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[联谊] Halloween in old Montreal this weekend

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发表于 2005-10-28 13:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The event runs from yesterday through this Sunday.
The events today:

<TABLE id=gridEvents style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; WIDTH: 100%; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 rules=all border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sousTitre12pxboldOrange style="WIDTH: 19%">Time</TD><TD class=sousTitre12pxboldOrange style="WIDTH: 48%">Activities</TD><TD class=sousTitre12pxboldOrange style="WIDTH: 33%">lace & Price</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>6:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening La prophétie
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>L'ANTRE
Exhibit café: artefacts, works and special effects in a sound-and-visual-theme atmosphere.

Special activity : Les auteurs du congrès Boréal, Natasha Beaulieu, Jean-Louis Trudel, Yves Meynard, L'Alliance Impériale and l'Oriflamme
</TD><TD vAlign=top>Salle de la Commune of Bonsecours Market
325 De la Commune East
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>JACK-O-LANTERN
A soul lost in the night... a veritable gladiator wielding a sword!

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>L&Eacute;GENDES INSOLITES
From ancient books spill forth truly weird tales and legends : Priestess Ga&iuml;a, The mariner and his voyage to eternal damnation, Margurite-la-Folle and her dramatic fate, Le loup-garou, this creature who changes from man to wolf

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier

</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>&Agrave; LA RENCONTRE DE DAME VIOLETTE
A dart game like no other! Test your skill!
Tickets at the box office

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
Entrance fee: 2$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LES PR&Eacute;SAGES D'AVENIR DE LA GRANDE MASCARADE
Two fortune-tellers don't hesitate to describe to curious visitors their most disquieting future!
Tickets at the box office

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
Entrance fee: 2$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA SALLE DE TORTURE
Enter the chamber...if you dare!
Tickets at the box office

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place La Dauversière
north end, near Place Jacques-Cartier
Entrance fee: 2$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA COUR
What are those cries coming from behind the station? Why are the visitors emerging from there in a state of shock? It's not a walk for the faint of heart
Tickets at the box office

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place La Dauversière
north end, near Place Jacques-Cartier
Entrance fee: 2$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE STUDIO PHOTO LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC
Come enter the mysterious domain of the Loto-Québec photo studio to immortalize your Grand Masquerade experience

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE D.J. MAL&Eacute;FIQUE
Conducting his own nocturnal vigil, the Evil D.J. stalks the Grand Masquerade site, bewitching visitors with his art and mystique

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>6:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>CORT&Egrave;GE ET SORTIL&Egrave;GES
The Marguerite Bourgeois and Ch&acirc;teau Ramezay museums and the Sir George &Eacute;tienne Cartier historic site invite you to a theatre tour
Information and reservations: (514) 861-3708

The 6 p.m. tour will be conducted in english
</TD><TD vAlign=top>Old Montreal

Adults : 12 $ / Students, seniors and groups : 9$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>6:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening Le culte de la Dame Violette
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>6:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA VISITE DU JARDIN HANT&Eacute;...
A disturbing character - a witness of the past - tells his listeners about the rich history of Le Jardin Nelson
(20 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>6:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE DIABLE ET LES VAMPIRES URBAINS
Heeding the call of the fiddle-playing devil, urban vampires conduct an ancestral ritual
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>6:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LES FANT&Ocirc;MES DU VIEUX-PORT
The ghosts of Old Montreal will, for the very first time, appear at the Old Port
Information and reservations: (514) 868-0303
or [email="fantom.montreal@videotron.net"]fantom.montreal@videotron.net[/email]

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Old Port of Montréal

Adults: 15$/Students: 12$/Children 12 or under: 7$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>From 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>STARTING TIMES FOR LES FANT&Ocirc;MES DU VIEUX-MONTR&Eacute;AL
The head trackman greets travelers embarking on a voyage of discovery during which they will meet some of the illustrious eternal inhabitants of Old Montreal. Two regularly scheduled departures to set off to meet two spirits per route

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place La Dauversière
north end, near Place Jacques-Cartier
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>7:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>THE INITIATION CEREMONY OF THE DRUIDS
The druids - modern, mysterious, disconcerting characters, acolytes of The Venerable One - gather near the Hexed Pumpkin to conduct a strange ceremony
(1 hour)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>7:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>FAMILY FREAK-OUT SHOW

(30 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
Voluntary contribution
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>7:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening La prophétie
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>7:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA VISITE DU JARDIN HANT&Eacute;...
A disturbing character - a witness of the past - tells his listeners about the rich history of Le Jardin Nelson
(20 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>7:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>L'EX&Eacute;CUTION
The executioner and his cruel assistant lead a chained and hooded prisoner to his sad end - death in the electric chair
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>7:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>CORT&Egrave;GE ET SORTIL&Egrave;GES
The Marguerite Bourgeois and Ch&acirc;teau Ramezay museums and the Sir George &Eacute;tienne Cartier historic site invite you to a theatre tour
Information and reservations: (514) 861-3708

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Old Montreal

Adults : 12 $ / Students, seniors and groups : 9$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>8:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening Le culte de la Dame Violette
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>8:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>BOULE DE FEU ET &Acirc;ME DE FER

(30 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
Voluntary contribution
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>8:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE DIABLE ET LES VAMPIRES URBAINS
Heeding the call of the fiddle-playing devil, urban vampires conduct an ancestral ritual
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>8:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening La prophétie
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>8:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA VISITE DU JARDIN HANT&Eacute;...
A disturbing character - a witness of the past - tells his listeners about the rich history of Le Jardin Nelson
(20 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>9:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE FAKIR DU NORD

(30 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
Voluntary contribution
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>9:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>THE INITIATION CEREMONY OF THE DRUIDS
The druids - modern, mysterious, disconcerting characters, acolytes of The Venerable One - gather near the Hexed Pumpkin to conduct a strange ceremony
(1 hour)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>9:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>L'EX&Eacute;CUTION
The executioner and his cruel assistant lead a chained and hooded prisoner to his sad end - death in the electric chair
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>9:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>CORT&Egrave;GE ET SORTIL&Egrave;GES
The Marguerite Bourgeois and Ch&acirc;teau Ramezay museums and the Sir George &Eacute;tienne Cartier historic site invite you to a theatre tour
Information and reservations: (514) 861-3708

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Old Montreal

Adults : 12 $ / Students, seniors and groups : 9$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>9:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening Le culte de la Dame Violette
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>9:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA VISITE DU JARDIN HANT&Eacute;...
A disturbing character - a witness of the past - tells his listeners about the rich history of Le Jardin Nelson
(20 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>9:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LE DIABLE ET LES VAMPIRES URBAINS
Heeding the call of the fiddle-playing devil, urban vampires conduct an ancestral ritual
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>10:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>BALL: DE LA NUIT DU SACRIFICE!
Horror and gothic culture await you! With Le Cirque &Eacute;loize, Le Club Sin, Le Thé&acirc;tre Sans Fil, D.J. Mini and many others

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Salle de la Commune of Bonsecours Market
325 De la Commune East
Tickets : 15$
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>10:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>BOULE DE FEU ET &Acirc;ME DE FER

(30 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
north end, near Notre-Dame St.
Voluntary contribution
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>10:00 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening La prophétie
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>10:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA VISITE DU JARDIN HANT&Eacute;...
A disturbing character - a witness of the past - tells his listeners about the rich history of Le Jardin Nelson
(20 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
</TD></TR><TR class=bgPair><TD align=middle>10:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>L'EX&Eacute;CUTION
The executioner and his cruel assistant lead a chained and hooded prisoner to his sad end - death in the electric chair
(10 min.)

</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
south end, between St-Paul and De la Commune Sts.
</TD></TR><TR class=bgImpair><TD align=middle>10:30 p.m.</TD><TD vAlign=top>LA CITROUILLE ENVO&Ucirc;T&Eacute;E LOTO-QU&Eacute;BEC ET LE CHAMP DE CITROUILLES
Screening Le culte de la Dame Violette
(10 min.)


</TD><TD vAlign=top>Place Jacques-Cartier
central section
发表于 2005-10-28 21:24 | 只看该作者
thanks, and how about other days?
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