After car pull out of snow hill with very hard effect(forward and backword with frequent swtitch, now the big problem happened, no drive in reverse gear, means car can not drive back with R gear(Automatic transaxle), only it can drive forward. Please tell what prossible problem it could be. Is it worthy repairing(old car 88 Carvan, voyager).
Thank so much for your help.if possible, please give me a call,(2583239)
Have a Nice Weekend.
Peter Xu
Too bad, the transmission was damaged; Back/forth in snow is best way to get only of snow, but kills lot, lot of transmission. Maybe you need shovel more before moving the car.
As you know, the used transmission worth about $500 for your car(old car), the installation need about $300~400. With this price tag, I think may not worth it. Next time, buy a GM van(cheap and solid), nor Chrysler or Ford.