Could you guys do me a favor. On Boxing day, I bought a BenQ DVD ReadWriter (DW 1610, 16x Dual Format) from the Futureshop, which has a $60 rebate. I sent the rebate form before the New Year, "BenQ Rebate" hasn't received it yet. Now they agree for me to resubmit the <Serial Number> and <UPC code>. Unfortunately, I didn't keep a copy. The UPU goes with the bar code on the box, and the original barcode should be cut off the box and sent with the rebate. If any of you bought the same product and kept your copy, they you should have the UPC (barcode), which consists of 12 digits(all numeric, probably 8400 4600 xxxx). Please kindly send me the UPC (barcode) at SeanHuang8@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance.
Best regards, |