you need more exp. for signing contract with western cable/telephone service provider.
what you did at the first time was wrong. tec. didn't go to your place on time it is very normal here. what you should do is call VDTRON on that day, complain about it, then tell them because of this, you are going for BELL. If you do this, they proably will offer you some credit right there.
for your contract and all the rules, they are always printed on the back of your bill.
you don't know how the system works, it is normal to think they would noticed that you havn't been using ur service for those months. but the truth is, they wouldn't know untill you call in.
okey. I am working for a 3rd party for rogers right now, maybe I'll write something about how to talk to a cx service and understand their system when I have bit time on my hands.
don't worry about the money you own them, they can not do anything to you, but you will just not able to use VDTRON again until you solve all ur account issues.
at the end, I suggest you just be prepared to get cheated from Bell.
good luck |