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关于 AEC (ACS) 和 DEC (DCS)

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发表于 2009-6-22 15:19 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


DEC = Diploma of Collegial Studies
AEC = Attestation of Collegial Studies

Programs leading to an Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC/ACS) are specifically designed for adults. ACS programs do not include any of the general education courses (i.e. physical education, philosophy and language and literature courses) required to complete the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC/DCS) programs.

DCS: Diploma of Collegial Studies Technical training program comprised of concentration courses and general education courses (language, physical education, etc.).

The Diploma of Collegial Studies is recognised by the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec (MÉQ) and provides you with direct access to the job market. The DCS may also be submitted to gain admission to university.

ACS: Attestation of Collegial Studies The Attestation of Collegial Studies (or certificate) is made up of technical concentration courses relating to the activities of a given profession only.

An ACS provides graduates with direct access to the job market.

在魁省CÉGEP(collège ensengnement général et professionnel)层次的教育主要分为两大类:大学预科(formation préuniversitair )和技术教育(formation technique)。

两者毕业后都可获得DEC(diplome d'études collégiales)。只不过大学预科学两年,相当于国内的高三和大一。而技术教育多为三年,相当于国内的大专。

其中技术教育又分为两大类:DEC(diplome d'études collégiales) et AEC(attestation d'études collégiales).二者的区别在于AEC只学了相对应的DEC的全部或部分专业课程(大部分情况如此,不绝对。)

 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-22 15:31 | 显示全部楼层


我准备去Inter-Dec 去学习design, 开始拿到的资料每门课程都有学分,以为是拿DEC, 如果上这边的大学学分还可以有效;结果注册的时候,帮我注册的人又说 AEC 比 DEC 好,比DEC要高级别一点儿,原因说得很笼统,大概就是说AEC是专业的技能培训,方便找工作;DEC 只是学课程,修学分,具体怎么低级别,也没说清楚。我听得也云里雾里的。

其实我觉得,如果是同样的课程和学习(包括lab time),同样的学费,能拿到大学的部分学分,何乐而不为呢? 搞不懂他们为什么建议拿 AEC.  难道是DEC比AEC难拿到手?


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