如果不是commercial use,不必申请静态IP,到 http://www.dyndns.org/ 申请一个dynamic DNS. 基本原理是,你在你的PC上安装一个client软件,每次你上网时如果IP地址改变了,这个client软件会自动在dyndns.org的数据库中将你自己选择的domain name 和你新的IP的mapping更新掉,所有其他人可以始终用同样的domainname来访问你的PC而不必担心你的PC的IP已经改变,你可以在你的PC上安装HTTP/FTP/TELNET/NETMEETING。。。 daemons, 这些IPbased application用这一方法使用完全没有问题,and IT's FREE!!! 我在BELL HSE,和dial-up上都试过,都没有问题,CABLE上我没有试用过。
其实除了dyndns.org提供这样的服务,还有很多其他公司也提供同样的免费服务, client软件也有很多可以选择,因为这种client软件和dyndns service之间的信息传递是有专门的协议定义好的,所以大部份client软件可以同时在几个不同的DYN DNS service provider 上更新你的IP。非常好用
Just got your cable installed? Itching to have a personal site on your DSL? Want to control your own e-mail? Don't want to have to tell friends about that annoying changing IP address or ISP-assigned hostname? We've got the answers for you!
Our Dynamic DNS and Static DNS services give you a new name - yourname.dyndns.org, for example, or you can choose from several other domains. Sign up, pick a hostname, download one of our selection of third-party update clients, and you're on your way! Best of all, these services are totally free for up to 5 hostnames each. Up to 20 hostnames in each service are available to donators. |