meeting Sat
贴子经过一周多的沉浮, 得到十多位朋友的EMAIL和跟贴支持,(男女各半). 多谢大家.
本周六晚8点到9点, 如果朋友们有时间,可以到位于Guy-Concordia地铁站的Tim Hortons来聚一聚. 我知道这周是长周末,许多人有安排,没关系啦,还有下次. 不管人多人少,我都会准时在Tim Hortons. 为了容易识别,我的桌子上会摆3朵白色的花.
beijingstudent@yahoo.com :cool:
I am writing the same message in English below in case the Chinese one does not show up well (it happened before).
For the past 1 week, I got more than 10 people's emails and posts supporting my activity (about the same number for male and female). Thanks a lot.
We are going to have a meeting this Sat at Tim Hortons (metro Guy-Concordia) from 8 to 9pm. Please feel free to drop by. If you are going away for the long weekend, we are going to see you next time. In order for you to recognize me, I will put 3 white flowers on my coffee table. No matter how many people will show up, I will be there on time.
Have a wonderful weekend! |