我现在如果外面打到28度,卧室睡觉的时候也会觉得冷 frown作者: God's my dog 时间: 2003-12-17 00:44
Hello!! I saw your message. I live in 1645 too. My room also feel cold after I turn on the heater. All the apt. in this building are the same. The only way you can do is get a small heater, it's cost around 20-30 bucks. U have no choice the old woman is kind of *****. You won't get any fix or answer. If you want leave a message here how to contact with you. I will meet you in 1645 lobby.....good luck作者: S. 时间: 2003-12-17 02:09
偶以前从来不用滴....-_-作者: God's my dog 时间: 2003-12-18 13:56
Actually I got that heater from my friend. It's really bad during the evening time. Because it's really loud. The sound like a pig. But we don't have any choice right. Which apartment are you living in right now. What is your phone no. maybe I can try to call you later on and then we can share the shit together. Sometimes I feel so bad to live in this building.作者: God's my dog 时间: 2003-12-18 14:02
One question for you. Did they increase the rental every 6 months or a year? If yes, please leave your apartment and phone no. I will tell you how to decline them. I live here for almost 4 years and they send me the notice every year but they can not increase my rental at all. So if you wanna save money I will teach u how to do it.作者: uwdanny 时间: 2003-12-18 16:16
Thanks man! Could you please teach us how to save the annually-increased rent?作者: blackcoffe 时间: 2003-12-18 16:53
Canadian Tire 有一种烧油的电暖气, 在国内好象叫油汀, 没有声音, 而且还能保暖。 我用了两个, 觉得还不错。 价钱好像是六十多块钱一个。还可以设定温度, 它会自动切换。作者: flm 时间: 2003-12-19 01:19
1500W电暖气$12, call 9376565