(Saiga tatarica), medium-sized hoofed mammal, family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla), that lives in herds in treeless steppe country. Once common from Poland to western Mongolia, it was greatly reduced by hunting and no longer exists in Eastern Europe. It was given complete protection by the Russian government in 1919 and since then has increased in numbers in Siberia.
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我把包裹里的单子完整读了一遍,确实他们说我的药含有濒危野生动植物成分,所指就是Saiga tatarica,真是可笑,同仁堂是什么地方,这种药全中国的大小药店都有卖的,而且还出口,要不怎会有英文说明?他们以为中国可以随便公开买卖濒危动物哪!!更何况这种动物看来中国都没有!! :mad: