Post by cathrinezhan
您就别提庞巴迪了,还有贝尔直升机(加拿大),劳斯莱斯(加拿大),整个都是歧视外来移民的大企业,尤其你不会讲法语。好一些的也就是南岸的PW加拿大,那是美国PW的分公司,多元文化还算好些,想进去太难; They are all the same, trust me! It is hard to get any job that is well paid. Those who work there . . . . wait for retirement. I was gonna say keep trying but then I know people who tried for years and never get in.
U guys are in the better years (last 5, including now) of Montreal in terms of employment already. U havn't seen the worst and I am sure that we'll have the chance to see it again!
Post by cathrinezhan
Monteal素有北方好莱坞之称,你看到的好莱坞大片有相当部分在Montreal拍摄或者在这里完成后期制作的——这些活中国人都沾不了边,最主要的 就是——你会用流利的法语和他们交流吗? Sometimes ago, there was an article in the Gazette that Hollywood is "leaving" Montreal. Not sure if it is available on their web site. |