Angel Pearl 姐姐的三字经的确解得很有新意,已经超越了常人想象的藩篱!不过鄙人自忝稍有浅学,愿浸润之,着色之,精确之,通达之...
(校译版 All right reserved: Ocean Fish)
人之初:At the beginning of life.
性本善:Sex is good.
性相近:Basically, the sexual behaviours of human beings are all similar.
習相遠:But there are tons of diffirent habits do it.
苟不教:If you do not practice all the time long
性乃遷:Sex will leave you.
教之道:The way of learning it
贵以專:is very important to do it with fixed partner(s)
昔孟母: Once a great mother, Mrs Meng
擇鄰處:chose her neighbour to avoid bad sexual influence upon her son
子不學:If you don't study hard,
斷機杼:Your potential ability will become weaker and weaker.
竇燕山:Dou Yanshan, the famous man,
有義方:who owned a recipe of a kind of effective exciting medicine.
教五子:He passed down both his skill and recipe to all his five sons,
名俱揚:and their sexual ability became all well-known.
養不教:Therefore, if your children don't know how to do it,
父之過:It is all your fault.
教不嚴:If they don't master the core skills and concepts of it,
師之惰:that is because their teacher(you) is too lazy to show them the details.
子不學:You may refuse to study this
非所宜:but that is a real mistake
幼不學:If you don't learn it when you are still young,
老何為:What can you do when you are aged? |