谢谢楼下的几位的经验。我是移民,目前人在国内,9月底来蒙,在网上申请康大明年元月份的本科,刚刚接到回邮,让我提供大学学历证明和成绩单,请问我在办移民时的学历公证能用吗?还是一定要用学校的信封装上什么证明寄出?他们的说法是:Transcripts are not normally considered official unless they have been sent directly to the Office of the Registrar by the institution concerned. In some cases (see application package), transcripts submitted in a sealed envelope may be accepted。这个see application package是何意思?
问题2,要我参加CELDT考试,他们的描述是这样的: You have been scheduled to write the Concordia English Language Diagnostic Test (CELDT). An appointment to write the CELDT is enclosed.