标题: a black man lookin for chinese gals [打印本页] 作者: join 时间: 2003-10-22 22:50 标题: a black man lookin for chinese gals do u wanna learn more english? do u wanna teach me chinese! here comes the chance!!!yo girls u are
now about to get a really good chance to meet a nice, good lookin,and black canadian.so pay attention to this message. this is a good opportunity u should not miss. this is my e-mail give me a shot soonest.mwanakes@yahoo.com 作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-23 20:10
If you want to teach someone English, then you'd better make sure your English has no spelling and grammar mistakes. Or you will fail to impress any English-learning girls even if you are black or whatever colors.作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-23 21:45 I am sure this eek! will figure it out eventually wink作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-23 22:15
What makes him smarter is he pretends smart by showing off his English skills... that makes me really sick, man作者: Iberville 时间: 2003-10-24 08:30
look for a negress,
do not overpass human resources!作者: SanHaoJie 时间: 2003-10-24 10:54
What he said and how you responded are different matters. I'm so shamed of your racist attitude. You are the worsest of all chinese!作者: Iberville 时间: 2003-10-24 11:14
SanHaoJie :
go marry a negress as you like.
your feast will be appreciated. thanks.作者: SanHaoJie 时间: 2003-10-24 11:30
Iberville, I know who you are in person and you are a coward in real life. How can you say you are better than anyone in this world? Can you at least go to any North American streat to speak out your view on blacks or any other race? You have no respect toward others and yourself. You voluntarily believe one race on top of another. Where are you in your scale?作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-24 18:16
We all know Jewish community is quite strong throughout North America, especially in the business world. A simple reason is that they hold together to become strong while they do dog fights behind doors.
You, Mr. SanHaoJie, is trying to prove to that world that you are "clean" and saint (you are not that clean by using that type of coarse street language against our brother Iberville). It is you type of people that is causing our community 一盘散沙! Shame on you, man!作者: metal_guy 时间: 2003-10-24 22:11
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-24 22:30
You should have said "Son of A Brownish Chick " instead of Son of bit*h. Don't be shy to use this word.
Oui Calice 呜骨鸡!!!作者: Matrix 时间: 2003-10-25 15:31
Iberville, u reminded me of the joke i gave wang8. Don't u think "use your head" would be more appropriate?! 作者: 聪明的白痴 时间: 2003-10-25 17:05
别TMD恶心了作者: Villager 时间: 2003-10-25 19:52
Member # 10726
我在中国时常听到这样一个词叫:“内外有别”,但我知道中国另外还有一句成语那就是:“一视同仁”,我希望有朝一日中国能以“一视同仁”取代“内外有别”。尽管大家都知道,种族问题在世界任何一个国家里,迄今为止都是未能根除的一个老而又老的难题。作者: helloman 时间: 2003-10-27 13:05
The article is well writen.
It is a truly sad reflection on the Chinese communities everywhere.作者: Mercury20 时间: 2003-10-27 14:16
是啊,鲁迅先生曾经说过:“我向来是不惮以最大的恶意来推测中国人的”,想必这句话大家还记忆犹新。我们有错误就应该承认,应该改过,这样中华民族才能正真的站立起来。作者: lotus8 时间: 2003-10-27 21:35
望自重.作者: 小明&阿 时间: 2003-10-28 00:08
奇特"的越南,柬埔寨人在公共场合被误认为是中国人所造成的.作者: 小明&阿 时间: 2003-10-28 00:13
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we don't need any pimp here~~~~~~