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发表于 2006-4-20 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
pls see my comment in the attachment

my comment.doc

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发表于 2006-4-21 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
i remember your story and it is good for you to save $25. but your victory stops here. then it comes up a question: do all your efforts justify the cause? apparently no, you still have to pay $70, plus the  time and troubls you spent in the court. obviously you don't care about the money, time and troubls only "justice". however, do you really have a persuasive argument? it seems to me, no.

if i were the police officer, i would give you another ticket right on the spot for second account-intimidating the other driver by honking the horn. here is my reasoning:

suppose the car before you is a normal car, not a police car, you should not honk your horn even he/she drives only 10 km/h, because there is no minimum speed limit in the city. actually, you have two options: either passing or following the car in front you.

why not give some benefits of doubts to the police? besides, they were on duty. also keep it in mind: police does have privilege on the road, no matter you like it or not.

i sympathize you, so did the judge. but it did not prove that the police did anything wrong when the judge took $25 of your $95 fine.

i disagree one of your statement below i changed the font color in red

good education does not always yield  good personal quality.

Post by 春江花月夜



1. 不要害怕上庭,司法程序是我们在这里生活的一部分;
2. 要保持证据;当时事发后我就写了一个plea,在我得电脑里,上庭前2天自己打印了出来,所以对当天的事情很清楚;
3. 不要对当地的警察有过高的期望,我相信他们中的部分素质远不如技术移民过来的受过良好教育的人们,所以不用和他们argue或试图和他们讲道理(当时我对2位女警没有客气,直接告诉她们你们不要以为你们有特权,咱们庭上见!),反而应该注意保留证据;我想我当天要是用录音(比如MP3或者我得手机录下她们威胁我要给我罚单上至1000元因为我challenge了她们的话),这件事我就不会这么简单了。

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发表于 2006-4-25 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
your jewish friend's story can not be confirmed here either true or false, therefore i don't want to comment on it. however, your idea when to honk the horn is definitely misconcepted. under no circumstances should someone honk the horn unless an emergency occurs. otherwise, it is considered rude and impatient.

it is true that in real life people do it anyway in all kinds of situations, yet it doesn't mean they are right and we should follow.  as for your case, two things are critical, first, it's a police car and they were on duty(the siren does not neccessary have to be on), second, it did not cause any traffic problem, you could just pass without making any fuzz. in light of these two facts, your acusation of abusing power by the police is groundless.

remember that the police is entilted to stop you and check your car registration. your strange behavior just made them suspicious to do so.

your determination of protecting your right is admirable, unfortunatly the  motive was wrong. it is very disturbing and destructive for you to used an invalid case to discredit the montreal law enforement, and it was even worst, you called on others to follow your example.
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发表于 2006-4-27 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
you considered the judge's mercy as evidence to support your cause, and someone even suggested that you could win if you bring the case to court. that is naive. i would say that the chances of winning are almost zero unless the judge treats you above the law. it happens sometimes, like the indian kirpan case.

actually, what really bothers me is not if you win the case or not, but rather the dangerous massage you send out to everyone from your first posting: let's fight agaist the authority.

you are promoting the distrust and conflict between the police and the new immigrants. please be aware that the police are not our enemies, it is the law offenders.

you think going to court is as simple as going to the grocery store. we are all rich, staying home doing nothing, and ready to sue anybody at any time.

you are misleading people, especially the newcomers. going to court should be reserved as the last alternative when we have a dispute.

you hit it right on the nail for your below point. it is not neccesary to wait till i become a policeman, the waiting time for the court hearing is already long enough to take at least one year also, as you know. pointless appeals like yours are to blame.

yet, this is your right. you finally have  hands on experience about what is going on in a canadian court. this is a canadian experince!

Post by 春江花月夜
And thanks God Mfeous were not a police. Otherwise there is too much overwhelming work for the court.
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发表于 2006-4-29 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
to be a role model to let others follow, you did far from what you should do. indeed, you did not do anything except trying to waive your $95 fine in the court. this was deemed you were sued by the police by violating the law for not signing the registration certificate. you did not agree and appealed for that decision.

it had nothing to do with what you ultimately want: punishing the two police for abusing the  power.

why not sue the police by opening a file in the court? you brushed aside this question with a perfect excuse: too pre-occupied! you have not tried it out by yourself , how can you guarantee that others will be better off if they follow your sugestion,  if same kind of situation happens again, let alone other cases?

practice what you preach first.

Post by 春江花月夜

本来是想去投诉这2个恶警,我不会改变我的称呼;因为当时的感受只有我自己知道。但限于各种原因,我确实没有再走下去;发这个帖子只是想给各位曾经或者将会受到不公正待遇的朋友打打气,或给一些新来乍到还不善于打官司解决问题的朋友一点启发,当然那些已经成功融入当地社会,张口闭口都要show off他的学识或给同胞以教育的人是不在此之列的;对于他们,我还不够格。

相反,假如这个帖子确实可以call on others to follow my example,那正是我的本意。
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发表于 2006-5-21 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
Post by tangyuanfang

go to the court. but remember one thing: before judge asks you anything, telll him/her you are from  the mars. i garantee you will get your fine waived.

good luck
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