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[摄影讨论] 请教菘屋两个关于 5D Mark II的问题

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发表于 2008-10-3 09:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
看了记者采访 CanonDirector and Chief Executive of Image Communication Products Operations, Masaya Maeda, 他们对话的全文见连接:


Some professional users have expressed concern about the fact that the 5D Mark II offers the same resolution and a more modern processor than the EOS-1Ds Mark III, making the 1Ds Mark III seem a little dated. What are your thoughts on the relative positioning of the two products?
              "That's a very good question. The 5D Mark II we're positioning as the very highest product in our high-end enthusiast range. The EOS 1Ds Mark III, by comparison, offers robust durability and long shutter life as the most important features for use in harsh studio conditions, we believe. However when it comes to image quality itself; because of the constant digital technology developments in this industry, it's always the latest camera that is best. So things like ISO expansion range and dynamic range are in a sense better in the 5D Mark II."

既然5D Mark II的动态范围好过 1Ds Mark III, 是否意味5D Mark II 的细节要比 1 Ds Mark III丰富?:rolleyes:

One of the most common complaints we've seen about the 5D Mark II is that it still has the same AF system as the original 5D. Why is this?
              "Firstly the market's evaluation of the 5D's AF system has been very positive; there have been no complaints from users, with everyone saying it's very good. Given that, to a certain extent, we think we shouldn't change it. And also there's some limitation with size; the AF sensor in the 50D is very big; the one in the 5D is much smaller. If we wanted to have all cross-sensors in the 5D Mark II, it would mean we might have to sacrifice the compactness of the body. It's all a question of balance of features and benefits."

50D的AF sensor 大过 5D mark II, 是不是50D的对焦好过5D mark II?:rolleyes:


发表于 2008-10-4 01:22 | 只看该作者
1 理论上说14比特比12比特动态范围大,在反差很大的情况下,能显示更多的细节。以及更丰富的色彩。不过我比较过两者,说老实话,差别不大。12比特的图像,用HDR的方法也能得到更大的动态范围的图象(例如32比特)

2 对焦速度并不是5D考虑的问题。这主要是市场定位的问题。例如5D的连拍速度也不快。但如果把它的所有指标都作得很高。那1DS又卖不动了。
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