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I need help with <<<<Entry Visa>>&am

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发表于 2004-4-5 00:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I am going to apply entry visa soon, yet I havent known how to prepare it. Some friends told me that I'd better have at least 7000 USD in my account, :confused: If I dont have, am I going to have difficulty? :confused: And does anybody know the address in Bafflo? Thanks for answering!! my email is : xinyue_ai@yahoo.com.cn
发表于 2004-4-5 01:47 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-4-27 21:57 | 只看该作者
Hi, there:
, z) ~) A' h% F. I2 ^) U # }# a3 |( s+ A4 S
I have a friend who is former immigration officer just recently retired. If you still need help, feel free to contact me.
5 C0 j( j2 u6 e' P $ [9 q3 R" o6 ?  {; Z: ^% i0 |
Good luck!  K9 m, {) Q, }7 A& x5 I0 w9 }8 e7 |/ Q
; t2 L( w  h9 a9 t) c" F
Peter 514 524-0780
Post by ionionionion
1 O8 ~8 Y8 e  p% E) r I am going to apply entry visa soon, yet I havent known how to prepare it. Some friends told me that I'd better have at least 7000 USD in my account, :confused: If I dont have, am I going to have difficulty? :confused: And does anybody know the address in Bafflo? Thanks for answering!! my email is : xinyue_ai@yahoo.com.cn
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发表于 2004-4-27 22:14 | 只看该作者
' w1 s: s( s4 g' q; v试一下吧。
2 {. x% J* n2 ^9 X; \; h2 ~/ fcanadian consulate general immigration section
2 v5 o- k7 F5 W6 U" y) {3 JADDRESS: 1251 Avenue of the America,NEW YORK city,NEW YORK state,U.S.A
5 e' ~5 L, W. G10020-1175(post code)5 U: V; R9 R$ V2 A8 F( o% ~

: C  |2 K7 g# \$ [! V( _9 b. k  |$ @GOOD LUCK!!!!!
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