Post by 泛若不系舟
1/在网上申请,首先有一个CATEGORY的问题,不知象我等移民在category里应该选哪一类,似乎选mature Student也不合适,因为在后面陈述工作经历那一栏里,mature Student入大学前最多只受过十年教育,而选择本科前educated Outside Canada 的话,类别又自动划成国际学生类。网页上提供的类别似乎我们都不合适,不知你是否清楚这个问题,我写了EMAIL给康大,尚未回复。
2/我该以什么学位来申请会计本科?用经济学硕士会不会让他们认为我OVER QUALIFIED,实际上,我只是想扎扎实实从本科学起。
1, I've never tried the network application, but I would like to give you my opinion based on my judgement. I prefer to choose "educated outside canada", they will treat you as international student. It is said it would be easier for international students to get admission compared with immigrant though others treat it as a rumor, at least I believe it, partly. You can chance your status after your landing and change the tuition fee as a lower amount.
2, Over qualified happens occasionally.
3, I am sorry I have no idea about this question, that is out of my experience.
by the way, do you think it is a good idea to start from undergraduate? I am not interfering in your decision, I just said it.
Good luck! |