Thanks Linfengyifan! Your inquiry reminds me to clarify myself (I have updated my answer).
In some cases, you might need to file two provinces returns. Like in this case, if he held Le cart de solei while in Quebec, he might need to file Quebec return to pay the Drug Insurance Premium(Schedule K) to Quebec based on the period he was covered even though he became Ontario resident on Dec. 31 and filed Ontario return.
Post by linfengyifan
我听说从加拿大去美国工作, 如果还有residential tie in Canada, 是交加拿大税, 直到你cut这个联系. 双边税率的确是按具体时间计算的.
但在加拿大境内搬家, 在哪个省报税是看你的Dec 31th residence status, 如果你同时在几个地方有residential tie, 看哪个省has most significant tie, 就用哪个省的 package. 没听说过要同时两个省报税. |