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[电脑] 推荐便宜的摄像头

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发表于 2001-10-31 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, do you guys know what can buy one CCD web camera? it seems that most of the products are C-MOS. you know why the Kensington is so cheap? because it will not produce the web camera any more and it can not support Win2000. I bought one but I think that it is nor worthy since the Win2000 and WinXP will be better than Win98.             
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发表于 2001-11-3 12:43 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, Murray, I tried www.mydriver.com but there is no driver for the web cameara, except some driver for the mouse in Kensington.
I think Win2000 and WinXP will be much faster than Win98 ( I can never login into this website in Win98 but easily in Win2000 ) so I strong recommend the guys who want to buy a web camera should buy some other product regardless the cheaper price you can get from Kensington which does not support Win2000 and will never offer this kind of update any more.  Where can I buy a CCD one????                      
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发表于 2001-11-4 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, Dear Guys:

You can see from the Kensington's web site that it will no longer to provide the driver for Win2K and no more produce this. Windows
Note: No additional software versions are planned.

  Windows 2000 and Windows XP

  Important Note: Kensington is no longer manufacturing the VideoCAM line of digital cameras, and supplies are limited to existing stock. Further upgrades to the VideoCAMWorks™ software are not planned. The final release is version 1.2, dated August 2000, which is compatible with Windows® 95, 98, and Me.

and the website is http://www.kensington.com/support/sup_1170.html

The better one SuperVGA is 49.99 now and also has this problem.

be careful about your selection!

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发表于 2001-11-4 16:55 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, Eversun:
I can not find the driver for Win2k in the website you said, I installed the driver but no good. Actually I do not know which one is the driver, there is an applicaion named Setup, I double clicked it and followed the step but found there is no good for this camera.
By the way, could you please tell me the software which can detect the band of the hardware?
I know there is a shop in ATWATER metro staion named "Compsmart" which sells these two kinds of product.They are cheaper but be noted the driver's problem for Win2K.  I really think Win2K is much faster than Win98. WinXP might be better but get no chance to try it.
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发表于 2001-11-9 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, My dear friends:

Let's end this tedious topic, I sent a e-mail to the Technical Support of the Kensington and following is their answer. The good news is if you do not satisfied with it, you can get your money back after your return the camera!            

Hi, Murray, The best choice is to get your money back and try another one!
We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 48 hours since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your question to CLOSED.

Please DO NOT reply to this message.

If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here.

Question Reference #011104-000100
Subject:  The Win2K driver for the VedioCAM
Product:  VideoCAM  
Category:  Technical Issues  
Contact:  zhongjian168@hotmail.com
Date Created:  11/04/2001 05:32 PM
Last Updated:  11/05/2001 10:46 AM
Elapsed Time:  2 Days, 20 Hours
Status:  Closed
Model Number:  VGA
Serial Number:   
Platform:  N/A
Port:  N/A

---- 11/04/2001 05:32 PM ---------------------------------------------
Would you please recommend me a Win2K driver for the VedioCAM even I know that you will not offer the whole software for it. I only need a driver which can enable me to use it in Win2K through Netmeeting.
Waitting for your reply.
Suggested Answer
At 11/05/2001 10:45 AM we wrote -

As you may know by now, Kensington is not offering support for the VideoCAM under Windows 2000 or XP. The current VideoCAM line has been discontinued, so there will be no additional software or driver development for any operating systems. Our beta drivers and software are no longer available for download. If you are unable to return the cam to the store where it was purchased, the link below will take you to our 90-day satisfaction guarantee.


If you’ve had the cam for longer than 90 days, please respond and we can send you a different procedure to follow for a refund.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for being our customer. We realize that the Windows 2000/Windows XP situation was a disappointment and we sincerely apologize for that. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned and you, our customer, suffered the consequences. We appreciate your business and hope to keep you as a valued Kensington customer. Again, thank you for all of your patience and understanding.
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