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发表于 2011-5-17 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
"可是怎么打都觉得苹果打得不够烂,里面掺杂着小块 . . " ==> add a little bit of water/juice before blending.

Have fun!
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发表于 2011-5-17 14:53 | 显示全部楼层


刚想起了 . . . . 苹果泥是煮的, 不是打的 :p 。苹果泥 = 苹果酱 = Apple Sauce.

以前, 我给自己 煮苹果酱 (Apple Sauce) - 在锅里放苹果,加水几勺(一点点就够了),煮沸后再煮几分钟,完成。No need to remove apple skin, the skin fall off after cooking。

我只吃冷苹果酱,冷藏后 加糖 加奶油(cream),吃吃吃 。味道太好了!
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发表于 2011-5-18 14:33 | 显示全部楼层

你们又刮 。。。又蒸 。。。又切薄片 。。。再蒸  再打的 。。。:eek!: :eek!:

我也要找妈妈! 谁有兴趣申请?
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发表于 2011-5-18 14:54 | 显示全部楼层

又想起了 。。。真的很简单容易的!

童鞋们 的问题 是从苹果开始的   。。。错在苹果  。。。 :cool: !!

Not every type of apple is good for apple sauce.  Apples like Red Delicious, Royal Gala +++ that are crispy, will never be cooked into sauce.  U need to use apple that are "soft"   。。。

I'm not sure of their names, I'm guessing most local grown + 肥肥矮矮的, e.g. Spartan/Mackintosh/+++, should be OK.  U know those that are like $2/$3 for 3/5 lbs. bag in Summers.  Some local grown ones may not be suitable, I'm not sure if Mackintosh is soft enough.

I've seen Apple Charts, but don't know where to find it.  One thing u can do is take a bite    。。。 if apple is very crispy, don't use it for sauce.  Generally (我猜  :p ), whatever is good for apple pie, will be good for apple sauce.

我给自己 煮的苹果酱 (Apple Sauce) - 水煮沸后再煮~5分钟 :confused:,[color="DarkRed"]完全变成泥状,需要用勺子。苹果皮和核只用手/勺子 拿出来。真的很简单容易!

另: 我来生 绝对不做苹果   。。。 你们超吓人的说    。。。
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发表于 2011-5-18 15:27 | 显示全部楼层
你们许多人做苹果酱 ?!
(Applesauce - 应该是一个字,我之前错了 )

我下次上网(n天以后 :p ) 复制食谱。让我再想想,在哪里可以找到一个苹果图 (指南)。
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发表于 2011-5-19 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
"超市不是有现成的各种口味的水果和蔬菜的果泥吗,为什么自己做哪?" ==> extremely unhealthy, extra sugar, extra sodium +++.  Bottle BABY FOOD was actually reported . . . . . some bad effects on babies/kids, not sure if I saw it on CBC or CTV.  Can't remember if problem(s) was just overweight or more.
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发表于 2011-5-21 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
今天上午 阅读 Joy of Cooking 菜谱,越读越晕。苹果 太多烹调方法+用法,甜的 。 。 。 。 咸的 。 。 。 。 不看了!

你们自己找 ba!  基本上,苹果泥 英文 是 Applesauce (Apple Butter :confused: ) ,法语是 Compote de pommes。通常的食谱,加这 又那的  。 。 。 。真的不需要 。 。 。

我的苹果酱 (Applesauce)
1. 锅,任何有盖子的
2. 放苹果 n 个(任意)
3. 加水 n 勺(任意,不烧干 就行)
4. 煮沸后,改为中/小火,再煮几分钟 (苹果 会自动变成泥状)
5. 苹果皮和核 只需要用手/勺子(spoon) 拿出来
6. 完成。(热吃或冷吃,你的选择!)
(自由添加 糖和奶油=cream)

注1:可以先给苹果 来个泡泡浴 ,清除杀虫剂。
注2:如果使用[color="red"]正确种类的苹果,[color="Red"]无需削皮。苹果皮 会自动释放部分红色到苹果酱里,相当好看的!
注3:大多数本地种植的苹果,肥肥矮矮的,带点酸味的,应该没问题!收获季节时 (harvest),每袋约3或5磅重,约2或3刀一袋。

苹果图 (指南) 需要再 等等,或者你们试试网上找:
魁北克 :confused: 。 。 。农民(farmer) :confused: 。 。 。Board (协会) :confused: 。 。 。 Association (协会) :confused:  。 。 。+苹果
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发表于 2011-10-29 15:40 | 显示全部楼层

McIntosh apples 可做 苹果泥

Sorry, still haven't visited the Cuisine Collective after all these months :p  Just saw following recipe from http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/roasted_apple_butter.html.  Based on this recipe, I'm 100% sure that McIntosh will be good for Applesauce also, i.e. cook itself to MOO-SSSH

Roasted Apple Butter
    8 medium McIntosh apples, (2 3/4 pounds), peeled, cored and quartered
    2 cups unsweetened apple juice

1.    Preheat oven to 450°F. Arrange apples in a large roasting pan. Pour apple juice over the apples. Bake until tender and lightly browned, about 30 minutes. Using a fork or potato masher, thoroughly mash the apples in the roasting pan.

2.    Reduce oven temperature to 350°. Bake the apple puree, stirring occasionally, until very thick and deeply browned, 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours. Scrape into a bowl and let cool.

I'm not making above, takes too long :p  Happy cooking!!
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发表于 2011-11-3 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
"要把生苹果打烂还是把蒸熟的苹果打烂? " == 生苹果can be 打烂, 蒸熟的苹果 should be 蒸烂(if u use right type of apple).
"如要把生苹果打烂,就需要大功率的BLENDER, 有人说VITAMIX能把生苹果打成糊糊。" == don't know.  Possible.
Nice day!
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