What is the rate increase determined by the Régie du logement this year ?
6 R. o$ m" y' b B. H) K7 s6 ?$ p- H
However the Régie du logement is able to estimate averages. So for the rents to be fixed for the period starting after April 1st 2006 but before April 2, 2007, it can be expected, if the method to fix the rent of the Régie is applied, that the rent variation will be of :
& `+ e3 t" ]- Q) r* z+ K
# S! L9 e: B6 _# Y- l: n+ j 1.1 % for electricity heated dwellings;
; c& o7 J$ }* x- O3 q2 a1 Z! P. }# N) ?# G1.6 % for gas heated dwellings;! o9 l$ ?# \# s, A" [' P! E6 _
4.3 % for oil heated dwellings;
- W( v2 p6 l' N6 E% K2 y [8 Q0.9 % for non heated dwellings.
8 n0 _0 i, ^( \+ c3 M0 v6 G) [/ ^- X( c( s! X! n& F; u) a) |
5 i3 \/ D& \; C; K: k$ h. U
http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/7_0/7_1_7.asp |