Officially the MTU for PPPoE connection should be 1492. mind game, if you are using Bell Sympatico, make sure you set this MTU in your router AND your Windows XP as well. If you are not using router, but connect to your ADSL modem directly, set MTU to 1480 in Windows XP.
btw, are you running BT while going to Hotmail?
sissi_zeng, you also remind me a similar problem I had before. I can go to many web sites, but not Nissian Canada and Futureshop!! After I apply the following setting, my problem is gone. I'm not sure if it is related to the Hotmail problem, but the following does not hurt your system anyway because Windows XP will use the system default value:
1. Open regedit.exe
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
3. Delete the DWORD value "DisableUserTOSSetting"
4. Restart computer.
Post by sissi_zeng
ping -l 1500 www.hotmail.com
解决方案就是换一个拨号软件。 |