMAIL地址,有东西转发给你。作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-18 23:23
呼叫BABYGILL!请给我发邮件ratse@21cn.com作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-18 23:39
如有问题,请给我发邮件ratse@21cn.com作者: babygill 时间: 2003-6-19 01:24
Hi, rachel.. sorry to reply you late.. my email address is bbgillian@hotmail.com.. i will send you email as well作者: sinonet 时间: 2003-6-20 13:35
up作者: andreyvv 时间: 2003-6-20 23:34
我们每周日下午 1点都在georges-vanier地铁站那里的篮球场打篮球~GGMM全部都有阿~有兴趣可以一起来玩阿~欢迎新面孔的加入~联系:sakurax_x@hotmail.com 询问打篮球的详细情况~作者: andreyvv 时间: 2003-6-20 23:40 http://www.beison.com/club/dispbbs.asp?boardID=28&ID=2172
有兴趣一起玩的,看看吧:)作者: faraway 时间: 2003-6-20 23:57
ratse :
The other three girls are really good, but we still need some time to do more practice. Anyway, we should thank you to orgnize a first Chinese women team in Montreal, I fall in love with basketball again.作者: faraway 时间: 2003-6-21 00:03
A Chinese women basketball team of Montreal is established, I'm glad to know all of you, hope we can make friends and enjoy our life in Montreal. I feel very very tired tonight, but really enjoyed it.作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-21 00:55
Hey, Kate:
I am so glad that we all enjoy playing basketball! Don't say those words to thank me la, just a simple message. I am glad to know you, Leo, Babagill and others. You are wonderful! It won't make us feel so lonely in this strange city, right?
And we can go to find other funs if it's available. 作者: babygill 时间: 2003-6-21 14:28
Heyhey, my name is not babagill lah~~~~~~ hehehe.. just joking loh.. today's bbq is nice arrr.. just i hate to be burned under sunshine...... next time~~ choose something indoor bah...作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-22 00:14
Babygill: 作者: allbestcn 时间: 2003-6-22 22:13
upup作者: ratse 时间: 2003-6-22 23:28
allbestcn: please send me your tel number to my mailbox. I will inform you next time.
ratse@21cn.com作者: faraway 时间: 2003-7-3 09:26
Hi,MM 们:
本周我不能和大家打篮球去了, 下周再和你们一块儿疯. wink作者: wangchang 时间: 2003-7-3 10:06
要说打篮球你算找到专家了,我从小就是篮球队的,专跟男生打,没有不服我的,他们都称我虎妞。我从来没有交过男朋友,今年都32了,还是处女。我一直在等待我心目中的英雄:穆铁柱一样的男人。作者: sinonet 时间: 2003-7-3 17:51
Wangchang: You are very welcomed to join the newly organized woman basketball team, please contact 892-2955 Carson or my business phone#: 878-0572
The woman team will have one training per week on Victoria gym now.作者: stackhouse77 时间: 2003-7-4 23:21
其实你们也可以到Concordia Loyola去打,一到四下午4:30以后,现在除了周四人多些,其他时候几乎没人,场地又好,还有我们几个比较铁杆的男生在那里打,可以教教你们。作者: ratse 时间: 2003-7-8 00:44
will this Friday has basketball gym or not?作者: ratse 时间: 2003-7-8 23:53
hi girls,
there will be a girl's basketball gym this Fridayat at 4880 Van Horne Ave., the Victoria School from 8:30-10: 30 pm.作者: coolfish 时间: 2003-7-10 23:03
stackhouse77说的没错,LOYOLA的确是个打球的好地方。FREE,舒服,人气旺,总能找到志同道合的朋友。再说,不是还有我们流浪者队每周4在那练球吗?要想一睹诸多帅哥风采,来吧 想和帅哥较量也欢迎哦,放心,我们打球很文明的啦。
今天就有两位靓女在这里玩球,打的有板有眼的,是你们这的吗?欢迎再来玩啦,其他MM也欢迎哦 :cool:作者: GJ&J 时间: 2003-7-12 21:29
嗨!大家好!我也是热爱篮球运动的一员,算我一个吧!有活动别望了通知一声,我一定参加。作者: ratse 时间: 2003-7-13 00:34
你是MM吗?请把你的MAIL和电话发给我,我们有活动的时候我会通知你。ratse@21cn.com作者: ratse 时间: 2003-7-16 01:11
本周女篮训练照常:FRIDAY 7:00PM-9:00PM,VICTORIA SCHOOL。作者: opqrstuvwxyz 时间: 2003-7-16 20:03
E-mail:clarexiao333@hotmail.com,我一定会参加.作者: LILI_2002 时间: 2003-7-16 22:46
guy concordia附近有打球的地方吗??作者: ratse 时间: 2003-8-1 00:04
本周女篮训练照常:FRIDAY(Aug 1st)
I got 2 more new girls for your team. They will be coming to practise this week. Pls note.
Casey is getting another 2 very good MM palyers who play for the collecge in SEPT..作者: CUfreshmen 时间: 2003-8-5 00:14
请问你们常说的georges-vanier的篮球馆是free的吗??何时开放,具体位置,谢谢:)作者: 3DEVIL 时间: 2003-8-6 11:52
LILI2002,你好。。请问你是否找到在guy-concordia附近的打篮球场所。。谢谢回复。。作者: LILI_2002 时间: 2003-8-6 20:03
离guy-concordia metro
932-9528作者: lula 时间: 2003-8-19 21:45
赶快组建一个女子篮球队呀!!!作者: lula 时间: 2003-8-19 21:52
Rachel, 你们的篮球队有几个人呀?