Post by cilina
没找到schedules p,能不能说一下申请working premium 的条件,多谢!
我用的是Quicktax, 它可以自动帮你申请, 如果我们符合以下条件(在软件里有详细解释), 必须全部符合:
- You were resident in Québec on December 31, 2007, and are a Canadian citizen, an Indian registered as such under the Indian Act, a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or a person on whom Canada has conferred refugee protection under that Act.
- You were born before January 1, 1990 (or you were born after December 31, 1989, and had a spouse on December 31, 2007, were the father or mother of a child who lived with you, or were recognized as an emancipated minor by a competent authority such as a court).
- You or your spouse on December 31, 2007, if applicable, is reporting employment income or income from a business that you or your spouse carried on alone or as partners actively engaged in the business.
- You did not transfer to your father or mother an amount as a child 18 or over enrolled in post-secondary studies (Schedule S).
- No one received the child assistance payment from the Régie des rentes du Québec with regard to you, unless you reached the age of 18 before December 1, 2007.
- No one designated you as a dependent child for purposes of the tax credit respecting the work premium (Schedule P).
- No one claimed, with regard to you, a credit for individuals living in northern villages (Schedule I).
- Your annual income is less than the income indicated below.
Situation Annual income Person living alone $14,909 Couple without children $22,950 Single-parent family $31,832 Couple with a designated dependent child $43,437