”we are in a position to offer you a $4000-$5,000 research/teaching assistantship for the 2002-2003 academic year, provided you do not also hold a scholarship from another source (a provincial government scholarship, university fellowship or bursary, for example). Of this amount, $2,000 is an assistantship and the remainder is a direct grant. In the event that you are awarded a scholarship from another source greater than $4,000, the subsidy will be redirected to a student without funding. In the event that you are awarded other funding less than $4,000, we will subsidize this funding to the level of $4,000.”
是不是意味头一年的钱是4000, 此外,这种情况免不免学杂费?除此之外还有没有得到其他资助的可能,如第二年得到多一点的奖学金,有没有这个前景,盼过来人指点。学校给的答复限期是4月18号。我在国内。过不过来,过不过来????????谢谢!!! |