如果要消除网球肘,或要预防网球肘,有 5 点是要注意的。
1。 拍线。
Poly 拍线越来越流行。 但poly拍线对elbow还是很 tough 的。
应尽量选软的, 对elbow 尽量友好friendly 的 poly 拍线。
Signum Pro Plasma
Solinco Tour Bite Soft
甚至,主线用poly , 横线用synthetic。
有几个来我这上线的球友, 给他们用的已经是很软的poly 拍线,网球肘还是很严重,基本打不了球。 但用了非常软,感觉非常好,很容易打出球速的Synthetic Gut 拍线,居然基本不受网球肘困扰,今年夏天继续打网球。 如 Wilson Sensation Synthetic Gut 拍线 , 更被认为救了不少球员 的网球生命。 这几个人的例子说明了拍线对网球肘的作用是很大的。
以下$35 的拍线,只要说看了我这个贴,或说是由你介绍来的,均只收$30. 这样,你也没有白看我的贴,多少有点益处,即这不是垃圾贴:rolleyes:。
Cordage des raquettes de tennis en moins de 12 heures
Fast, quality and great prices for restringing your tennis rackets !
More than 20 very popular strings: $15 - $35 only, everything included !
Popular soft poly strings:
Babolat RPM Blast $35, Gosen Polylon Comfort $30 , Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power $35, Signum Pro Megaforce $30 , Signum Pro Plasma $30, Solinco Tour Bite Soft $35, Tecnifibre Poly Spin $15.
Synthetic gut strings : Ashaway, Forten, Gosen, Prince, Toalson, Wilson etc. only $15 - $25.
Amazing Wilson Sensation Multifilament(great feel and very friendly to elbow, save a lot of tennis elbow bothering players' tennis life ) $35.
Famous Ashaway kevlar $35, still some pros use this string,
the mostly biting ball string.
Restring your racket with your own string: only $9 .
More than 15 years restringing more than one thousand rackets' experience.
Restringing your racket can be done the same day or within 12 hours.
Free pick up & deliver your rackets if < 5km, $5 if < 30 km.
Tel and text message: 514-984-7497, Michael,
Email: michael@66sports.com |