I like Wang8s style. You can move out early morning july 1. Every body do like this. If still have problem call 911 at july 1. I am shure this new moving season will watched by a lot of groups including the newspaper guys. They will like to report troubles and ask the city to solve it. Remember, canada is a socialist country.
I like Wang8s style. You can move out early morning july 1. Every body do like this. If still have problem call 911 at july 1. I am shure this new moving season will watched by a lot of groups including the newspaper guys. They will like to report troubles and ask the city to solve it. Remember, canada is a socialist country. :p
pengs is right. Move out 9:00-10:00am July 1st. Tell your plan to your landlord and do not negotiate with them. Just tell them your decision is final and do not say anything else. It is your right, they can do nothing.